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Author Topic:   I need an answer
Junior Member (Idle past 5342 days)
Posts: 8
Joined: 06-16-2010

Message 1 of 2 (565371)
06-16-2010 11:34 AM

As a child of 12 years of catholic school, and a science enthusiasts I have been torn by the argument for as long as I can remember. Now from the reading and documentaries I've come across, I have simplified the 2 sides down to this:
Evolution: Here's our proof, here's what we know so far, there's a few holes, but we're working on it.
Creation: There's too many holes in evolution, it must be creation.
so the creationism theory says "Evolution isn't all correct, so it must be this" without giving me as much proof as evolution has. please someone show me the proof. Let me put it this way (while watching a documentary by Kent Hovind).
Just because you can point out a handful of inconsistencies with modern science laws pointing to evolution and the age of the earth and so forth, does not make your theory stronger. you're not posing a theory, your basing a belief on the inconsistencies of another theory. A long time ago man believed the earth was flat. we didn't know any better. If Dr. Hovind was alive back then he would say "no your science is wrong, explain the currents or weather patterns or magnetic poles, it must be God". well then a hundred years later we could explain these things, and his argument is now null and void. So if you consider that we are still learning things, the things he calls in to question (rotation of planets, formation of matter/energies etc.) can not be answered now, but could be answered in 100 years, it makes his argument ineffective. Instead i need to see proof that the earth WAS formed 10000 years ago, and not only that, but that God is the one who formed it, with his hands, in 6 days. WITHOUT saying that our theories are wrong, but proposing new ones. please. my sanity and spirituality are on the line here.

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