Robert Byers writes:
Son writes:
Robert, do you actually want to scrap all schools? Do you really want to destroy education so everyone is equally ignorant? It may be your purpose but surely even you can understand why the state would be opposed to that. If it wasn't for education, you wouldn't even have the computer to type this on (remember that you can't make much if you teach 2+2=5).
Our purpose is to demand and allow the truth and the search for tryth in public institutions of learning.
This makes a intelligent populace.
Sorry but that is patently and demonstrably false.
You create avoidance schools and avoidance text books and avoidance radio and TV stations and avoidance browsers and avoidance peer review boards and avoidance accreditation boards.
You do everything you can to avoid a search for truth because you think you already have it.
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!