Panda writes:
If you make up some fantastical example that has no basis in reality, then I suppose it could be possible to argue that the designer's identity is important.
But, back in reality, the designer's identity doesn't matter much.
Well with that I agree. In reality there is no designer that has been identified and no scientific theory makes note of a need for a designer. However if one was ever found to be true. You can bet your ass you would have a million people proclaiming why their choosen identity of the designer matters and others don't.
Panda writes:
Can you think of a real-world example where knowing a designer's identity is useful?
Real world examples? No, not off hand. However for this thought experiment. I believe that the identity of the designer plays the most important role in both religious and philosophical aspects.
Panda writes:
On a side note:
ID is meant to be science.
If you start introducing the supernatural into the equation then that would not be science.
What you are doing is exactly what ID proponents deny is their intention: using ID to re-label religion as science
ID is just one type of field where a designer is required and I didn't think that we were talking about ID designers specifically. Creationism also needs a designer and in it the supernatural is firmly embedded. However I am not a proponent of either. I believe that ID
is religion relabeled. I just wanted to play devil’s advocate because I felt that jar was wrong on this point of identity not mattering for the designer.
'Qui non intelligit, aut taceat, aut discat'
The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.-FZ
The industrial revolution, flipped a bitch on evolution.-NOFX