rueh writes:
Well with that I agree. In reality there is no designer that has been identified and no scientific theory makes note of a need for a designer. However if one was ever found to be true. You can bet your ass you would have a million people proclaiming why their choosen identity of the designer matters and others don't.
People choosing the identity of the designer and then claiming it matters is what already happens.
The question asked by jar was to address this obsession with who the designer was (directed to IDists because of their focus on having a designer).
rueh writes:
Real world examples? No, not off hand. However for this thought experiment. I believe that the identity of the designer plays the most important role in both religious and philosophical aspects.
If a being designed all life and then died, people would carry on regardless.
"But who designed the designer?" they would ask.
"You cannot disprove my god!" they would cry.
Very little would change.
People are interested in their god because of the other things that their deity offers (e.g. eternal life).
No-one would worship a 'god' of design
And people happily worship gods that didn't design.
rueh writes:
ID is just one type of field where a designer is required and I didn't think that we were talking about ID designers specifically.
Well, the OP is based on the question
"Even if ID was true, is there any value to the concept of a Designer beyond a historical footnote or in the case of Product Liability suits?" and this thread
is in the 'Intelligent Design' forum.
rueh writes:
I just wanted to play devil’s advocate because I felt that jar was wrong on this point of identity not mattering for the designer.
Devil's advocaat?! Again you mention religion!

Edited by Panda, : No reason given.