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Author | Topic: What exactly is ID? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:No, I'm saying that they are there for a purpose. They are one of the causes of genetic variability we see today. quote:How is this relevant to what we are discussing now? quote:The goal of ID is to detect design. quote:Your questions are a non sequitur. It's like me asking you, why do all monitors have a transparent screen? What is the point of that question? quote:You don't know it's a random insertation. You simply assume it. For an example, if the sheep didn't have a particular ERV insertation, they would not be alive today. Because it is used in the development of the placenta. quote:Endogenous retroviruses regulate periimplantation placental growth and differentiation - PubMed And you have to be able to tell apart design and effects of natural forces on the original design. just because we have problems with viruses today that doesn't mean that they were made that way in the first place. They probably were made for maintenence of living organisms, but some have degenerated since than and are causing trouble. Besides, even if they were designed to be malicious, that still means they were designed.
quote:That doesn't imply that polar bears and horses are related. quote:So what? There is nothing stopping evolution from doing it. What is the physical restraint that is making evolution not be able to evolve a different geentic code? If tehre is none, then it's possible for evolution to do so. So evolution also predicts that. quote:That's true. And even for a non-omnipotent one. And it just so happens that there are instances of a non-standard genetic code. So tell me, was this wan designed, or did it evolve? Non-standard Genetic Codes
quote:Big deal. You still have a contradiction. It's just a one word of difference. Which still doesn't make any difference. Because a pattern of similarity is still similarity. So if in one case similsrity implies something, and in another it does not, it's a contradiction. You still have a contradiction. Thus it's unfalsifiable. Besides, cars do have a pattern of homology. Just like frying pans evolving from metal cups do, as I have shown few posts ago. You can order things in such a way to imply a pattern of similarity.
quote:Why? Explain how does this come from the idea of evolution. quote:Why not? If some animals evolved those traits, why not the others? What's stopping them? quote:Why not? If birds evolved feathers, why not bats? quote:No it wouldn't. You could simply claim it evolved independently. Just like eyes supposedly evolved independently. Furthermore, CD is still unfalsifiable. Because when you do find something at odds with a standard tree, you simply re-classify the animal. And than it again has all the "right" features. quote:Not gonna fly. I don't care if it's too crude. That doesn't change the FACT that measurements show that there is no such a thing a a single nested hierarchy. Now we can discuss the reasons for why is that so, but you can't say that there is such a thing, and that we simply can't construct it. Basicly your argument fails because I could just as well say that the reason why we have some nested hierarchies i precisely because the tools are too crude. Why is my explanation worse than yours? It's not, it's actually better. All the previious supporting evidence actually wa done of older tools. And with newer and newer tools, we find more and more evidence that does not support one tree of life. That's what we see. You can't deny that. The only thing you can do is discuss why is this so.
quote:Well good for him. That's what he believes the reason to be. I could also say that the reason why we have nested hierarchies at all is because tolls are not precise enough, and in teh future, we are going to have even less of them. Besides, the author said that measurements done on teh state of the art equipment also show discrepencies. So however you look at it, this is not what you want.
quote:Yes, as you can see, even if we analyze them with the best equipment we have, we still get discrepencies. So if you argue that tiscrepencies are due to bad equipment, I could just as well argue that nested hierarchies are due to bad equipment. In the end, the present evidence tells us that there is no one single nested hierarchy.
quote:And we are. But to know what is happening, we have to look at the individual. And we have to look at what exactly is it that's happening inside it. quote:Exactly. Some macro-mutation could happen, and change the species in one generation. If you disagree, does than mean there are limits to evolution? quote:Yet all the discrepencies we find in nature you simply call noise and homoplasy. Why not call it design? quote:But we don't see it. We see it only if we cherry pick the results. Bsides. I already showed you an example of designed nested hierarchy in Russian dolls. Design can produce nested hierarchy. quote:Why should we? This is a non sequitur. This question doesn't imply anything. Yous imply found a bunch of animals and found that only those animals have certain features. That is all, that doesn't imply anything. And if some day they were to be found to have soem other feature, or some other animal was found to have one of the features that was thought to be present only in a certain group, that trait would not be called monophyletic anymore. And that's that. There would be a reclassification and nothing would be falsified. Than you could just pick another trait that you find in a certain group and claim it only happens in this group. Untill it's also found in another one.
quote:Does saying that a computer was designed to work as it does beg the question? quote:Does that mean that they don't share a common ancestor? If having eyes does imply a common ancestor, does not sharing the gills imply a non-common ancestry? quote:Why should we? quote:Because ID is about detecting design. If you can't accept that, than that's your problem. Edited by Smooth Operator, : No reason given.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:You can start by visiting this web site. Forbidden
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:As we shall see shortly, you are the one who is confused not me. quote:One of the questions youa sked was: "Can you name any legitimate field of science that makes an analogous claim in the absence of supporting evidence? You can't, right?" And my answer was SETI. So where's the problem?
quote:Once more. SETI.
Percy Member Posts: 23067 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.4 |
Smooth Operator writes: quote:Once more. SETI. The position of intelligent design is that it is not possible to know anything about the nature of the designer. SETI has no such equivalent position where in the absence of any evidence they claim there's something it isn't possible to know. Why don't I give you the setup question again and you can give it another try. Unlike any other field of science, without any evidence ID states a priori what it isn't possible to know, specifically, anything about the designer. Here's a quote from Of Pandas and People:
Of Pandas and People writes: But what kind of intelligent agent was it? On its own, science cannot answer this question; it must leave it to religion and philosophy. Can you name any other field of science that holds an equivalent position as a basic tenet? --Percy
Jazzns Member (Idle past 4207 days) Posts: 2657 From: A Better America Joined: |
claim that you can't get for the design to the designer. That is an unsupported assertion. With SETI, it is simply out of the bounds of our current technological capabilities to get from the design to the designer. They do NOT proclaim it out of bounds by fiat like ID does. You are the one who drew the comparison, it is up to you to support it with more than just your say so. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. --Thomas Jefferson
PaulK Member Posts: 17991 Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
quote: What is true ? Are you now trying to assert that you did NOT argue for the loss of all function ?
quote: You said that they weren't different proteins. That is why I have to point out that more copies of the same protein isn't that unlikely.
quote: Since DNA replication was preceded by RNA replication we cannot say that the assembly of any protein was by chance. You are treading on unknown ground when you make that claim.
quote: I would say that y is proportional to the logartihm of x
quote: It's an inverse logarithmic relation.
quote: No, I don't want to stop science in it's tracks. The progress of science does mnot depend on making wild guesses that happen to be convenient to ID proponents Also your long paragraph is very, very silly. We conclude from induction that the probability of the sun rising tomorrow is very, very high. We do not conclude that it is just as likely not to rise or to perform odd manouevres as you suggest, There is no similar body of evidence validating the use of uniform probabilities - a method recognised as unsound by statisticians.
quote: No, I am CONTRADICTING the point by poiting out that the choice of uniform probability in this case is supported by knowledge. If it were not, it would be unreliable.
quote: I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. However the fact is that inference to naturally existing intelligences is entirely permissable within methodological naturalism - which is based on the natural/supernatural dichotomy, not the natural/artificial dichotomy. Thus any assertion that methodological naturalism rules out intelligence is false and a strawman.
quote: No, our universe (which includes the Big Bang) is not regarded as necessarily all of nature.
quote: Which is completely by Kol irrelevant since they are sequences and have a Kolmogorov complexity whether it is calculated or not. And that complexity is not determined by the length of the sequence.
quote: Not really. Two different proteins would be more complex than two copies of the same protein - and very likely more complex than three or four. Certainly by Kolmogorov complexity - and Dembski's measure is even more sensitive to other factors.
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1097 days) Posts: 3193 Joined: |
That is by and far one of the worst websites I have ever come across. I wouldn't use it for a reference even if it were advocating evolution.
This page was last modified 17:13, 20 July 2006. This page has been accessed 2,991 times. It hasn't even been updated in 4 years, the layout is garbage, navigation is terrible, links mostly end up nowhere (some even lead to pornographic material). You really should have something better. "Some people think God is an outsized, light-skinned male with a long white beard, sitting on a throne somewhere up there in the sky, busily tallying the fall of every sparrow. Othersfor example Baruch Spinoza and Albert Einsteinconsidered God to be essentially the sum total of the physical laws which describe the universe. I do not know of any compelling evidence for anthropomorphic patriarchs controlling human destiny from some hidden celestial vantage point, but it would be madness to deny the existence of physical laws."-Carl Sagan "Show me where Christ said "Love thy fellow man, except for the gay ones." Gay people, too, are made in my God's image. I would never worship a homophobic God." -Desmond Tutu
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
quote:One of the questions youa sked was: "Can you name any legitimate field of science that makes an analogous claim in the absence of supporting evidence? You can't, right?" And my answer was SETI. Well SETI isn't a field of science. It is using science to try to find some evidence of ET life, but It is in no way a "field" of science. Care to try again? Also, Percy has explained clearly why it doesn't work as an answer, but as always you refuse to even consider you might be wrong. Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
ID wanting to, or not wanting to redefine science, or adhering, or not adhering to methodological naturalism, has nothing to do with the fact that both ID and SETI, which is basicly a subset of ID, claim that you can't get for the design to the designer. If SETI is "basically a subset of ID", why do you never hear the people involved in SETI reciting the nonsense that Behe or Dembski come out with? It is perfectly possible to search for extra-terrestrial intelligence without telling dumb lies about biology or spouting discredited nonsense about "irreducible complexity" or making dumb mistakes about information theory. As a matter of fact, the methodology of SETI is necessarily opposed to creationist beliefs. For they try to distinguish between signals which are the product of intelligence and signals which are just the product of, for example, quasars. But according to creationist dogma, the signal of a quasar is just as much a product of intelligence --- indeed, of supreme intelligence --- as the sort of things that the folks at SETI are looking for. Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Taq Member Posts: 10348 Joined: Member Rating: 6.3 |
No, I'm saying that they are there for a purpose. They are one of the causes of genetic variability we see today. How does this put their origin and mechanism of insertion in doubt? If an ERV induces variation how does that discount their insertion through standard retroviral mechanisms?
How is this relevant to what we are discussing now? It relates to your use of magic to discount obvious conclusions.
The goal of ID is to detect design. You have consistently shown that ID is not able to detect anything in biology. Therefore, I can only conclude that there is no intelligent design in biology, otherwise ID could explain these features.
Your questions are a non sequitur. It's like me asking you, why do all monitors have a transparent screen? What is the point of that question? No, it is not. I am asking you to use ID to explain observations. That is what scientific hypotheses/theories do, they explain observations. The observation is that an ERV shared by all apes has more LTR divergence than an ERV shared by just humans and apes. Evolution can explain this. If common ancestry and evolution is true this is exactly what we should observe. You are saying that common ancestry is wrong. You are saying that ID explains things better. So how does ID explain this observation?
You don't know it's a random insertation. You simply assume it. False. The random insertion of retroviruses is OBSERVED. It is an observation. Even an ERV rescued from the human genome (i.e. Phoenix) randomly inserts into the genome just like its modern counterparts. So once again you have to ignore observations to make ID work. That doesn't bode well.
For an example, if the sheep didn't have a particular ERV insertation, they would not be alive today. Because it is used in the development of the placenta. How does that put the origin of the ERV in doubt? Can you please show us how it is impossible for an ERV that is produced by random insertion of a retrovirus into the germline CAN NOT result in a function in the lineage? How does function negate the very natural origin of these sequences?
They probably were made for maintenence of living organisms, but some have degenerated since than and are causing trouble. Based on what evidence? If they have degenerated then how do you explain the higher divergence in ERV's shared by all apes than in ERV's that are lineage specific or shared by just 2 species of ape? If they all degenerated from a set time in history then all of them should be equally distant, but they aren't.
That doesn't imply that polar bears and horses are related. You stated that common ancestry is impossible. Are you retracting that statement?
So what? There is nothing stopping evolution from doing it. What is the physical restraint that is making evolution not be able to evolve a different geentic code? I already told you what is stopping it. A drastic reduction in fitness. Such an organism would be selected against, strongly. Evolution can't go backwards. You might as well claim that gravity can make rivers flow uphill.
That's true. And even for a non-omnipotent one. And it just so happens that there are instances of a non-standard genetic code. So tell me, was this wan designed, or did it evolve? This forum is about ID. What does ID say?
Big deal. You still have a contradiction. It's just a one word of difference. Which still doesn't make any difference. Because a pattern of similarity is still similarity. No it is not. A bat with feathers would violate the nested hierarchy and would falsify the theory of evolution even though feathers would be a homologous structure shared by bats and ducks. Homology in and of itself does not indicate common ancestry or evolution. Not every pattern of homology will indicate evolution. There is only one pattern that will indicate evolution, and that happens to be the pattern we observe.
Besides, cars do have a pattern of homology. Just like frying pans evolving from metal cups do, as I have shown few posts ago. You can order things in such a way to imply a pattern of similarity. Cars and frying pans do not fall into a nested hiearchy. You have just supported my argument. Designed things do not fall into a nested hierarchy. If they did then only one lineage of cars would have airbags. Only one lineage of frying pans would have teflon coating. This is not what we see. For example, we can find a Mazda and Chevy that have the same tires, but different engines. We can find two Mazdas that have the same engine, but different tires. There is no nested hierarchy even though there is homology. Do you understand the difference or not?
Why not? If birds evolved feathers, why not bats? Because bats were never birds. Evolution doesn't work that way. For bats to evolve feathers you would need to give bats the same genetic background as the non-feathered ancestors of birds. It is impossible for a bat to have that genetic background. Not only that, but once the bats have this impossible to get genetic background they need to acquire the same random mutations in the same order, another near impossibility.
No it wouldn't. You could simply claim it evolved independently. Just like eyes supposedly evolved independently. So your only recourse now is to put words in my mouth in order to discount my arguments? That's dishonesty at its acme. Why don't you find an ostrich with teats and then see how I react. Or why don't you give us the ID explanation of why we don't see a single species with teats and feathers. Care to explain? Secondly, the vertebrate eye evolved once. The insect eye evolved once. The cephalopod eye evolved once. These are lineage specific adaptations. They have lineage specific anatomy, histology, and development. The only thing that ties them together is their end function. You might as well try to claim that the insect leg, bear leg, and squid leg are also homologous because you can call them legs.
Not gonna fly. I don't care if it's too crude. That doesn't change the FACT that measurements show that there is no such a thing a a single nested hierarchy. Now we can discuss the reasons for why is that so, but you can't say that there is such a thing, and that we simply can't construct it. What is being said is that the tool is too crude to resolve branches that are very close together. You might as well claim that binoculars don't work because they can not resolve separate stars in the Andromeda galaxy.
Yes, as you can see, even if we analyze them with the best equipment we have, we still get discrepencies. It's not the equipment. It's the lack of data. Modern species represent a tiny fraction of the species that have existed. Using their genomes as a phylogenetic tool will not be able to resolve branches of extinct species that branched very close to one another due to the missing data. What it can give us is a cruder, larger picture, and it does that quite well.
But we don't see it. We see it only if we cherry pick the results. Bsides. I already showed you an example of designed nested hierarchy in Russian dolls. Design can produce nested hierarchy. Please show how all known kachina dolls fall into a single nested hiearchy. Please compare the characteristics of each kachina doll population and show how they fall into a single nested hierarchy. BTW, the ability of something to physically fit inside another is not a nested hierarchy.
And we are. But to know what is happening, we have to look at the individual. And we have to look at what exactly is it that's happening inside it. The individual is meaningless in terms of evolution. If all we look at is the individual then we have to remove two of the important mechanisms in evolution: differential reproductive success and competition between organisms. If an individual has two offspring, what does that mean? What if that individual has 100 offspring, what does that mean? How can we make heads or tails of what the individual means without comparing the individual WITH THE REST OF THE POPULATION?
Yet all the discrepencies we find in nature you simply call noise and homoplasy. Why not call it design? You tell us? Why call it design when you have shown that ID can not explain any observations in biology?
Taq: So where is the fish with fur or the mammal with gills? Why don't we see these things if design is true? SO: Why should we? That was my question. Why should we or shouldn't we? What does ID predict as to the existence of fish with fur, mammals with gills, birds with teats, bats with feathers, etc.? Why do we only see the combination of features predicted by the theory of evolution?
Taq Member Posts: 10348 Joined: Member Rating: 6.3 |
One of the questions youa sked was: "Can you name any legitimate field of science that makes an analogous claim in the absence of supporting evidence? You can't, right?" And my answer was SETI. So where's the problem? The problem is that scientists can use the characteristics of the radio signal to reverse engineer the mechanisms that the alien race used to create the design. From the strength of the signal and the frequency one can derive the types of coils used, as one example. One can infer the mechanism of design from looking at the design. IDer's can't or won't do this. You need to find a new example.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:SETI has the same position. Based on just the signal they would detect from space, they can not know anything about the designer. Now, if they actually saw him, than they would know a lot about him, but then they wouldn't be needing any method for design detection in the first place. quote:Because that's logic. Pure logic. If we detect CSI (regardless of what you think of it) we can not know what was the source. Was it supernatural, extra-terestrial, or human. Or maby a very intelligent animal. There is no information leading to that conclusion. Therefore, either we actually see the designer, or we use philosophy or religion to tell us. There is no other way.
quote:Any field of science that is based on design detection.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:The point is that based on science of design detection alone we can't know the identity of the designer. If we had better technology, to actually eitehr go to outer space and find some alien designer, than that would not be the case of design detection. But of simply observing the designer.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:Nope, why would I say that? quote:I know, and now, I'm asking you what if they were differnet but of the same size N. quote:You very well know that this is a pure assertation. Nobody knows what preceded what. So if we are going to accept the idea that something came first, than one of them came by chance, by your logic. So which one was it? quote:Great. quote:Thank you. So it's an inverse logarithmic relation. Fine. So do you now accept that complexity and probability have an inverse logarithmic relation? quote:Saying that the Sun will rise tommorow is NOT, I repeat, it is NOT a wild guess! It's an inference, with which you would agree on. And it's based on an assumption! WE DO NOT KNOW IF IT WILL RISE TOMMOROW! WE ASSUME IT! But this is the best assumption we can make. If we don't make it, science is DEAD! Do you understand this or not?
quote:You got your analogy wrong. Infering that the Sun will rise tommorow is a generalized case of principle of insufficient reason. We claim uniforma probability not that the sun will make a wild action in the sky tommorow, but that it will continue doing the same thing it has been doing from the past few thousand years. Just as we assume that the probability will decrease in the same way when we increase the number of dice. This is also an assumption. The same one as assuming that the Sun will rise tommorow.
quote:AND YOU ARE WRONG! The article clearly says that PoIR is use not because we DO know something, but because we DON'T know something! We use it because, in this case, we do not precisely know the mechanical laws that govern the dice! The assumption is taken because of our ignorance, not knowledge!
quote:I said materialism rules out intelligence. quote:Wow, that's wrong on so many levels. 1.) I didn't say BB itself. But the CAUSE of BB. The cause is obviously outside our universe. 2.) As I said, unter the multiverse hypothesis, our nature is just one of many natures. And any one of them is by definition supernatural becasue it's outside our nature. 3.) If you claim that our universe is just a part of the whole nature, than this is an unfalsifiable claim, thus not science. Becasue that emans that everything is nature, and thus nothing is nature. Eitehr soemthing is, or isn't nature.
quote:Which is why I ddin't use KC for the probability, obviously. quote:But we are NOT using KC for protein formation. We are using SI instead. And you very well know that the higher the complxity, that SI claims the lower the probability.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5409 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote: quote:LOL, anyone?
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