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Author Topic:   how exactly does Israel stabilize the Middle East and why do we need Israel?
Member (Idle past 2430 days)
Posts: 6117
Joined: 01-12-2008

Message 61 of 108 (572450)
08-05-2010 10:32 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:29 PM

Re: World End?
It does not pay a prophet to be too specific.
L. Sprague de Camp

Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.

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 Message 60 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:29 PM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Inactive Member

Message 62 of 108 (572451)
08-05-2010 10:33 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by jar
08-05-2010 10:01 AM

Re: Islam Protects Judeo-Christian??
jar writes:
In addition, there is a long, long History of the Muslims protecting and guarding the pilgrims that visited the Middle east going back to Saladin.
There have been Christian and Jewish sites preserved and even in active use throughout the Middle East, in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon...Shall I continue?
A whole lot of more killing, enslaving and conquest by Islam is in the historical archives than of preservation and aiding Christians and Jews. As it is today is as it's always been.

The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.

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 Message 56 by jar, posted 08-05-2010 10:01 AM jar has replied

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 Message 64 by jar, posted 08-05-2010 10:58 PM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 163 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 63 of 108 (572454)
08-05-2010 10:53 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:29 PM

Re: World End?
Buz writes:
The planet and it's weather, terrain and atmosphere will be much like the pre-flood super climate where again humans will live much longer.
Except as you have been shown, there was no "pre-flood super climate" since the Biblical Flood has been absolutely refuted. Claiming some Biblical Flood is simply posting falsehoods.
Buz writes:
I know it all sounds undoable, but climate change, Mid East events, particularly the restoration of Israel the emergence of Islam and global government all attest to the veracity of the prophecies, both OT and NT.
Islam emerged over 1400 years ago.
You have offered no support for any emerging world government.
You have not shown that the current State of Israel matches any Biblical Prophecy.
You have not shown that today's climate change matches any Biblical Prophecy.
So once again do you have anything other than unsupported assertions, falsehoods and innuendo.

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 60 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:29 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Member (Idle past 163 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 64 of 108 (572455)
08-05-2010 10:58 PM
Reply to: Message 62 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:33 PM

Re: Islam Protects Judeo-Christian??
Yet you provide no support for your assertions where I provided specific evidence in support of my position.
You do understand that the 1922 League of Nations mandate sets aside NO land for the jews don't you?
You do understand that Jewish and Christian Middle East sites are also sites relevant to Islam since Judaism, Christianity and Islam all worship the same God and Patriarchs don't you?

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 62 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:33 PM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 6490
From: Geneva, Illinois
Joined: 08-08-2005

Message 65 of 108 (572456)
08-05-2010 11:20 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:29 PM

Re: World End?
Buzsaw writes:
You've got that wrong NWR.
You say that I have it wrong. But then you go on to describe your fantasy, and that pretty much confirms what I had said.
Edited by nwr, : spelling

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 Message 60 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:29 PM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 2619 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 66 of 108 (572464)
08-06-2010 3:20 AM
Reply to: Message 60 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:29 PM

Re: World End?
Buzsaw writes:
You've got that wrong NWR. What most evangelicals believe is that the age of Gentile rule so far as world class empires is over at Armageddon at and near Jerusalem. That is when Jesus, messiah returns to rule the world for a thousand years. The planet and it's weather, terrain and atmosphere will be much like the pre-flood super climate where again humans will live much longer. Satan will be chained in a place called the bottomless pit and the weapons will be beat into plowshares, etc.
So in answer to Jar's thread question, Israel will indeed be the greatest stability to not only the Mid East, but to the entire planet.
Well, hate to say I told you all so, but in Message 34 I did say:
Huntard writes:
And from Buz's standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks we need Israel pertaining to the end times. After all, without Israel, this is supposedly not possible.
SO yeah, he does think that.
I know it all sounds undoable, but climate change, Mid East events, particularly the restoration of Israel the emergence of Islam and global government all attest to the veracity of the prophecies, both OT and NT. It all is indeed coming to frution and moving along astonishingly rapidly.
No it isn't, it won't happen within your lifetime, nor will it happen in mine, nor will it happen at any time.

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 Message 60 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:29 PM Buzsaw has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:43 AM Huntard has replied

Inactive Member

Message 67 of 108 (572510)
08-06-2010 8:43 AM
Reply to: Message 66 by Huntard
08-06-2010 3:20 AM

Re: World End?
Huntard writes:
Buzsaw writes:
I know it all sounds undoable, but climate change, Mid East events, particularly the restoration of Israel the emergence of Islam and global government all attest to the veracity of the prophecies, both OT and NT. It all is indeed coming to frution and moving along astonishingly rapidly.
No it isn't, it won't happen within your lifetime, nor will it happen in mine, nor will it happen at any time.
Prepare yourself and hang onto your hat, Huntard. Make your peace with God by receiving his son, Jesus, messiah as saviour and lord/master. It's been escalating for the last century and will escalate more rapidly into fruition within, I say within, 50 years; more likely sooner than later!

The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.

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 Message 66 by Huntard, posted 08-06-2010 3:20 AM Huntard has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 68 by Huntard, posted 08-06-2010 9:51 AM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied
 Message 69 by jar, posted 08-06-2010 10:21 AM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied
 Message 71 by Chiroptera, posted 08-06-2010 1:52 PM Buzsaw has replied

Member (Idle past 2619 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 68 of 108 (572521)
08-06-2010 9:51 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Buzsaw
08-06-2010 8:43 AM

Re: World End?
Buzsaw writes:
Prepare yourself and hang onto your hat, Huntard. Make your peace with God by receiving his son, Jesus, messiah as saviour and lord/master. It's been escalating for the last century and will escalate more rapidly into fruition within, I say within, 50 years; more likely sooner than later!
I will remember those words when I sip my Interstellar Martini on Luna Beach 1. And I will laugh. hard.

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 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:43 AM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 163 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 69 of 108 (572527)
08-06-2010 10:21 AM
Reply to: Message 67 by Buzsaw
08-06-2010 8:43 AM

Re: World End?
Buz writes:
Prepare yourself and hang onto your hat, Huntard. Make your peace with God by receiving his son, Jesus, messiah as saviour and lord/master. It's been escalating for the last century and will escalate more rapidly into fruition within, I say within, 50 years; more likely sooner than later!
So you keep saying, but you never provide any support for your assertion that stands up to examination.
If you want to make that claim, why not start a thread on it and see if it can be supported?

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

This message is a reply to:
 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:43 AM Buzsaw has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 3275 days)
Posts: 4854
From: Dark Side of the Moon
Joined: 02-20-2008

Message 70 of 108 (572543)
08-06-2010 12:26 PM
Reply to: Message 60 by Buzsaw
08-05-2010 10:29 PM

Re: World End?
NWR writes:
The bigger issue is that many evangelical Christians believe in a totally absurd fantasy about a future end of the world, and that fantasy is centered in Jerusalem.
Buz writes:
What most evangelicals believe is that the age of Gentile rule so far as world class empires is over at Armageddon at and near Jerusalem. That is when Jesus, messiah returns to rule the world for a thousand years. The planet and it's weather, terrain and atmosphere will be much like the pre-flood super climate where again humans will live much longer. Satan will be chained in a place called the bottomless pit and the weapons will be beat into plowshares, etc.
Buz, you can't say NWR is wrong about you guys believing a fantasy, and then go on to describe said fantasy...
Israel will indeed be the greatest stability to not only the Mid East, but to the entire planet.
To think, your god has 95 billion light years of space, galaxies, solar systems, planets, black holes, etc. to look after, and you claim he's worried about 946.1/sq mi of dirt on a single planet...
- Oni

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 Message 60 by Buzsaw, posted 08-05-2010 10:29 PM Buzsaw has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 72 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 5:22 PM onifre has replied

Inactive Member

Message 71 of 108 (572555)
08-06-2010 1:52 PM
Reply to: Message 67 by Buzsaw
08-06-2010 8:43 AM

Re: World End?
...I say within, 50 years....
Make that 10. They were saying 50 years back in the '70s when I was a member of a fundamentalist church with basically the same eschatology.

To count as an atheist, one needn't claim to have proof that there are no gods. One only needs to believe that the evidence on the god question is in a similar state to the evidence on the werewolf question. -- John McCarthy

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 Message 67 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:43 AM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 73 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 5:36 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 72 of 108 (572595)
08-06-2010 5:22 PM
Reply to: Message 70 by onifre
08-06-2010 12:26 PM

Re: World End?
onifre writes:
To think, your god has 95 billion light years of space, galaxies, solar systems, planets, black holes, etc. to look after, and you claim he's worried about 946.1/sq mi of dirt on a single planet...
That's right, Onifre. Teeny tiny earth appears to be the spot in the universe where the greatest adversary of God and his hoards of demons will be cast from the cosmos and be eventually thrown into the lake of fire. Don't fall for his deceipt and end up there with him. He's the great deceiver who's powers of deception separates the sheeple from Jehovah and his Jesus, lord and savior, the only salvation for humanity.
BTW, how do you know it's only 95 billion light years? Perhaps that's only a speck in the whole. Little arrogant humans tend to think the realm of intelligence and space existing is what teeny earthlings have and what their teeny little telescops can observe.

The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 70 by onifre, posted 08-06-2010 12:26 PM onifre has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 74 by onifre, posted 08-06-2010 5:54 PM Buzsaw has replied

Inactive Member

Message 73 of 108 (572601)
08-06-2010 5:36 PM
Reply to: Message 71 by Chiroptera
08-06-2010 1:52 PM

Re: World End?
onifre writes:
Make that 10. They were saying 50 years back in the '70s when I was a member of a fundamentalist church with basically the same eschatology.
Most evangelicals were not predicting time frame. Aka, Buzsaw was predicting 70 years, give or take a few back in the 70s, based on Luke 21 when Jesus's prophecy of Gentiles being driven from Jerusalem, i.e. the 1967 Six Day War, when the Jews, for the first time after 19 plus centuries, marched into the old walled city of Jerusalem and celebrated at the Wailing Wall.
Likely my calculation is still quite on track. Keep in mind, that 50 year statement was "within," and likely sooner than later relative to that timeframe. A whole lot of significant stuff supportive to rapid change in that direction has ensued since 1970.
Edited by Buzsaw, : fix quote

The immeasurable present eternally extends the infinite past and infinitely consumes the eternal future.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 71 by Chiroptera, posted 08-06-2010 1:52 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 75 by jar, posted 08-06-2010 5:59 PM Buzsaw has replied
 Message 80 by Coyote, posted 08-06-2010 9:23 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Member (Idle past 3275 days)
Posts: 4854
From: Dark Side of the Moon
Joined: 02-20-2008

Message 74 of 108 (572602)
08-06-2010 5:54 PM
Reply to: Message 72 by Buzsaw
08-06-2010 5:22 PM

Re: World End?
Teeny tiny earth appears to be the spot in the universe where the greatest adversary of God and his hoards of demons will be cast from the cosmos and be eventually thrown into the lake of fire.
Or, it sounds like humans made up a story about lakes of fire and this planet being where god's adversaries will be cast down to because they didn't know or realize the magnitude that is the entire, observable universe.
Don't fall for his deceipt and end up there with him.
Do you know who El Indio Hatuey was? He was a cheif from Hispaniola who fought the Spaniards.
He had this to say:
(Pointing to gold and jewels) Here is the God the Spaniards worship. For these they fight and kill; for these they persecute us and that is why we have to throw them into the sea... They tell us, these tyrants, that they adore a God of peace and equality, and yet they usurp our land and make us their slaves. They speak to us of an immortal soul and of their eternal rewards and punishments, and yet they rob our belongings, seduce our women, violate our daughters. Incapable of matching us in valor, these cowards cover themselves with iron that our weapons cannot break...
Before he was burned alive, a priest asked him if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. The cheif replied:
...thinking a little (Hatuey) asked the religious man if Christians went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there, but to hell, so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people.
This is my same response to you about accepting Jesus and Heaven...
BTW, how do you know it's only 95 billion light years?
First, I didn't say "only 95 billion light years," and second, 95 billion is all we know of, that we have evidence for, and speculating about the rest frankly does me no worth.
- Oni
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.
Edited by onifre, : No reason given.

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 Message 72 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 5:22 PM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 78 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:22 PM onifre has not replied

Member (Idle past 163 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 75 of 108 (572603)
08-06-2010 5:59 PM
Reply to: Message 73 by Buzsaw
08-06-2010 5:36 PM

Wailing Wall nonsense.
Buz writes:
Most evangelicals were not predicting time frame. Aka, Buzsaw was predicting 70 years, give or take a few back in the 70s, based on Luke 21 when Jesus's prophecy of Gentiles being driven from Jerusalem, i.e. the 1967 Six Day War, when the Jews, for the first time after 19 plus centuries, marched into the old walled city of Jerusalem and celebrated at the Wailing Wall.
Yet another false statement. I assume you can provide support that Jews were not allowed to pray at the Wailing Wall for 19+ centuries or is this just another of your unsupported assertions?
Do you ignore the Firmans issued regarding the wall, like the 1560 one by Suleiman the Magnificent that recognized the Jews rights of access and to pray at the wall, or the decree by Abdul Hamid II in 1889 reaffirming "That there shall be no interference with the Jews' places of devotional visits and of pilgrimage, that are situated in the localities which are dependent on the Chief Rabbinate, nor with the practice of their ritual." Are you ignoring all the years of the mandate when beginning in 1917 under Allenby the policy was "that every sacred building, monument, holy spot, shrine, traditional site, endowment, pious bequest, or customary place of prayer of whatsoever form of the three religions will be maintained and protected according to the existing customs and beliefs of those to whose faith they are sacred"?
Edited by jar, : fix sub-title
Edited by jar, : appalin spallin

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

This message is a reply to:
 Message 73 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 5:36 PM Buzsaw has replied

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 Message 76 by Buzsaw, posted 08-06-2010 8:08 PM jar has replied

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