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Author Topic:   Are any of these prophecies fulfilled by Jesus?
Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 20 of 255 (593901)
11-30-2010 11:16 AM
Reply to: Message 19 by jar
11-30-2010 9:56 AM

Re: Zechariah 9:9
2 Peter 2:1 ....there will be false teachers among you,
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies....
and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the
tradition of men, according to the basic principles of
the world, and not according to Christ.
Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried about with various
and strange doctrines.
Ephesians 4:14 ...we are no longer to be children,
tossed here and there by waves and carried about
by every wind of of doctrine, by the trickery of men
by craftiness in deceitful scheming...
GOD and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, for training in righteousness...
Matthew 24:35 Jesus said: Heaven and earth will
pass away, but my words will not pass away.
So guess what jar? Long after you are dead and
gone and your big mouth has been silenced, the
Word of God will still be marching on as it has
from day one and will continue to do till the final
day. The bible is by far the number one selling
book in all of history and by far the most loved
and the most read of any book ever written.
Nothing you will ever say or do will put even the
slightest dent in the unchangeable truth of

This message is a reply to:
 Message 19 by jar, posted 11-30-2010 9:56 AM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 21 by jar, posted 11-30-2010 11:29 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 22 by Theodoric, posted 11-30-2010 11:32 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 24 by frako, posted 11-30-2010 11:47 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 30 by Kapyong, posted 11-30-2010 4:00 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 31 by Kapyong, posted 11-30-2010 4:03 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 32 by crashfrog, posted 11-30-2010 4:04 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 33 by Kapyong, posted 11-30-2010 4:04 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 34 by Kapyong, posted 11-30-2010 4:06 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 35 by Kapyong, posted 11-30-2010 4:09 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 39 by Coragyps, posted 11-30-2010 4:26 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 58 by arachnophilia, posted 12-02-2010 5:50 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 50 of 255 (593998)
12-01-2010 2:49 AM
Reply to: Message 32 by crashfrog
11-30-2010 4:04 PM

Re: Zechariah 9:9
Yeah that's right Crashfrog. I am sick of
listening to all of you big mouths mocking
God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have never once seen jar get even one
single scripture right. He twists everything
he speaks about acting like he is a big
authority on the bible. He consistantly
calls God a liar and tries to act like he
knows God when he doesn't have the slightest
clue about the true and living God. yeah, long after jar and the rest of us
are long gone the truth of God will go marching
on changing lives and saving souls. 100 years
from now not one thing any of you have said will
be remembered but not even one word of
God will pass away and none of you can
do anything about it.
over & out
OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to this message by continuing in this vein.
Edited by AdminPD, : Warning

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 Message 32 by crashfrog, posted 11-30-2010 4:04 PM crashfrog has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 51 by anglagard, posted 12-01-2010 3:12 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 53 by AdminPD, posted 12-01-2010 7:23 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 55 by Granny Magda, posted 12-01-2010 7:38 AM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 56 by jar, posted 12-01-2010 10:33 AM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 72 of 255 (594920)
12-05-2010 4:36 PM

I choose to choose not to
Most of you assume that since I didn't respond to the gospel according to jar that I am unable to validate claims that Jesus fulfilled prophecy. The only reason I even eluded to them to begin with was to encourage Meldinoor that his upcoming debate with Buzsaw could have a lot of content to sink his teeth into and not to give up on his faith just yet.
I find it amusing that many of you who don't believe ANYTHING written in the bible has one iota of validity yet you are perfectly willing to give jar a pass to give his version as long as he opposes mainstream Christianity.
I have come to understand that it is a complete waste of time to refute the opinions on this forum. No matter what I say there will be at least a half dozen of you who makes sure it gets buried in a sea of BS.
A prophecy doesn't have to be in context with the entire paragraph it is encased in. That is one reason why so many like jar get it wrong.
All of the scriptures I posted seem to be fulfilled by Jesus.
He was born of a virgin,He was born in Bethlehem, He rode into town on a donkey,He was beaten to a bloody pulp,
...... so-forth and so-on. I am not going to spend a bunch of wasted time trying to convince a group of God-bashers something they refuse to put their faith in.
...At any rate: Merry CHRISTmas to all !!
(written 2010 years after....)
Edited by ICDESIGN, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 73 by jar, posted 12-05-2010 4:39 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 74 by Theodoric, posted 12-05-2010 4:53 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 75 by bluescat48, posted 12-05-2010 5:12 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 80 by arachnophilia, posted 12-05-2010 7:36 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 83 of 255 (594959)
12-05-2010 8:20 PM
Reply to: Message 80 by arachnophilia
12-05-2010 7:36 PM

Re: context is everything
arachnophilia writes:
...uh, sorry, but yes it does. you can't just bend an author's words to mean whatever you like.
...uh, sorry but NO it doesn't. The author doesn't even know he is speaking a prophecy at the time.
He is usually making a totally different point.
i think the surrounding words are important. don't you?
Yes. When it isn't a prophecy, I totally agree with you.

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 Message 80 by arachnophilia, posted 12-05-2010 7:36 PM arachnophilia has replied

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 Message 84 by arachnophilia, posted 12-05-2010 9:30 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 85 by Coragyps, posted 12-05-2010 9:31 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 87 by bluescat48, posted 12-05-2010 9:36 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 88 by jar, posted 12-05-2010 9:38 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 90 of 255 (595060)
12-06-2010 12:18 PM
Reply to: Message 88 by jar
12-05-2010 9:38 PM

Re: context is everything
I can give some examples of what I'm talking about but first lets shift the spotlight to the one posing as the expert on scripture and the author of this thread.
jar, you claim to be a devout Christian but all I ever see you doing is talking smack about the bible and its claims. You completely deny we are sinners in need of a Savior. Devout Christian?
Do you believe their was prophecy written about Jesus Christ? If so show us what they are. What was Jesus referring to in Mark 14:49 when he said: " Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures."? (NAS)

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 Message 88 by jar, posted 12-05-2010 9:38 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 91 by Panda, posted 12-06-2010 12:21 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 92 by jar, posted 12-06-2010 12:36 PM ICdesign has replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 93 of 255 (595076)
12-06-2010 1:12 PM
Reply to: Message 92 by jar
12-06-2010 12:36 PM

Re: context is everything
jar writes:
I in the version of the story found in Mark 14, the author has the character Jesus talk about his premonitions of a coming death. If the stories about Jesus are true, that should have been obvious to him as well as many others. He was telling folk that it was time to stop just accepting what they were told and to start questioning the popular dogma; and that is never a popular position
Here we go with gospel according to jar again. The text does not say any of this. Again what the scripture clearly states in Mark 14:49 is ..."THIS HAS TAKEN PLACE TO FULFILL THE SCRIPTURES"!
The Old Testament were the only scriptures there were at that time.
the particular scripture is not referenced in the passage but it is most likely referring to the earlier passage in Mark 14 where he asks to be spared.
Think about what you are saying jar. What happened earlier wasn't scripture yet.
It also might help if instead of you saying what it is I believe, that you ask ME what it is I believe
I was repeating your profession made on the testimony thread. I could look it up for you but as stated it is for another thread.

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 Message 92 by jar, posted 12-06-2010 12:36 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 94 by jar, posted 12-06-2010 2:56 PM ICdesign has replied
 Message 98 by arachnophilia, posted 12-07-2010 8:14 PM ICdesign has not replied

Member (Idle past 5088 days)
Posts: 360
From: Phoenix Arizona USA
Joined: 03-10-2007

Message 95 of 255 (595112)
12-06-2010 3:55 PM
Reply to: Message 94 by jar
12-06-2010 2:56 PM

bottom line
jar writes:
since it does not specify what scripture is involved, either refers back to earlier in the conversation
Mark was quoting what Jesus said. Mark was written from A.D. 50 to 70. Its obvious Mark wasn't referring to what Mark had written but what Jesus had said at the time before his crucifixion.
It is plain to see Jesus was referring to what was about to happen. Nowhere in scripture does it ever say Jesus had a premonition either. He always spoke with authority. Never did he speak the words: "I think; maybe, might or could.
Again in Mark 14:49 He spoke with absolute authority that what was taking place WAS fulfilling
scripture. Your feeble attempts to discredit what the scripture plainly and clearly states shows
your opinion is wrong and cannot be trusted.
To call it a premonition proves my point that you are a false teacher and a deceiver as I have stated all along.
.....and what ever your next posts are my answer is "your wrong"
end of story

This message is a reply to:
 Message 94 by jar, posted 12-06-2010 2:56 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 96 by Panda, posted 12-06-2010 4:25 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 97 by jar, posted 12-06-2010 5:22 PM ICdesign has not replied
 Message 104 by Woodsy, posted 12-30-2010 8:37 AM ICdesign has not replied

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