There's been a complaint about manners in this thread. I've given it a very quick read and so I could have easily missed something, but my impression is that this thread is doing fine. We were just visited by someone voluble and extremely thin skinned, so if everyone could just exhibit a little toughness and tolerance and civility for a while and give moderators (or at least this moderator) a break it would be appreciated.
Dcarraher is raising some good points. I know that for some who have been here a while and seen these points before that there's a tendency to cut to the chase and skip all the intermediate steps, but everyone on both sides of the discussion deserves a careful and thoughtful discussion of their position, even if it's one we've seen before.
I will weigh in on one point. It is this moderator's opinion that even base premises can be measured against the evidence and that discussion is therefore worthwhile.
-- | Percy |
| EvC Forum Director |