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Author | Topic: Unintelligent design (recurrent laryngeal nerve) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wounded King Member (Idle past 351 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined: |
Non-recurrent laryngeal nerves are a rare but consistent anatomical anomaly, there is no evidence that being non-recurrent causes any functional changes in talking, swallowing or vocal range. This is supported by the fact that the non-recurrent nature of the nerve is rarely appreciated prior to being exposed during surgery.
Do you have even a single scintilla of evidence to support any of your claims for how the long path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is in fact necesary for it to function? TTFN, WK
Granny Magda Member (Idle past 356 days) Posts: 2462 From: UK Joined: |
Your arguments seem to revolve around discrediting the contributor. I suggest you seriously review your own rules and guidelines. No, your refusal to debate in good faith (y'know, like an adult) discredits you quite enough.
The reality is that you have not provided any convincing arguments to counter my claims. But you haven't provided anything worth arguing against. In fact, all you've provided is your own opinion, devoid of any backing. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Whilst I accept that I could (on another day) have made more effort in furnishing you with the so called evidence that you are after, Like any effort at all. That would have been nice.
you must appreciate that I must protect my sources from the kind of abuse that I am getting now. No. Don't you get it? You are the one who is making your position look foolish. You discredit your own argument by refusing to back it up. Unless you actually want to continue making creationism look foolish, you should probably either provide some evidence for your position or just cut your losses.
Your actions have made me less likely (not more) to provide links or other data. Asking you for evidence makes you less likely to provide evidence? Boy, living with you must be a bundle of laughs. "Could you pass the salt please Big Al?" "NO! How dare you ask me to pass the salt? Just for that, I shan't pass you any!".
The postings and replys have in effect led to a nil result as neither one of us has put up evidence to confirm or deny any of the claims. Readers can now go away and make up their own minds despite your hollow claims of victory. Yeah. I think we'll all be able to live with that. Mutate and Survive "A curious aspect of the theory of evolution is that everybody thinks he understands it." - Jacques Monod
Big_Al35 Member (Idle past 1118 days) Posts: 389 Joined: |
No. Don't you get it? You are the one who is making your position look foolish. You discredit your own argument by refusing to back it up. Unless you actually want to continue making creationism look foolish, you should probably either provide some evidence for your position or just cut your losses. I could quite easily provide some points of reference. Infact just 5-10 minutes on google can provide a whole bunch of links which correlate with my view on the matter. I shall'nt provide you with a link but I can give you a clue -bioinfo-. Google it yourself...lets see you do some work for a change.
Granny Magda Member (Idle past 356 days) Posts: 2462 From: UK Joined: |
I could quite easily provide some points of reference. But you won't. Oh, sorry, you shall'nt (sic).
Infact just 5-10 minutes on google can provide a whole bunch of links which correlate with my view on the matter. I shall'nt provide you with a link but I can give you a clue -bioinfo-. Google it yourself... Yes, because it's everyone else's job to back up your argument. Bullshit. You must make your case. Until such time as you do that, there is nothing to Google. You haven't even explained what you think the elongation of the RLN actually does. You have no argument to refute.
lets see you do some work for a change. You're an arrogant little sod aren't you. Have you even read this thread? I have provided evidence that the RLN's circuitous route has no function. Now it's your turn and all you appear able to do is behave like a petulant child. Disappointing Big guy. Very disappointing. Mutate and Survive "A curious aspect of the theory of evolution is that everybody thinks he understands it." - Jacques Monod
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member |
From Message 178:
Your arguments seem to revolve around discrediting the contributor. I suggest you seriously review your own rules and guidelines. The reality is that you have not provided any convincing arguments to counter my claims. Oh, okay. I'll bite. In Message 162 you claim:
If we went along with some of the evolutionary commentators above and rearranged these nerves so that they connected directly I doubt very much whether we would be able to speak or make the rich variety of vocal sounds that we can. We might even have difficulty in swallowing the huge variety of objects and foods that we can. These nerves have to be long and they have to be stretched. Looping around the arteries enables this stretching to occur during the growth phase in a natural way. The differing lengths of the right and left nerves adds to the vocal range that these nerves can accommodate. The great designer has shown once again that his intellect is far superior to ours. No, you're wrong. If the nerves were rearranged and connected directly, then it would be easier for us to speak and swallow. The way they have been currently designed makes it harder for us. Therefore the great designer has shown us that he made a mistake in this design.
Big_Al35 Member (Idle past 1118 days) Posts: 389 Joined: |
Wounded King writes: Non-recurrent laryngeal nerves are a rare but consistent anatomical anomaly Lets not get carried away here with anomalys and exceptions. The prevalence of the right nerve being non recurrent is only 0.6% and the prevalence of the left being non recurrent is much much rarer. Practically unheard of infact. As mentioned previously there is a medical article under bioinfo that correlates with my view point. Please check it out.
Big_Al35 Member (Idle past 1118 days) Posts: 389 Joined: |
Catholic Scientist writes: No, you're wrong. If the nerves were rearranged and connected directly, then it would be easier for us to speak and swallow. The way they have been currently designed makes it harder for us. Therefore the great designer has shown us that he made a mistake in this design. A medical fact that I should point out from the very site that I mentioned previously, namely bioinfo, states the following "We have found that small, benign, or otherwise asymptomatic lesions of the thyroid gland have a greater tendency to cause vocal cord paralysis in patients with nonrecurrent laryngeal nerves". Hence they are clearly at a disadvantage.
Wounded King Member (Idle past 351 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined:
Lets not get carried away here with anomalys and exceptions. The prevalence of the right nerve being non recurrent is only 0.6% and the prevalence of the left being non recurrent is much much rarer. Practically unheard of infact. Sure, but those cases where the nerve is non-recurrent, rare thought they may be, don't show any of the things you are claiming would be the result of the nerve losing its long looped pathway. So these exceptions clearly contradict your claims for the results of a direct innervation of the laryngeal muscle, trouble swallowing, problems with vocalisation and limits in tonal range.
under bioinfo What does this mean? Are you talking about the BioInfoBank library? That hardly narrows things down since BioInfoBank has links to millions of medical articles through pubmed. So unless you stop beating around the bush and actually give some specific reference that actually supports your claims I don't think there is anything here to discuss.
Please check it out. Would that I could! TTFN, WK
Wounded King Member (Idle past 351 days) Posts: 4149 From: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Joined: |
A medical fact that I should point out from the very site that I mentioned previously, namely bioinfo, states the following "We have found that small, benign, or otherwise asymptomatic lesions of the thyroid gland have a greater tendency to cause vocal cord paralysis in patients with nonrecurrent laryngeal nerves". Hence they are clearly at a disadvantage.
Are you sure you didn't just get that from my post on the matter, Message 168? Sadly, this still totally fails to support your claims. Unless that is, you think everyone has a benign thyroid tumour? It certainly doesn't support the claim that the length and stretched nature of the nerve pathway provides any functional difference to swallowing or vocalisation. *ABE* On further reflection one could of course argue that being able to detect thyroid growths at an earlier stage may actually be an advantage. */ABE* TTFN, WK Edited by Wounded King, : It is good not to have tumours
Coragyps Member (Idle past 1053 days) Posts: 5553 From: Snyder, Texas, USA Joined: |
Hence they are clearly at a disadvantage. Since there are so many people that have both nonrecurrent nerves and thyroid lesions, yeah, I'm sure it has altered the course of evolution...... Where's your evidence for any of this, BigAl?
These nerves have to be long and they have to be stretched. Looping around the arteries enables this stretching to occur during the growth phase in a natural way. The differing lengths of the right and left nerves adds to the vocal range that these nerves can accommodate. That's not in the same bioinfo article that you won't link to, is it?
Big_Al35 Member (Idle past 1118 days) Posts: 389 Joined: |
Coragyps writes: That's not in the same bioinfo article that you won't link to, is it? You can't expect me to just reiterate someone else's medical journal...that would be plagiarism!
Huntard Member (Idle past 2613 days) Posts: 2870 From: Limburg, The Netherlands Joined: |
Big_Al35 writes:
No, but you could tell us in your own words what it says and link to the original. At least then you can show that you're not just asserting this for which there is no evidence.
You can't expect me to just reiterate someone else's medical journal...that would be plagiarism!
LinearAq Member (Idle past 4994 days) Posts: 598 From: Pocomoke City, MD Joined: |
Big_Al35 writes: You can't expect me to just reiterate someone else's medical journal...that would be plagiarism! Not if you give credit to the authors of the article and the journal. High school students do that all the time in research papers and never get gigged for plagiarism. I would really like to read this paper you have referenced. Could you provide a link to it? Edited by LinearAq, : Spelling error corrected
New Cat's Eye Inactive Member |
A medical fact that I should point out from the very site that I mentioned previously, namely bioinfo, states the following "We have found that small, benign, or otherwise asymptomatic lesions of the thyroid gland have a greater tendency to cause vocal cord paralysis in patients with nonrecurrent laryngeal nerves". Hence they are clearly at a disadvantage. Wierd, cause the medical fact I've found from the site that I linked to before, namely nervenews, had this to say: "We have found that the loss of the recurrance of the laryngeal nerve leads to greater vocal ranges and a larger dilation of the esophogus." So clearly, it IS an advantage.
Big_Al35 Member (Idle past 1118 days) Posts: 389 Joined: |
I would really like to read this paper you have referenced. Could you provide a link to it? Actually, my sources are wide and varied. This refers to just one specific article which highlights only one of my points. There are probably far too many sources for me to possibly provide links to all of them.
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