Is Christianity Polytheistic?
Please re-open. My reply to Straggler's message,
Message 371 is as follows. I've been on the road, and still am and will continue to be, and things move really fast here... Please just paste my reply there if and when if gets re-opened:
Well it has been an uphill struggle but DA tipped it over the point of no return.
Because he's exposing your position as the untenable one?
Then you will be delighted to hear that this is not what I am doing.
Huh? Or is that right because your's is the "independent" one?
Hmmm. Whose classification are you imposing?
The generally accepted one that everyone else is using who is trying to tell you how retarded your's is.
Explain to me why it is "stupid" to suggest that we can apply a religion-independent use of the term "god" when objectively analysing the beliefs of biblical Christians? A religion-independent use of the term god that you yourself have applied on numerous occasions.
Because I'm using a super-set and you're using a sub-set. Its stupid because you're using your sub-set to encompasss the super-set, while I'm using the super-set to encompass the sub-set, like its supposed to be.
I guess that makes your responses "frivolous" then. For once it seems that we agree.
Oh you!
When has being frivolous ever stopped me? Examples please 
From [msg=-372]:
Bob, delighted with his self defined atheist status (all the cool kids at school are atheists). takes you at your word and goes off to one of Dawkin's atheist camps full of confidence.
There he confidently reveals his belief in the one true glod knowing that he will find common conceptual ground with his fellow atheists.
Needless to say things don't work out too well for Bob.......
Well that's just a big old fat non-sequitor, now isn't it?
Consider this:
After Bob's initial "not working out", he finds solice with the animist, the Buddihist and all the other spiritual atheists, then he realizes that the camp wasn't an "atheist" one after all, but a "materialist" one instead.
Then he sends his spirit guide to bitch-slap Straggler for being such a tard... lulz