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Author Topic:   how exactly does Israel stabilize the Middle East and why do we need Israel?
Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 31 of 108 (572154)
08-04-2010 8:19 AM
Reply to: Message 29 by Coyote
08-03-2010 11:03 PM

Re: Science
Yes, more and more research is being done all over the world on the ways that blood tests can replace a colonoscopy.
Not exactly sure how that stabilizes the Middle East or why the US needs Israel.

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 29 by Coyote, posted 08-03-2010 11:03 PM Coyote has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 32 of 108 (572156)
08-04-2010 8:37 AM
Reply to: Message 8 by jar
08-03-2010 11:38 AM

Re: And your solution...
How exactly does Israel stabilize the Middle East?
It supposedly stabilizes it in light of it being a relatively free society amongst nations that are more known for its repression. But I'm not really buying it. Jordan, for instance, is very modern.
Why do we need Israel?
Isn't the question moot? It sounds as if it is a loaded question, as if you have specific plans for Israel.
Whether we (whoever that is) needs Israel or not, they exist.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine

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 Message 8 by jar, posted 08-03-2010 11:38 AM jar has replied

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 Message 33 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 8:47 AM Hyroglyphx has replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 33 of 108 (572158)
08-04-2010 8:47 AM
Reply to: Message 32 by Hyroglyphx
08-04-2010 8:37 AM

The origin of teh question
Hyroglyphx writes:
It supposedly stabilizes it in light of it being a relatively free society amongst nations that are more known for its repression. But I'm not really buying it. Jordan, for instance, is very modern.
Well, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all have some form of democracy, Jordan of course being a Constitutional Monarchy. Jordan and Egypt are both pretty advanced countries and Lebanon was until recently. I'm not at all sure that repression is any worse in Jordan, Egypt, Syria or Lebanon than it is in Israel.
Hyroglyphics writes:
jar writes:
Why do we need Israel?
Isn't the question moot? It sounds as if it is a loaded question, as if you have specific plans for Israel.
Whether we (whoever that is) needs Israel or not, they exist.
The claim was made, by Buz not by me, that the US needs Israel. My question is "Why do we need Israel?"
Some answers to that have been provided.
The best reason given so far has been that the US needs Israel to act as a surrogate threat so that the US does not appear to be the bad guy.
Edited by jar, : fix sub-titles

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 32 by Hyroglyphx, posted 08-04-2010 8:37 AM Hyroglyphx has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 34 by Huntard, posted 08-04-2010 8:53 AM jar has replied
 Message 40 by Hyroglyphx, posted 08-04-2010 9:28 AM jar has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 2615 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 34 of 108 (572159)
08-04-2010 8:53 AM
Reply to: Message 33 by jar
08-04-2010 8:47 AM

Re: And your solution...
jar writes:
The claim was made, by Buz not by me, that the US needs Israel. My question is "Why do we need Israel?"
Some answers to that have been provided.
The best reason given so far has been that the US needs Israel to act as a surrogate threat so that the US does not appear to be the bad guy.
And from Buz's standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks we need Israel pertaining to the end times. After all, without Israel, this is supposedly not possible.

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 Message 33 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 8:47 AM jar has replied

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 Message 36 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 9:04 AM Huntard has replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 35 of 108 (572160)
08-04-2010 9:03 AM
Reply to: Message 13 by Huntard
08-03-2010 12:04 PM

Re: replay?
Hey Huntard,
I don' know how to link other messages, but have a read:
RAZD, Message 15 of 16 (523390), Israel-Palestine: The One State Solution
I think it one of the better summaries on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Kudos RAZD.
If Buzz continues to be absent on this thread, maybe we can re-activate the other one if you have further thoughts as this specific topic is off-topic per Jar's request.

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 Message 13 by Huntard, posted 08-03-2010 12:04 PM Huntard has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 37 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 9:08 AM dronestar has not replied
 Message 38 by Huntard, posted 08-04-2010 9:22 AM dronestar has not replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 36 of 108 (572161)
08-04-2010 9:04 AM
Reply to: Message 34 by Huntard
08-04-2010 8:53 AM

Buz's position?
Huntard writes:
And from Buz's standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks we need Israel pertaining to the end times. After all, without Israel, this is supposedly not possible.
Well, until Buz shows up and explains why he thinks the US needs Israel I guess we won't know.
So far his only attempt to explain his position was to provide a link to a news article from Binyamin Netanyahu. Of course, since Mr Netanyahu is the current Israeli Prim Minister that doesn't answer the question but might show why Israel needs the US.
I wonder if Buz understands that the Israeli Prime Minister represents Israel's interests, not the US's interests.

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 34 by Huntard, posted 08-04-2010 8:53 AM Huntard has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 39 by Huntard, posted 08-04-2010 9:24 AM jar has seen this message but not replied
 Message 41 by Bailey, posted 08-04-2010 2:02 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 37 of 108 (572162)
08-04-2010 9:08 AM
Reply to: Message 35 by dronestar
08-04-2010 9:03 AM

Re: replay?
To link, peek at this. Message 15
There is also a somewhat longer and indepth discussion of the Middle East at So let's look at why the Islamic world might be annoyed by the West?
Edited by jar, : add second link

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 35 by dronestar, posted 08-04-2010 9:03 AM dronestar has not replied

Member (Idle past 2615 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 38 of 108 (572165)
08-04-2010 9:22 AM
Reply to: Message 35 by dronestar
08-04-2010 9:03 AM

Re: replay?
dronester writes:
I don' know how to link other messages, but have a read:
You mean like this:
Message 15
Use the number (in this case 523390) that goes with the message and use the [mid=(number here)] dBcode.
I've read the post (well skimmed it a bit, there's always so much to read in RAZD's posts), and I msut say I pretty much agree with everything I've read there.
I think it one of the better summaries on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Kudos RAZD.
Yes, as usual, a pretty good post by RAZD.
If Buzz continues to be absent on this thread, maybe we can re-activate the other one if you have further thoughts as this specific topic is off-topic per Jar's request.
We could, but bear in mind that I do not have a pro-Israel stance, they do horrible things. My only thing in this thread was preventing a too one sided perspective being raised.

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 Message 35 by dronestar, posted 08-04-2010 9:03 AM dronestar has not replied

Member (Idle past 2615 days)
Posts: 2870
From: Limburg, The Netherlands
Joined: 09-02-2008

Message 39 of 108 (572166)
08-04-2010 9:24 AM
Reply to: Message 36 by jar
08-04-2010 9:04 AM

Re: Buz's position?
jar writes:
Well, until Buz shows up and explains why he thinks the US needs Israel I guess we won't know.
So far his only attempt to explain his position was to provide a link to a news article from Binyamin Netanyahu. Of course, since Mr Netanyahu is the current Israeli Prim Minister that doesn't answer the question but might show why Israel needs the US.
I wonder if Buz understands that the Israeli Prime Minister represents Israel's interests, not the US's interests.
Yeah, he needs to substantiate it more. I wouldn't count on anything productive, really.

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 Message 36 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 9:04 AM jar has seen this message but not replied

Inactive Member

Message 40 of 108 (572167)
08-04-2010 9:28 AM
Reply to: Message 33 by jar
08-04-2010 8:47 AM

Re: The origin of teh question
Well, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all have some form of democracy, Jordan of course being a Constitutional Monarchy. Jordan and Egypt are both pretty advanced countries and Lebanon was until recently. I'm not at all sure that repression is any worse in Jordan, Egypt, Syria or Lebanon than it is in Israel.
Well, I personally agree, but I'm giving the Western rationalization. Hell, I'd feel more comfortable in Dubai or Bahrain than I would in Israel.
The best reason given so far has been that the US needs Israel to act as a surrogate threat so that the US does not appear to be the bad guy.
Israel spies on the US constantly and we don't do crap about it. If I were president, I wouldn't necessarily cut off all ties with Israel, but I certainly would stop giving them preferential treatment. If any of other middle-eastern nation was as aggressive about spying (on their own allies no less) as Israel is with the US, they'd be completely cut off.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine

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 Message 33 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 8:47 AM jar has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 4690 days)
Posts: 574
From: Earth
Joined: 08-24-2003

Message 41 of 108 (572197)
08-04-2010 2:02 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by jar
08-04-2010 9:04 AM

Regarding Imaginations and Authoritative Overgeneralizations ...
Hi everyone and thanks for the interesting topic jar ...
I hope things are well with you all ...
jar writes:
Huntard writes:
And from Buz's standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks we need Israel pertaining to the end times. After all, without Israel, this is supposedly not possible.
Well, until Buz shows up and explains why he thinks the US needs Israel I guess we won't know.
Huntard appears spot on ...
Something tells me that even if Buz makes the attempt to support his statement, it'll be done with such an enormous amount of political overgeneralizations - not to mention ambiguously forced theological pleading and rhetoric, that a great many of us, interested in his response, will be absolutely none the wiser.
My hope is that's not the case.
jar writes:
So far his only attempt to explain his position was to provide a link to a news article from Binyamin Netanyahu.
See above (& below) ...
Of course, since Mr Netanyahu is the current Israeli Prim Minister that doesn't answer the question but might show why Israel needs the US.
After reviewing the article at length it seems that your above proposition - regarding why Yisrael needs the US, may even fall short (if it hasn't already) ...
Quoting Binyamin, A7 writes:
Just imagine what would happen if we weren't there. What would happen to some of our neighbors — I won't spell it out.
Granted - I have never held a political office; however, refusing to explain things rationally and instead relying on the imaginations of religious dogmatics and political demagogues to steer the ship clear of danger doesn't seem like an effective way to avoid icebergs. Perhaps the right wing is following suit ??
jar writes:
I wonder if Buz understands that the Israeli Prime Minister represents Israel's interests, not the US's interests.
There's a sense that Buz doesn't separate these two nation's interests, but rather aligns them within his theologically inspired narrow fundamentalist worldview. However, I could be way off there and rather than speak for Buz or expose the complications that arise from a perception of that nature ...
Hopefully he will use rational, reason and facts - rather than his imagination, and spell things out for us a bit clearer than he feels the Yisraeli PM has.
One Love

I'm not here to mock or condemn what you believe, tho my intentions are no less than to tickle your thinker.
If those in first century CE had known what these words mean ... 'I want and desire mercy, not sacrifice'
They surely would not have murdered the innocent; why trust what I say, when you can learn for yourself?
Think for yourself.
Mercy Trumps Judgement,
Love Weary

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 Message 36 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 9:04 AM jar has not replied

Posts: 18712
From: Denver,Colorado USA
Joined: 12-30-2003
Member Rating: 4.2

Message 42 of 108 (572200)
08-04-2010 2:10 PM
Reply to: Message 24 by nwr
08-03-2010 7:02 PM

Does the world need Israel?
nwr writes:
It does keep the middle east in a steady state of hostilities.
I guess that's consistent with one meaning of "stabilize".
Critics may suggest that there are nations who hate Israel,(maybe justifiably so) who would eliminate it if they could. That has been the standard excuse for many years, at any rate.
If the US stopped supplying Israel and if Israel were actually forced back to her pre 1967 borders, it would not foster peace any more than there is now, in my estimation.

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 Message 24 by nwr, posted 08-03-2010 7:02 PM nwr has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 43 by jar, posted 08-04-2010 2:18 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 44 by ringo, posted 08-04-2010 2:34 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 45 by dronestar, posted 08-04-2010 3:16 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 46 by nwr, posted 08-04-2010 3:27 PM Phat has not replied
 Message 58 by Hyroglyphx, posted 08-05-2010 10:58 AM Phat has not replied

Member (Idle past 159 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 43 of 108 (572201)
08-04-2010 2:18 PM
Reply to: Message 42 by Phat
08-04-2010 2:10 PM

Re: Does the world need Israel?
Phat writes:
If the US stopped supplying Israel and if Israel were actually forced back to her pre 1967 borders, it would not foster peace any more than there is now, in my estimation.
nwr writes:
It does keep the middle east in a steady state of hostilities.
I guess that's consistent with one meaning of "stabilize".
Critics may suggest that there are nations who hate Israel,(maybe justifiably so) who would eliminate it if they could. That has been the standard excuse for many years, at any rate.
If the US stopped supplying Israel and if Israel were actually forced back to her pre 1967 borders, it would not foster peace any more than there is now, in my estimation.
Why? What supports your estimation?

Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!

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 Message 42 by Phat, posted 08-04-2010 2:10 PM Phat has not replied

Member (Idle past 732 days)
Posts: 20940
From: frozen wasteland
Joined: 03-23-2005

Message 44 of 108 (572202)
08-04-2010 2:34 PM
Reply to: Message 42 by Phat
08-04-2010 2:10 PM

Re: Does the world need Israel?
Phat writes:
Critics may suggest that there are nations who hate Israel,(maybe justifiably so) who would eliminate it if they could. That has been the standard excuse for many years, at any rate.
I think the U.S. "needs" to prevent another Holocaust from happening to the Jewish people but it's a far cry from preventing attacks on Israel to supporting attacks by Israel.

Life is like a Hot Wheels car. Sometimes it goes behind the couch and you can't find it.

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 Message 42 by Phat, posted 08-04-2010 2:10 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 45 of 108 (572205)
08-04-2010 3:16 PM
Reply to: Message 42 by Phat
08-04-2010 2:10 PM

Re: Does the world need Israel?
The two state solution is the NEARLY universally accepted proposal by all countries including the arab/muslim nations:
In 2002, Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed the Arab Peace Initiative, which garnered the unanimous support of the Arab League.
Two-state solution - Wikipedia
The one country that continually and unilaterally vetoes this solution is the USA. It should come as no surprise that the US has done everything it could to prevent a peaceful solution for the last 40 years. Yet the US government and corporate media unilaterally portray the Palestinians as the bad guys who resist a peaecful solution.
Why do you think this is Phat?
phat writes:
Critics may suggest that there are nations who hate Israel,(maybe justifiably so) who would eliminate it if they could. That has been the standard excuse for many years, at any rate. If the US stopped supplying Israel and if Israel were actually forced back to her pre 1967 borders, it would not foster peace any more than there is now, in my estimation.
Please name one nation who wants to eliminate Israel. Evidence please.
You conclude with an opinion that revising past borders wouldn't create peace either. OK, if the two-state solution above wouldn't foster peace, what would? Please be specific.
Edited by dronester, : full quote

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 Message 42 by Phat, posted 08-04-2010 2:10 PM Phat has not replied

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