Jester writes:
I supplied you with the references you asked for after you first it was a lie, then a joke, then it wasn't a lawsuit, then you just disregard the references you are suppiled with.
There's a game show on NPR called "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell me" that has a segment where three people each relate a story from the news of the past week, except that two of them are making up their news item. The contestant has to decide which is the true story. This story about the exodus lawsuit would be hard one for anyone to believe. I'm not surprised people reacted skeptically.
But isn't all this about the magazine article irrelevant to whether the exodus really happened or not? I think it's a fascinating publicity tool for the people involved, quite obviously so since it made the newspapers, but as far as historical and scientific circles go it's a non-issue.
Jester to Brian writes:
...your agruement which makes you illogical...only wants to force his opinion on weighed down the previous thread with this bullheaded approach...and that makes you pointless to hold a debate with. I wont weigh down this thread by discussing things with a child that only wants to...critize and insult. It is really a sad and border mental problem...
There's a rule in the
Forum Guidelines about this kind of behavior:
- Respect for others is the rule here. Argue the position, not the person. The Britannica says, "Usually, in a well-conducted debate, speakers are either emotionally uncommitted or can preserve sufficient detachment to maintain a coolly academic approach."
[This message has been edited by Percipient, 09-17-2003]