Homeschooling is a tool that many fundamentalists use to combat the perceived "sinfulness" of a public education system that teaches evolution. Since creationism won't be taught to their children in school, they take matters into their own hands and begin educating their children from home. A 1999
survey by the National Center for Education Statistics (U.S.) found the majority of people homeschooled their child(ren) because
They can give their child(ren) a better education at home
There exists a poor learning environment at school
They have an objection to what the school teaches
Religious reasons
While none of them directly state it, all these reasons can be attributed to either objection to evolution or the absence of creationism in schools.
What is your take on homeschooling, when practiced by fundamentalist parents as an objection to the teaching of evolution in public school systems? Do you feel as if these children are getting deprived of a proper education? Are they being "brainwashed"? Should homeschooling be illegal, especially when implemented in this manner?
My curiosity of your opinions is driven by the fact that I was raised under these conditions. (I somehow managed to
not grow up to be a creationist.)