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Author Topic:   Even if there was a Designer, does it matter?
Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 101 of 214 (598331)
12-30-2010 11:27 AM

jar writes:
What is the value of the designer. Does it matter if the designer is Loki, Coyote, Yahweh, or Tom Thumb?
subbie writes:
the spiritual stuff is totally off topic
"IF" there is a designer and "IF" he is the Yahweh of the Holy Bible and "IF" what the bible says is true, then it absolutely matters because where you spend all of eternity is at stake.
IF there is no designer then nothing matters because there is no purpose.
IF there is a designer and he has a grand purpose for his design then everything matters.
What is the value of the designer? IF the design could not exist without the designer then his value is all of existence!
IF is a big word.

Replies to this message:
 Message 102 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 11:48 AM ICdesign has replied
 Message 107 by bluescat48, posted 12-30-2010 12:44 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 115 by subbie, posted 12-30-2010 1:57 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 103 of 214 (598337)
12-30-2010 11:59 AM
Reply to: Message 102 by jar
12-30-2010 11:48 AM

jar writes:
That still does not explain the value of the designer.
Loud and clear for me.
I'm not even a little bit surprised that the simplest truth is unclear to you jar.
Does it matter who designed the first radio or automobile or plane or train or box or match or button?
YES it absolutely matters. Without the designer of those items we would not have any of those items!!!
....I've heard of the light being on but nobody home but your house doesn't even have a candle burning
Edited by ICdesign, : No reason given.

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 Message 102 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 11:48 AM jar has replied

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 Message 104 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 12:16 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 105 of 214 (598340)
12-30-2010 12:30 PM
Reply to: Message 104 by jar
12-30-2010 12:16 PM

jar writes:
How does it matter? They exist. They exist whether there was a designer or not.
If they were not designed by a designer would they exist?

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 Message 104 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 12:16 PM jar has replied

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 Message 106 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 12:38 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 108 of 214 (598346)
12-30-2010 12:53 PM
Reply to: Message 106 by jar
12-30-2010 12:38 PM

jar writes:
But the question is, since we know they do exist, does the designer even matter for any reason
Yes jar. Yes yes yes. IF nothing can exist without the designer then the designer matters.
You never answered my question. Could the radio or the automobile exist without a designer?
Why is that?

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 Message 106 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 12:38 PM jar has replied

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 Message 110 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 1:12 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 109 of 214 (598349)
12-30-2010 1:03 PM
Reply to: Message 107 by bluescat48
12-30-2010 12:44 PM

bc writes:
Where a human spends eternity has no bearing on whether a designer exists or not.
The thread is not about IF the designer exists but IF it matters IF he does exist.

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 Message 107 by bluescat48, posted 12-30-2010 12:44 PM bluescat48 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 111 by ringo, posted 12-30-2010 1:18 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 140 by bluescat48, posted 12-30-2010 5:21 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 112 of 214 (598356)
12-30-2010 1:40 PM
Reply to: Message 110 by jar
12-30-2010 1:12 PM

Re: does the designer matter?
Nor is there any evidence that "IF nothing can exist without the designer then the designer matters."
Show me your evidence that it doesn't matter.
Well, we certainly know that the radio can exist even if not designed.
Show me one without the aid of a designed computer.
We know that mobility can exist even if not designed.
We were talking about an automobile not mobility.
jar writes:
I see no reason that even in that case the designer is of any relevance
And this is why I laugh when I hear you spouting off about being a Christian

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 Message 110 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 1:12 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 114 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 1:56 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 113 of 214 (598357)
12-30-2010 1:44 PM
Reply to: Message 111 by ringo
12-30-2010 1:18 PM

ringo writes:
Think of an experiment. What kind of test can you do where you can predict, "If there is a designer, A will happen. If there is no designer, B will happen."
You first

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 Message 111 by ringo, posted 12-30-2010 1:18 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 116 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 2:06 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 135 by ringo, posted 12-30-2010 4:32 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 117 of 214 (598363)
12-30-2010 2:23 PM
Reply to: Message 116 by jar
12-30-2010 2:06 PM

Re: a test...
jar writes:
The difference between something designed, like cars, and those things that are not designed like mammals though can be seen in the difference in how good ideas do not propagate through out the living species or kinds.
What a completely stupid argument. God is a creative genius. The variety of different creatures and various features was intentional. He could have easily made everything the same as a moron such as yourself would have done.
Its the same old argument with you people. You are so arrogant that your argument is "If I were God I would have done it like such and so." You make me want to puke.

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 Message 116 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 2:06 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 118 by DrJones*, posted 12-30-2010 2:28 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 121 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 2:54 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 119 of 214 (598365)
12-30-2010 2:33 PM
Reply to: Message 115 by subbie
12-30-2010 1:57 PM

subbie writes:
Our best theory now states that things came about by natural processes.
Key word being "Our".
I"ll tell you what there subbie. When "Your" people show me how to create life from nothing I'll be the first to worship at "your" altar.
Till then I will worship at the altar of the one who CAN create life from nothing.
You guys go ahead and wallow around in your stupidity, I have more important things to tend to...

This message is a reply to:
 Message 115 by subbie, posted 12-30-2010 1:57 PM subbie has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 120 by subbie, posted 12-30-2010 2:34 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 122 of 214 (598368)
12-30-2010 3:02 PM
Reply to: Message 114 by jar
12-30-2010 1:56 PM

Re: does the designer matter?
jar writes:
You do know that we discovered that stars and other objects produce radio before computers didn't you?
First of all you know damn well you were talking about a mechanical radio not radio waves.
You would have to seriously up-grade to reach disingenuous.
Definition: radio (by Websters)
Noun 1. Medium for communication.
2. An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals.
3. A communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves.
What exactly are the stars and other objects communicating and who are they communicating to?

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 Message 114 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 1:56 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 124 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 3:07 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 125 of 214 (598371)
12-30-2010 3:07 PM
Reply to: Message 121 by jar
12-30-2010 2:54 PM

Re: a test...
jar writes:
You asked for an example of a test, and I provided one.

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 Message 121 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 2:54 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 130 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 3:27 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 136 of 214 (598397)
12-30-2010 4:41 PM
Reply to: Message 130 by jar
12-30-2010 3:27 PM

Re: a test...
jar writes:
I provided a test: "If there was a designer we would see good ideas propagate throughout the models, if there is not a designer we should see "just good enough" critters that do not incorporate good ideas from other models."
I already told you I thought your automobile analogy was stupid. I'm not going to repeat my reasons for not respecting your so-called test but feel free to revisit Message 117.
How God would have done it if he were as smart as me is not a test that I recognize.
He did not do things as YOU see fit! He did things as HE saw fit to accomplish the goals and purposes of his plan. Who cares how you or any of you think it "should" have been done? Who the hell do you think you are?
if there is not a designer we should see "just good enough" critters that do not incorporate good ideas from other models."
NO we wouldn't. "Good enough" takes incredibly intelligent designed systems working in harmony to achieve the end result. To even refer to life as we see it as "just good enough" is an understatement of monumental proportions!
Got to run,
One living cell is more complex than the space shuttle. Would you call the space shuttle "just good enough"?

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 Message 130 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 3:27 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 138 by subbie, posted 12-30-2010 4:58 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 139 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 5:01 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 142 by Tanypteryx, posted 12-30-2010 6:26 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 143 of 214 (598470)
12-31-2010 10:08 AM
Reply to: Message 139 by jar
12-30-2010 5:01 PM

Re: a test...
jar writes:
Again, how is one living cell more complex than the Space Shuttle? What is your measurement tool for complexity?
I'll be happy to school you another time and another thread of the vast complexity of a cell and how arrogant your "just good enough" comments are, but for now lets address your so-called test.
You asked for a test. I presented a test. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with anything or think something is stupid, it is a test.
Your standard for the test is assuming that you know what God's intentions were when he created everything. Was his intention to create everything to be the best he knew how to make it?
(I'm sure this is probably above your head jar but try to keep up so I don't have to see another
"Huh?" from you.)
Could God have created, man for example, to run faster, be stronger, see better, never get sick,
have poop that doesn't stink and so on and so forth? You and your evolutionist friends are convinced that what we see is the very best God was capable of producing.
With that mindset I can understand your misunderstanding of what we see in the world from a God who is said to be Omnipotent and Omniscient.
So, for your test to be a valid test God had to be trying to create every aspect of his creation to be the best and most perfect in every way that he was capable of producing.
Using the bible show me your evidence that this was God's intention.
Edited by ICdesign, : No reason given.

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 Message 139 by jar, posted 12-30-2010 5:01 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 144 by jar, posted 12-31-2010 10:24 AM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 145 of 214 (598474)
12-31-2010 11:08 AM
Reply to: Message 144 by jar
12-31-2010 10:24 AM

Re: The designer who's intent was not to do his best.
jar writes:
Sorry but that is nonsense. The test I presented says nothing about intent
It has everything to do with intent.
jar writes:
In designed things we hold the designer liable when it can be shown that the designer did NOT follow best practices. The Designer you mention would be such an example, a designer that did not try to do his best.
Your arrogance offends me to the point of literally making me sick to my stomach.
Your going to hold God liable?
I never said God is not doing his best. You don't know what the end goal is or what path has to be taken to reach that goal. Only God knows. That's why he is God and your not.
His ways are not our ways.
As it says in 2Corinthians 12:9 ...power is perfected in weakness.
God has a plan and we are in the middle of the execution of his divine plan. Period.
I find your arrogance so incredibly offensive that I will not correspond any further with you jar.

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 Message 144 by jar, posted 12-31-2010 10:24 AM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 146 by jar, posted 12-31-2010 11:38 AM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5117 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 168 of 214 (598585)
01-01-2011 1:16 PM
Reply to: Message 146 by jar
12-31-2010 11:38 AM

Re: The designer who's intent was not to do his best.
I can't stand it anymore jar. I just can't can't let you get away with using these idiotic lines of
"reasoning" as if they disprove a designer. As far as your arrogance and blasphemy is concerned, I am going to symbolically put my fingers in my ears and go "blubbuldy blubbuldy blubbildy, and find contentment in knowing you will be dealt with on your future appointment with the Judge Jesus Christ of whom you claim to be following.
jar writes:
The difference between something designed, like cars, and those things that are not designed like mammals though can be seen in the difference in how good ideas do not propagate through out the living species or kinds.
First of all, all mammals have common features that are necessary to survive here on planet earth.
This fact is one of the driving forces behind the ToE.
* electric wipers instead of vacuum.
* internal combustion engines.
* radial tires.
* heaters.
* air conditioning.
* roll down windows.
* headlights.
* mirrors.
* steering wheels.
* tops.
* spare tires.
* space saver spares.
* starters.
* the change from generator to alternator.
Wipers: Not all wipers are electric. In trucks for instance, some are air and some are electric. And so what anyway. If a car maker chose to use a vacuum wiper, does that in any way prove their isn't a car designer? Its a good idea to have intermediate wipers. Some cars don't have that feature, some have two settings and some have six settings.
Variation in design doesn't prove anything other than design ideas are flexible.
Internal combustion engines: You have internal combustion and you have rotary engines. You have diesel engines. You have 600hp engines and you have little 50hp engines.
Variation in design doesn't prove anything other than design ideas are flexible.
I could go right down your list and refute your premise with every feature.
The point I was trying to make before is that it was not God's intent to give every creature the same feature nor was it his intent to make every feature as strong and powerful as he was capable of making them. Could he have given man the same vision as he did the eagle? Of course.
Could every car manufacturer have put electric windows in every model they produce? Of course.
Did they? No. Were the cars with manual windows designed by a designer?
Digging deep to regain a respectful tone,

This message is a reply to:
 Message 146 by jar, posted 12-31-2010 11:38 AM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 169 by jar, posted 01-01-2011 1:22 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 171 by crashfrog, posted 01-01-2011 4:33 PM ICdesign has replied

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