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Author | Topic: What exactly is ID? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Recombination within genes happens, recombination between closely linked loci happens. The fact that you think a new mechanism is needed to explain this just shows how unfamiliar you are with the already well characterised mechanisms. Just to help clarify this point, the reason that genes close to each other tend to be linked is that the chances of a recombination event occuring over a short span of DNA is low. The less DNA there is between two genes the less likely a recombination event will occur between the two genes. As the distance between two genes increases so too does the chance of recombination occuring in the gap between the two genes.
Percy Member Posts: 23190 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 5.6 |
Maybe I'm just in a post lunch funk, but those last two sentences read like the opposite of what I thought you were trying to say. If I've gotten this backwards then please ignore and apologies, etc...
Taq Member Posts: 10385 Joined: Member Rating: 5.8 |
Maybe I'm just in a post lunch funk, but those last two sentences read like the opposite of what I thought you were trying to say. If I've gotten this backwards then please ignore and apologies, etc... I reread it several times and it appears to be correct, but my mind could be playing tricks with me. I find that often happens when you read your own stuff, you project your intended meaning and can sometimes miss obvious mistakes. So here is a different explanation. Just to make the math easy, let's say the probability of a recombination event (i.e. a cross over in meiosis) occuring at any single base is 1 in a million (1 in 1E6 shorthand). If two genes (or more accurately, two alleles) are separated by 100 bases then the chances of a recombination event occuring between the genes is 1E2 in 1E6, or 1 in 1E4. If there are 1E6 bases between two genes then the chances of a recombination event between the two genes is 1 in 1. The more bases there are between the two genes the more likely they are to be separated during meiosis.
xongsmith Member Posts: 2644 From: massachusetts US Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
SO writes:
My question is, why can convergent evolution not make 2 different species genetically similar? What is stopping evolution from doing so? Pretty much the same thing that is stopping all of the air molecules in your room from suddenly all being in one half of the room.
What about the beefalo, then? Well, lest I get into a True Scotsman retreat, I'll just say I was wrong. Perhaps I would point out that in these cases, it was by Intelligent Design via Homo Sapiens. SO brings up
inside we find:
It is now believed that Pax 6, even before the origin of eyes, had an unknown function in eyeless organisms, and was subsequently recruited for its role as an eye organizer. I would strenuously object to the words "recruited for its role", but rather something closer to "given the role". My reading of the site leads me to believe that they dont have the "Tree of Life" properly defined in their heads, especially since their own words regarding Pax 6 would seem to imply common ancestry. Continuing from the site:
Mayr tries to explain away this extreme genetic convergent similarity by appealing to hidden potentials of the genotype. Does this sound compatible with the kind of blind, unguided, and even random processes inherent in neo-Darwinian evolution? No. This sounds like a goal-directed process intelligent design. No - this just means that that particular sort of result is heavily favored when it randomly comes up.
The first is that the development of homologous structures can be governed by different genes and can follow different developmental pathways. The second discovery, conversely, is that sometimes the same gene plays a role in producing different adult structures. Both of these discoveries seem to contradict neo-Darwinian expectations. No, no, no. You cant have your cake and not have your cake. All the research shows is that there are ZILLIONS of ways biology evolves. Fascinating. Just because they haven't gone back far enough in the "Bush" of life doesn't mean they've falsified it. BTW Bush Of Life is probably a better way to describe it rather than insisting on only 2 branchings at a time.
Conclusion The methodology for inferring common descent has broken down. Proponents of neo-Darwinian evolution are forced into reasoning that similarity implies common ancestry, except for when it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t, they appeal to all sorts of ad hoc rationalizations to save common ancestry. Tellingly, the one assumption and view that they are not willing to jettison is the overall assumption of common ancestry itself. This shows that evolutionists treat common descent in an unfalsifiable, and therefore unscientific and ideological, fashion. Yeah - it's way more complex than the untrained peanut gallery observers can imagine. There lots of systems that have "except when it doesn't" clauses that - upon careful educated scrutiny - turn out to be reasonable conclusions based the data to date. No surprises here. What I see in this site is an unbelievable amount of smugness on the authors. You can almost see them rubbing their hands and nodding to each other with grins "Oh - we got them now!" LOL They haven't made a point at all. - xongsmith, 5.7d
RAZD Member (Idle past 1731 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
Hi Smooth Operator.
Great. Can you tell me what actually happened for them not to be able to reproduce anymore? I can, whether you will consider understanding it, or not, is the bigger question. Simply put, they died. As your great great ancestors are no longer able to reproduce because they are dead, so too are all organisms that have died. In this case, millions of years ago, including all the other dead ancestors of the living populations of bears and alligators. It's a simple concept. Each generation reproduces while that generation lives, not before nor after. Evolution is the change in proportion of hereditary traits in breeding populations from generation to generation in response to ecological opportunity.
I agree that they are phenotipically different but genetically different. But tell me, if they became phenotipically similar. WHat would stop evolution, to also make them genetically similar. Actually, identical. What is this force that precludes evolution from doing that? ps - it's phenotype ... For another very simple reason: there is no (natural) mechanism that would cause this to happen. You don't need to worry about stopping something that will never start. There is no way for natural selection to operate, or any other mechanism known to biology and the real world, to draw the genes closer to similarity. DNA doesn't change because you want it to, the change is mostly random, and the results are then filtered by selection processes to adapt the organism to the ecology it inhabits. Both organisms are adapted to their ecology and don't need to turn into the other to be adapted to their ecology.
Oh, but it very relevant. Because if 2 species can't reproduce now, how do you know that those species could have ever reproduced. Basicly, being one species that reproduced. ... Okay, I get your point. Good, I'll mark this down as a step forward.
Okay, they say that this particular species developed a special opening which later on allowed for a superior jaw. How do they know that? How exactly did they determine that happened? Because they found (and continue to find) skulls with this opening and arch belonging to therapsids and therapsid descendants, but not in ancestral species or in other hereditary lineages. In later descendants the opening closes, leaving the arch as a derived new feature in all descendant species. You have this arch, as do bears. For clarity, the arch "giving a superior bite" is present in the therapsids and descendants. Descendants can take advantage of opportunities to improve the jaw further, but they don't have to: not all descendants of therapsids evolved into cyconodonts.
Can you please explain to me how do you know that all these animals are related? I have the same question about this graph also. How do you know that all those species are related. Do you know it? Do you have any evidence for it, or do you simply assume it? By following the evidence of derived and inherited ancestral traits. The whole pattern of the fossils show many aspects that are not altered from ancestral forms (ancestral traits), and some that are undergoing transitions that become more derived over time (derived traits). The synapsid arch is a case in point: it appears in one species (derived), and then you see it inherited (ancestral) in descendant species with continued development (further derived) as the arch becomes more developed and the skull closes back together under the arch. This occurs through the evolution in many species, that each inherit their pattern/s of derived and ancestral traits as they evolve generation by generation. See Derive - Wikipediafor what is meant by "derived": "In phylogenetics, a trait is derived if it is present in an organism, but was absent in the last common ancestor of the group being considered. " An ancestral trait is a trait that is shared between the species and an ancestral species (common ancestor). When a fossil is >90% similar to an ancestral species with <10% derived (evolved) from the remaining ancestral features, as we see with the synapsid arch, then hereditary lineage is the most logical explanation. This is no different than looking at species that are all similar fossils and concluding that they are all the same species.
Speaking of the intermediate forms you presented. I would like to know, how do you tell a specimen is intermediate? When it is between an ancestral species and a descendant species in the development of the derived traits. See Transitional fossil - Wikipediaor Transitional features - Understanding Evolution quote: Again, it is a simple concept: species evolve, there is no species alive today that is not going through changes in the proportions of hereditary traits in breeding populations from generation to generation in response to ecological opportunities. Thus population A evolves into population B as the old members die and new members are born, and population B evolves into population C as the new members age, older ones die, and new ones are born: the members of population B are intermediate between population A and population C. Now introduce increasing numbers of generations between A and B and between B and C and you still have intermediate forms in population B that have ancestral traits in common with the ancestral traits in population A and derived traits in common with some of the derived traits in population C.
Actually no. What any reasonable person can see, is that you have made a drawing. That is all. Oh dear, you've made the unfounded assumption that you are a reasonable person. ![]() Now, you simply ASSUME they represent their descent. Do you know that, or do you simply assume that? Do you have any evidence for that? The evidence is available in the information already presented, evidence that any reasonable person can take as a starting point and investigate further if they want to. Denying that this evidence exists is not being reasonable, and I'm not about to spend a lot more time on someone that I don't consider willing to confront the evidence realistically.
How do you know that they didn't exist from the start? Because there are no fossils of existing species in the fossil record at the time of the reptilomorphs, while there are fossils that show their evolution from the ancestral forms from reptilomorphs to today Because there is evidence that shows the evolution pattern given and there is no evidence that shows your pattern.
So you are sayign that if two different species would be able to reproduce, that are not the same species, that would invalidate common descent? What if it went even higher? What if two different genera reproduced? Surely this would be even worse? Does this falsify common descent? Look at the case of the beefalo. A simple bison (genus Bison), and a simple cow (genus Bos). Their offspring is fertile, and is called teh beefalo. What's up with that? I said that observing a bear and an alligator reproduce viable offspring would tend to invalidate common descent, not that any hybrid between closely related species would invalidate it. American bison - Wikipedia
quote: Cattle - Wikipedia
quote: So they are interbreeding between members of the same subfamily, not between organisms from different class levels of ancestry. Alligatoridae - Wikipedia
quote: Bear - Wikipedia
quote: There is much much more genetic difference between bears and alligators than there is between cows and bison.
Look at the case of the beefalo. A simple bison (genus Bison), and a simple cow (genus Bos). Their offspring is fertile, and is called teh beefalo. What's up with that? They are not much more different that the hybrids of horse and donkey and zebra, some of which are fertile. Horse - Wikipedia
quote: Donkey - Wikipedia
quote: Zebra - Wikipedia
quote: Interfertility does not necessarily cease between sibling species if there is no opportunity to interbreed and no selection pressure to change. The cow and bison did naturally interbreed, once they were introduced to the same area, but not all of the offspring were fertile, and it took a while for humans to develop a complete separate breed. There is also the "cama" - part camel part llama (only 3 so far, don't know if they are fertile). http://taylorllamas.com/Camel-LamaCrossPhotos.html Camel - Wikipedia
quote: Llama - Wikipedia
quote: Members of the same family, but cannot breed naturally. Cama (animal) - Wikipedia
quote: So we see that evolution doesn't necessarily change the ability to breed between species that do not normally come into contact. There have also been no successful attempts to mate cows and camels even though they have coexisted for thousands of years and belong to the same order level above family (but which excludes horses and bears). There have been no successful attempts to mate species at higher\older levels of ancestry, and the common ancestor level of alligator and bear is significantly higher\older than these examples. Enjoy. Edited by RAZD, : splng we are limited in our ability to understand
by our ability to understand Rebel American Zen Deist ... to learn ... to think ... to live ... to laugh ... to share. • • • Join the effort to solve medical problems, AIDS/HIV, Cancer and more with Team EvC! (click) • • •
anglagard Member (Idle past 1162 days) Posts: 2339 From: Socorro, New Mexico USA Joined:
This may be a bit OT but i feel it is an important question to ask.
Recently to my great embarassment, I learned of Norman Borlaug's demise. Of course I did not learn that through my usual sources - Google News, the NYT, or BBC News. I found out from Cracked.com. Now for those few here, but evidently many elsewhere, Norman Borlaug is famous because through his hybridization of various food crops during the 60's he saved between one and two billion lives. That number, even at the lowest estimate, is far larger than all the people Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Timur, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, and Torquemada along with many others managed to kill. As it is clear, there is no great amount of publicity for saving lives, only for shortening them. Well, it is easy to understand that bad news crowds out good, so despite such mainstream media bias, I offer the ID and YEC supporters their chance, right here, right now. Given that truth I was wondering - How many lives has the concept of Intelligent Design or Young Earth Creationism saved or even financially improved? After all, ID has been around since the 80's and hardcore YECism since 1961. Isn't it time we should be seeing some results? I mean, crap, just on Google right now I'm reading about some ceramic box that can produce electricity at less cost and environmental impact than previous technologies. So what is the deal with ID and YEC? Can you give the world something positive or is it just like Juche, the official religion of North Korea, which incidentally and evidently has something against generating electricity. Isn't it time to put up or shut up, after all us supporters of science seem to come up with something better every day while you........ Please chime in should you have something to crow about. Edited by anglagard, : add n to give for the sake of the mighty, yet fallible, English language Edited by anglagard, : add 'great amount of' before 'publicity' for honest accuracy Edited by anglagard, : Add connecting paragraph to make more sense. Edited by anglagard, : that aforementioned paragraph needed some more tweaking The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes. Salman Rushdie This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. - the character Rorschach in Watchmen
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
They've given you hours of free entertainment.
slevesque Member (Idle past 4966 days) Posts: 1456 Joined: |
I'm a supporter of science too. What have you done for me lately ?
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8716 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 4.9 |
Do you have a cell phone? When was the last time you went to a Doctor? In another thread you were talking about the work of the ENCODE project. These a just small samples of what Science has done for you.
Can anyone show us anything ID has given us? Other than headaches, laughs and a barometer with which to gauge how stupid some people can be? Edited by AZPaul3, : the usual culprits.
hooah212002 Member (Idle past 1127 days) Posts: 3193 Joined: |
You see that machine you are using to type that idiotic message? SCIENCE did that.
"Some people think God is an outsized, light-skinned male with a long white beard, sitting on a throne somewhere up there in the sky, busily tallying the fall of every sparrow. Othersfor example Baruch Spinoza and Albert Einsteinconsidered God to be essentially the sum total of the physical laws which describe the universe. I do not know of any compelling evidence for anthropomorphic patriarchs controlling human destiny from some hidden celestial vantage point, but it would be madness to deny the existence of physical laws." -Carl Sagan
anglagard Member (Idle past 1162 days) Posts: 2339 From: Socorro, New Mexico USA Joined: |
slevesque writes: I'm a supporter of science too. If you believe in some global flood from 4350 BCE, then you do not support any normal understanding of the sciences of physics, chemistry, geology, biology, or anthropology.
What have you done for me lately ? Well, just last week I helped a few nursing students find reliable sources of information so they don't accidentally kill someone through ignorance of, what us academics call a normal understanding of chemistry and biology. Someday, one of those nurses may be involved in healing your illness. Edited by anglagard, : clarity The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes. Salman Rushdie This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us. - the character Rorschach in Watchmen
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5440 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:Why would I argue for that when I said before, and now, that that is NOT my main argument? My main argument is to find out how much mutations can a certain function take before it becomes useless. quote:So you are again accusing me of lying... quote:But genes are the ones that are under teh question of being designed. It's notl like they are a product of some natural law. There is no natural law that directs a DNA sequence to code for a flagellum. It was either produced by chance, or it was designed. quote:I see you basicly have no more arguments. You are not arguing with me anymore, nor with Dembski, nor with the whole mathematical community. You are now in an argument with the logic itself. As far as I'm concerned, our discussion is over. I'll continue it simply because I will do so, but in reality there is no real reason to do so. If you deny something as simple as the inversly proportional relation between complexity and probability than we have nothign to talk about anymore. If you want to get 6 on all dies you have the relationship between probability and complexity will be something like this. More dice, less probability.Less dice, more probability. 5 dice, a certain probability.3 dice, more probable than 5 dice. 7 dice, less probable than 5 and 3 dice. This is what you are denying. You are denying pure logic. This is not something I or Dembski made up. This is something you learn in the first year of college.
quote:Neitehr am I asking you about the motives. quote:Well you can't have it both ways! Either its used or it's not. Either you accept the principle of insufficient reason or you don't. Do you or do you not. If you do, than fine. If you don't, explan why. quote:What!? What did I say that was wrong? quote:Yes it does. It says that it's because we do not know the exact mechanics behind the dice roll. quote:LOL! He never, ever said that. NEVER, as in NEVER. He actually said that the design inference is NEVER perfect. And that is why he compared the Explanatory filter with a net. He said that it catches some design, and leaves out other instances of design. He also said that some things are still possible without being probable. And his method would falsify such a hypothesis that is possible, but not probable. That's approximation. You have no arguments left. You are just making things up now as you go...
quote:What exactly is it that you want to see? They modeled that reproductive fitness with size of the population, reproduction, selective pressure and recombination as variables is this not a representative of a living population? quote:No, you are the one who is confused. Please explain the following logic to me. "inviable cheetah embryo has more genetic information than a perfectly viable RNA self-reproducing RNA strand THEREFORE there is no such a thing as an absolute information measure" Please do explain this logic. It's totally meaningless.
quote:You are making absolutely no sense anymore... quote:1.) The gene gun is used to genetically modify genes. Genes are studied in population genetics, he studied about it, he knows it. 2.) He agrees with me, because I agree with him. I actually quoted him here, but you obviously don't care much about that.
quote:You are missing teh point. BEFORE!!! Do you hear me!? BEFORE!!!!! Before that HALF of genome can be passed on, the FULL, do you hear me again, the FULL GENOME will be evaluated by natural seelction! Not HALF of the gene, but the full gene. Based on all genetic and non-genetic traits. The most "fit" based on all of those traits will be selected. Not based on how good individual gene is, but how good the whole genome is! And by saying soemthing so stupid as the genome is not lasting, you are just digging an even deeper hole here. Are genes longer lasting!? You said yourself that only half of the genes get passed on. So guess what? Some genes do not go to the next generation. Obviously they are even less lasting. So how in the world could they be a unit of selection!? Some are even destroyed by mutations in one generation! LOL! Who are you kidding?
quote:No, it's not an assumption. It's a fact. About 175 new mutations enter the human population with every new individual, how can natural selection remove that? It can't. quote:You miss the whole point. No wonder you don't unedrstand the topic. You are totally clueless about what is being talked about. I never, ever argued that natural selection can't change the frequencies of alleles withn a population. Yes it can. But what it can't do, is keep the population on the same level of genetic information, or increase it. Genetic entropy is decreasing the informational content. And while this is happening, there is absolutely no problem whatsoever for shifting frequencies within a population.
quote:And do what? Shift frequencies from light do dark moths? Yes. Maintain or increase the original genetic information? No.
quote:How is recombination going to overcome the effects of epigenetics? How is recombination going to overcome the effect of both parent's gene being mutated beyond repair? You can recombine it, but it still doesn't work. For an example, human GULO gene. ALL humans have this gene mutated so it doesn't work. How teh hell is recombination going to repair it? Guess what? IT'S NOT! It's stays dead! And it's passed on to every single offspring!
quote:Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we want to know how much CSI is there in a human genome and in some other genome. If they are different size, than there are different amounts of information. So we have to measure them in different amount of bits. quote:Than where is it? quote:It's actually P(T|H) in the new paper which would correspond to P(D*|H) in TDI. Which, let me remind you, you agreed that these two are the same few posts ago!
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5440 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:Once more. I never said that genes do not undergo recombination. Only you keep saying that I claimed so. Yes they do undergo recombination. But take a look at this. quote:Just a moment... In other words, what this article claims is that there are recombinatorial hotspots, and cold spots. Some parts of the genome get constantly recombined, others do not. So you can't just invoke recombination on every single gene, to be recombined with every other single gene. Because there is no evidence that such a thing ever happened.
quote:Again, you miss the point. We are talking about natural selection, and what natural selection evaluates befre it let's it get passed on. Does it evaluate every single gene, or genome? Obviously it does so with the genome, not the gene. And the second point you missed is, that there is evidence that soem regions neevr got recombined. So you can't simply invoke recombination as a mechanism that would get rid of all mutations.
quote:If all genes got rearranged than that would still not be true. Because individual genes are not what gets evaluated by antural selection. quote:Again, please stop missing the point. It doesn't matter what gets passed on. What matters is what gets evaluated. quote:Like what? Name one. quote:Fine I agree with that. quote:I more or less agree. But the question is, what do you get out of it? What do you get over time by such a mechanism. Let's say you have a single cell 3.6 billion years ago. And that mechanism went on from that time 'till today. What do you suppose we are going to get with it? quote:I accept genetic evidence. What I do nto accept is assumptions presented as evidence. Please explain the logic between mammalian conservation of genes. I would really like to hear it. You do understand that you first have to assume that all mammals were once one single species to be able to do that? Yet you have ZERO evidence that that was ever the case, or that it is even possible for such a thing to be true.
quote:Yes, so just becasue they mention the word "ENCODE" every few lines doesn't mean that they are actually talking about the ENCODE Project is, or what it did. Than what were they talking about? The Flintstones? quote:Yes, they mentioned him also. I never argued that they didn't. What I argued is that the ENCODE Project found out that the classical view of genes is obsolete. Which is what the article claims. quote:This is the quote from the article. Are you still going to deny the mentioned ENCODE, and claimed that ENCODE changed our views on genes? quote:Show me some examples. quote:What I'm claiming is that positive evolution is almost non-existant. Majority of what exists is neutral selection. But that doesn't mean the majority of genome is non-functional. It' ssimply means that darwinism is false. quote:I totally agree, I never said otherwise. And the comparison between feathers and granite was unneccessary since I never claimed otherwise. The point is that beneficial mutations don't have such a strong effect, and are almost always drowned by the noise of non-genetic selective traits. And the other point is, that if we say that on average beneficial mutations will have the same strenght as deleterious mutations, than by simple shere numbers, they will overcome the deleterious ones. And the third point is, that they are more numerous however strong they are. Actually the less effect they have the worse it gets. Because than there is more chance they will get passed on, becasue they will be in the range of slightly neutral mutations that are invisible to natural selection.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5440 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:You misunderstood me. I said that the notion of "design without a designer" is impossible, not common descent. I simply said that evolution is built on common descent and as such is tryng to be an explanation for how design comes about withoput a designer. quote:ID is simply the science of design detection, and as such does not deal with the designer or it's mechanisms. Evolution on the other hand is trying to explain design without the designer. Which it fails to do.
quote:Your question is useless. It's totally irrelevant where the designer came from. The question is where the designed object came from, not where the designer came from. I'm not sayign that we should not ask where the designer came from. i'ms imply saying that it's irrelevant to ID. Imagine if you were walking down the street and found a pen. A guy asks you how did it come about. You say it was designed. But the guy say that it's not a good answer becaue than you would have to explain where the designer came from. That's totally wrong. Because you do not know where the designer came from, yet your answer that the pen was designed is true. It's true regardless of you knowing where the designer came from, or how. No infinite regress happened, and the pen is indeed designed. Basicly by asking the next question you would destroy science. You do not need to have an explanation for an explanation. When a first person proposed an atom, did he also have to propose the existance of the nucleous? Did he also have to propose the existance of protons, neutrons and electrons? Did he also have to propose quarks? You can go to infinity like that an never come to an end. Basicly, your criticism is invalid.
quote:You are wrong on both accounts here. Saying that God or anything else designed the universe is not unscientific. Simply becasue if the universe didn't create itself, and it's not eternal, it had to be caused by something outside it. So an outside cause is not an assumption but a logical necessity. Second part where you went wrong is saying that positing a designer for life is unscientific. Why would it be? Why is positing design in other branches of science scientific, but not biology?
quote:1.) It was not known that molecular machines were irreducibly complex before Behe said it. The same goes for all other predictions. 2.) Again, being consistent with evolution does not mean that any other theory is any less valid. General relativity and Newtonia gravity are consistent in some parts. That doesn't make any one of them wrong. 3.) Evolution is a very, very broad term. You have to tell me what kind of evolution is consistent with these predictions. Please define the word "evolution" you are using here.
quote:So in other words, you are saying that evolution, again, I don't know what you mean by evolution here, generates CSI. Fine. Can you show me where has that been demonstrated? quote:The bacterial flagellum is a nice example.
Smooth Operator Member (Idle past 5440 days) Posts: 630 Joined: |
quote:Well fine. Show me some examples. Listing them is not showing an example. Explain how are they evidence for CD: quote:Let's see... quote:Which part of "Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded" do you not understand? Do you have problem reading English? The tree concept is dead. It doesn't exist anymore. If you have anything to show against this conclusion, if you can show me the evidence I'm ignoring, than show them now. quote:No. A bush is an exact opposite. Branches is what was supposed to be seen, not a bush. quote:You don't get it. You are confusing interpretations and assumptions with evidence and facts. It is a fact that a tree of life is a bush, and not a branching tree. It is an observable fact. Meaning that you can't construct a unambiguous nested hierarchy. Those are facts. Assumptions and interpretations of those facts is that regardless of the facts, that chimps are our relatives. There is no evidence for that. That is an interpretation and an assumption. And no, they do not agree with you on the nested hierarchy part. They agree with you that humans and chimps are related, but in spite of there not being a nested hierarchy, but a bush.
quote:Why aren't eyes found in a single lineage of animals? quote:Why don't all animals? quote:Yet they evolved independently few times. So what does that tell you? quote:Feather - Wikipedia quote:And it would seem they also evolved independently few times? quote:Just a moment... quote:Because they weren't designed that way. quote:Who said they can't? They simply don't. quote:Oh really? Since when? quote:Hierarchy - Wikipedia quote:He can. There is no nested hierarchy. Even if tehre was, what would that mean? quote:I'm talking about universal common descent. It's very different than simple common descent. Because with universal common descent we are talking about species that were never known to interbreed, producing offspring. Is that even possible? quote:What? quote:Why not? Explain why. quote:Listen, you don't know what you're talking about. The number 10^20 has nothing to do with the flagellum. It's the complexity of the specification. Please don't go into this, it's out ov your league. quote:You miss the point. The whole organism was selected that contained that mutation. Not the mutation itself. The whole organism was evaluated. Do you think that mutation would be passed on if the organism was sterile? quote:It simply explains the source of design. quote:No kidding Einstein, so if evolution doesn't deal with the origin of life and just deals with the development of life, why should ID deal with anything besides detection of design? quote:No. What your paper showed is that it changed due to random mutations and intelligent selection. Which is not equal to random mutations being operated on by natural selection. quote:And they directed and selected which individuals get to reproduce. quote:Penicilin is not intelligent, and it's not selecting anything. It's simply binding becasue it's chemical properties. quote:http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/...53/PDF/ajp-jp1v5p1501.pdf
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