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Author Topic:   Thread Reopen Requests 2
Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 3 of 124 (415592)
08-11-2007 12:39 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by Percy
08-10-2007 6:47 AM

Re: More Time Needed for Closing Comments
My closing coming message was:
Contact with the theme (Behe and/or ID) has be thin at best. Time to lay this one to rest.
Will leave open for about 1 hour for any closing comments, or to see if someone will do a good job of dragging this thing back on topic.
OK, what I was thinking was "1 hour for any messages in progress", not "1 hour for any grand summary messages". But that is not what I wrote.
My impression is that the topic has been pretty badly thrashed, with most material belonging elsewhere if anywhere. If anyone wants to present a good reason why it should be reopened, post away in this topic.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Percy, posted 08-10-2007 6:47 AM Percy has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 4 by Percy, posted 08-11-2007 9:53 AM Adminnemooseus has replied
 Message 20 by Straggler, posted 02-15-2009 3:23 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 5 of 124 (415735)
08-11-2007 7:05 PM
Reply to: Message 4 by Percy
08-11-2007 9:53 AM

Re: More Time Needed for Closing Comments
..."Oh, Percy, if you had just posted a summary," I'll point them at you because it'll be all your fault!
Is your (and all the other admins) "Reopen Topic" button broken?

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 Message 4 by Percy, posted 08-11-2007 9:53 AM Percy has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 6 by Percy, posted 08-11-2007 10:28 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 8 of 124 (415786)
08-12-2007 3:01 AM
Reply to: Message 7 by Michael
08-12-2007 2:36 AM

Inappropriate messages happening - Adminnemooseus suspended and Percy warned
Adminnemooseus is about to get a 24 hour suspension.
Percy gets a warning.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

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 Message 7 by Michael, posted 08-12-2007 2:36 AM Michael has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 24 of 124 (503823)
03-22-2009 5:35 PM
Reply to: Message 22 by RAZD
03-21-2009 6:29 PM

Re: Age Correlations
AdminNosy promoted the apparently closed PNT in question, and this resulted in the new but created closed "Dates and Dating" version of Age Correlations and An Old Earth, Version 2 No 1.
The is something to be said for presenting "grand unified topics". But they are contrary to forum rule/guideline 3 - "When introducing a new topic, please keep the message narrowly focused. Do not include more than a few points." The reason for that rule 3 is that the lack of focus of such "Grand unified topics" make for debate messes.
I think the "Version 2 No 1" is a fine reference but not a viable debate topic, thus I'm for leaving it closed. I think someone needs to start up a new "Dates and Dating" topic that has more focus.
Select quality replies to this message are welcome. But such should focus on the concerns of "broad focus vs. narrow focus topics".

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

This message is a reply to:
 Message 22 by RAZD, posted 03-21-2009 6:29 PM RAZD has seen this message but not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 25 by AdminNosy, posted 03-22-2009 5:50 PM Adminnemooseus has replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 26 of 124 (503826)
03-22-2009 5:57 PM
Reply to: Message 25 by AdminNosy
03-22-2009 5:50 PM

Re: Age Correlations
Very well - Why don't you open the topic then?

This message is a reply to:
 Message 25 by AdminNosy, posted 03-22-2009 5:50 PM AdminNosy has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 27 by NosyNed, posted 03-22-2009 6:01 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 40 of 124 (516880)
07-27-2009 10:34 PM
Reply to: Message 38 by Admin
07-27-2009 2:20 PM

I did it
Sure, don't know how it got closed.
I did the closure. I guess I was feeling cranky the other night (what a surprise, the membership collectively thinks), and was under the impression that "final closing statements" had been happening over and over for weeks.
Basically, RAZD and Straggler (and others?) had said what they had to say, knew they had done such, but still wouldn't quit posting to the topic. So I closed it (never did notice the Admin message ).
Or something like that.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 38 by Admin, posted 07-27-2009 2:20 PM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 41 by Admin, posted 07-28-2009 7:57 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 45 of 124 (532187)
10-21-2009 9:04 PM
Reply to: Message 44 by RAZD
10-21-2009 8:58 PM

Re: Pseudoskeptic Thread Summary
Topic reopened. Will do some message hiding.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 44 by RAZD, posted 10-21-2009 8:58 PM RAZD has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 54 of 124 (561352)
05-20-2010 1:35 AM
Reply to: Message 53 by Buzsaw
05-20-2010 1:10 AM

Re: Flood Possibility Thread
As I more or less said at the topic closing message, I think we need a new topic with a new focus.
Closed and staying closed, unless another admin feels otherwise.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Message 150

This message is a reply to:
 Message 53 by Buzsaw, posted 05-20-2010 1:10 AM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 59 of 124 (567520)
07-01-2010 12:51 PM
Reply to: Message 58 by New Cat's Eye
07-01-2010 10:30 AM

Re: God damnit moose
That should be be God damnit you shithead Mr. Moose.
OK, I've overruled my ideals and moved the topic to "Misc. Topics". I even remembered to reopen the new location version (moving a closed topic results is another closed topic).
The new location.
Still need to get a better topic title on it.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 58 by New Cat's Eye, posted 07-01-2010 10:30 AM New Cat's Eye has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 60 by New Cat's Eye, posted 07-01-2010 12:52 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied
 Message 61 by Blue Jay, posted 07-01-2010 3:45 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 62 of 124 (567596)
07-01-2010 9:03 PM
Reply to: Message 61 by Blue Jay
07-01-2010 3:45 PM

The "Hello" topic open to TE etc. debate
The personal introduction part is probably over. Yes, on to theistic evolution or the lack thereof, and probably wherever else the topic goes. Somewhere along the line I'll get a better topic title on it.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Change ID.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 61 by Blue Jay, posted 07-01-2010 3:45 PM Blue Jay has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 70 of 124 (572258)
08-05-2010 12:40 AM
Reply to: Message 69 by Bikerman
08-05-2010 12:27 AM

Re: Spotting fake religions
Probably a valid point, which makes the whole topics existence rather silly (or something like that).
That said, the topic had run 479 messages, and I would hope that your point was brought up somewhere in there. As I see it, the topics not going to be reopened.
And this topic is not the place to debate that topic's theme. So please, nobody else reply to the above message (or to this message).

This message is a reply to:
 Message 69 by Bikerman, posted 08-05-2010 12:27 AM Bikerman has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 83 of 124 (588612)
10-26-2010 8:06 PM
Reply to: Message 82 by Straggler
10-26-2010 2:08 PM

You don't get a second final message
I tacked a footnote to the bottom of Onifre's second final message, which contains a link to your message. That's all you're going to get.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 82 by Straggler, posted 10-26-2010 2:08 PM Straggler has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 105 of 124 (633709)
09-15-2011 6:19 PM

Potential Evidence for a Global Flood
Just Being Real posted here:
Why was the "Potential Evidence for a Global Flood" thread locked off again exactly? It's interesting that I was preparing to respond on it and then it was locked for "bogus messages about to be posted." Was it for my benefit? Or am I just reading too much into this?
My "topic closing temporarily" message:
Temporary topic closure because of bogus messages coming in about 15 minutes.
Damn, I'm good. Shut that sucker down just in time.
Normally I do comma overkill. The above sentence really needed a couple of commas. It should have been:
Temporary topic closure, because of bogus messages, coming in about 15 minutes.
I'll now reopen the topic. Please, quality messages, not snark.

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Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 118 of 124 (830994)
04-09-2018 11:42 PM

Reopened for 1 Faith message
Re: This
Others might sneak a message in also, but I expect the topic will be again temporarily closed in the next hour or so.

Or something like that.

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 122 of 124 (832768)
05-10-2018 2:12 AM
Reply to: Message 120 by Modulous
05-09-2018 8:48 PM

Resetting "Summation" to have new start for 1 summation message each
AdminPhat said:
This topic is veering way off course. I'm going to give it a rest.
Topic Reopen Requests simply Message Me.(or any administrator)
Instead of a temp closure, he apparently put it into summation.
Modulous writes:
Yeah I'm not getting the summation message that used to pop up. Since Percy seems exempt too, maybe its because we have the Admin accounts linked to our name and the software is mistakenly let us post on our 'debate' accounts?
I think the summation message pop up only happens once. I would be inclined to have it open every time.
Members with admin linked IDs are exempt from the summation restrictions. I don't think that was a deliberate design by Percy, just a byproduct of the admin ID exemption.
I'm pretty sure that admins can edit in even a closed topic, although I don't think they can post a new message in a closed topic.
Bottom line - I think that topic is a terminal mess and needs a simple closure. But I will take it out of summation and then put it back into summation. That should reset things such that Faith can get one last summation message.

Or something like that.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 120 by Modulous, posted 05-09-2018 8:48 PM Modulous has seen this message but not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 123 by Stile, posted 05-10-2018 9:23 AM Adminnemooseus has seen this message but not replied

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