GDR writes:
jar writes:
And things are also moving from more complex to less complex. Uranium decays to lead.
And life forms have evolved from less complex to more complex.
And from more complex to less complex.
GDR writes:
jar writes:
If you are simply selecting out those things that seem to support YOUR desired outcome, what is that called?
I don't have desired outcome. You had made the following assertion.
jar writes:
First, evolution is simply change over time.
Second, it is NOT directed.
Third there is no directionality.
I merely pointed out that your view that evolution is not directed is just opinion. (Presumably your desired outcome) It was you that made the assertion.
There is no scientific evidence either way.
Directed as in direction.
There is scientific evidence that it is the result of mutation (including variations) filtered by Natural Selection.
There is NO evidence for some intervention force.
But still, what does any of this have to do with determining what is life?
Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!