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Author | Topic: What exactly is ID? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
The complexity and the improbability of soem event are not enough to claim they were designed. Any random hill side has the complexity well over 400 bits. Yet we attribute it's shape to chance. Any other random pattern is as probable as the next one, and some pattern has to occure. But you would neevr claim that Mount Rushmore is one of those patterns. You would never claim that it was also possible for chance to produce it. Because if you would, that's like me sayign that Rosetta stone was also not designed, but came about by chance. Both those things (the hillside & Mt. Rushmore) are complex. You are claiming that the hillside was NOT designed and that Mt. Rushmore WAS designed based on WHAT? The complexity? They are BOTH complex. In fact, the hillside may very well be MORE complex than Mt. Rushmore. The ONLY way you are able to differentiate the two as being natural vs designed is because you... ....wait for it.... ...know the MECHANISM! You know the MECHANISM of erosion and gravity which generated the hillside. You know the MECHANISM of dynamite and chissel which generated Mt. Rushmoore. Your equation CAN NOT differentiate between the two WITHOUT the mechanism.
The limiting factor here is the specification. Mount rushmore, Rosetta stone, and the flagellum, have a pattern that is independent of themselves. So the point is not in that they are just improbable, but they are improbable and specified in the same time. Their probability is not 1:1 becasue they do not jhave ust any pattern. They have a specified pattern. More "specified patterns"
Go ahead and do some calculations on the unlikelihood of three different images showing up in stone within just two planets in our solar system. Astronomical! Impossible! They were all designed!
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
The difference is that INVISIBLE PINK UNICORNS have never been observed. Intellignece on the other hand has been observed to produce many different patterns. Invisible pink unicorns have been observed just as often as invisible supernatural wizards.
He is not a Christian, therefore, not a creationist. If he supports ID, he is a Creationist.
I said that it's an atheist conspiracy. And I want you to prove it's not. The conspiracy could still be a conspiracy, because it's been crafted in such a way that people who perform the experiments get the results they were supposed to get. Which just makes the conspiracy even better. And this conspiracy includes all of science - every field. This "conspiracy" you are so worried about is called "reality".
Where? Where is the evidence it was chisseled? With what? By whome? Where? Why? When? I want facts, not assumptions. Egypt.On the stone itself. With something very much like this:
By a stone worker in Egypt.In Egypt. To provide information for people who understand different languages. Here's what it says in three different languages: http://pw1.netcom.com/~qkstart/rosetta.html 196 BC. See. Unlike you, I have the answers.
How do you know they were sharp? Because the markings on the stone are fine. In order to make those markings you need to use a device with a point equal to or smaller than the notch it makes. This is simple physics.
How do you know it was one blow at the time? Again, simple physics. You can not make multiple blows at the same time.
How do you know they were human, and Egyptian, and it was done in 196 BC? How do you know this was not produced by natural forces? Because of where it was found and how it was made. You see because I know the MECHANISM OF PRODUCTION I can determine if it is natural or unnatural. That's very different than your claim which is that YOU can MAGICALLY tell.
How do you know it's true? Where is the evidence that a bunch of creationists got up and teamed up to create the modern ID movement? How many times do we have to post this information for you to bother to read it?
Specified patterns by themselves are not evidence of design. They have to be both complex and specified. These are obviously not complex enough to exhibit CSI. Show your math. You don't simply get to declare that the bad lands image is "not complex enough". Prove it.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
YES YOU DO! How elese are ALL mutations that get in, going to get out if natural selection is nto working at 100% efficiency!? If 10 out of 10 mutations get removed that's 100% efficiency. If 50 out of 50 mutations get removed that's 100% efficiency. If 800 out of 800 mutations get removed that's 100% efficiency. 9 out of 10, or 49 out of 50, or 799 out of 800 is less than 100% efficiency. And in that case genetic entropy increases. Only during 100% efficiency does it not increase, and you have a BALANCE! Only if you remove ALL mutations that get in, do you have a BALANCE, but that means that natural seelction is working at 100% efficiency! Which we know is not true. Wrong. Again. TEA is a word. If it mutated to TEAX it would no longer be a word - ergo there has been a mutation which has not been removed. If it mutated AGAIN to STEAX it would still not be a word. Two "bad" mutations not removed. One more mutation and we could get:STEAK or TEXAS or TAXES Suddenly there are NO LONGER any bad mutations. Just because something changes does not mean it ALWAYS CHANGES for the worse.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
How do you know it was not done in China and than transported to Egypt? Have you ever seen anyone use that stick or whatever it is to make a Rosetta Stone? Nope. Than why would you claim that Somebody did 2000 years ago in Egypt? What answers? Those are all assumption. This is the "argument from douch-baggery" aka "How do you know, were you there?" Using YOUR standards, you can't tell how any sandwich was unless you made it. And, even then it wouldn't be a "sandwich" because you can't tell if the stuff which is exactly like bread is bread. It's a crap-tastical last ditch argument which is only used by people who are flailing.
Maybe it was done by a laser? Did you ever take that into a consideration? Apart from the fact that the Rosetta stone was _discovered_ prior to the invention of the laser, a laser would result in different tool marks than those found on the stone itself.
If an earthquake happened right now a leveled the museum where the Rosetta Stone is right now, ans somebody found it 2000 years later, would he be correct in claiming that it was made where he found it? They would examine the context of the find and the source material from which it was made. Since the stone is currently in a British museum it would be out of context with the other traditional artifacts and "modern" artifacts.
how do you know the Rosetta stone was not produced by wind, water, erosin over long periods of time? Are you retarded? I've answered this question about 50x. We know the MECHANISM of stone carving.
The point remains that there is a limit to what chance can specify given a finite amount of time. And for things we can calcualte, we can determine if they are outside the reach of chance. LET'S BE VERY CLEAR. You are saying that ONLY probable things CAN occur and that IMPROBABLE things NEVER occur in sets smaller than their probability. So, if you spin a roulette wheel ONE time, it doesn't land on any number. IT ONLY lands on numbers on the 38th roll at which point it lands on EVER number.
If you did it randomly, on average, you would not get a meaningful word. This quote is EXACTLY why you will never understand. You just don't get it. ATE, ETA, TEA, EAT, TAE, AET ALL of these words have meaning, just because YOU don't know the meanings doesn't mean they aren't words. You are claiming you can detect design based on your profound ignorance. If you don't know what it is or how it was made, it MUST be magic.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
So how do you know the Rosetta stone was made where it was found? Because we know a lot about trade and technology from the time period. We also know the source material for the stone.
Apart fromt he fact that same inventions were invente at different palces at different and at same times, your argument falls apart. You are desperately grasping for straws. You are now trying to claim that the ancient Egyptians had LASER TECHNOLOGY. LOL. Grow up.
So how do you know the same does not apply for lasers? And how do you know lasers could not have produced such marks on teh Rosetta stone? This is a RETARDED question. You know it. The fact that you actually posted it is an insult to this forum.
How would they know that the stone was actually not a replica? I mean, I can, right now, go into my backyard, and take a stone, and chisle some egyptian characters on it. Yes, but you CAN'T buried it in context at an undisturbed archaeological site.
How do you know the Rosettas tone is a carving in the first place? Maybe it just looks like it? So, you are saying that just because "it looks like it" was carved, that doesn't mean it was actually carved. Basically, the appearance of design is NOT evidence of design. Excellent, you just lost the ENTIRE debate.
Wrong. I never said that. Improbable events constantly happen. Almost any event has low probability. What's the chance a person is going to win a lottery? 1 to a million? Even less? But it happens. What I'm sayign is that events that are specified and have low probability do not happen by chance. Not just low probability itself. You are, as always, contradicting yourself. If I pick SPECIFIC numbers for the lottery (which MILLIONS of people do) and win, then that is a SPECIFIED event with EXTREMELY low probability and yet it happens MULTIPLE TIMES A YEAR.
Yes, such short words do, but what about longer ones? What about the words "PROFESSIONAL"? Can you randomize that one so that every single time you will get a meaningful word? No you can't. There are 12 letters in Professional. Using JUST the English anagram generator there are 27,214 workable anagrams. That's stuff you would RECOGNIZE. Of course you are filtering by just ONE factor - your understanding of the words. If you include the ability to decode codes, or other languages, or any other kind of meaning which could be construed from the letters, the numbers jump WAY up. Just because YOU only understand ONE solution does not mean that only ONE solution exists.
The same goes for the DNA. It's long, very long. Human genome has over 3 billion base pairs. That's 6 billion bits of information, minimum! And not all sequences are functional. Only a tiny minority of all possible permutations of nucleotide combinations have meaning. Not all sequences code for biological functions. Wow, you're right, that is EXCELLENT evidence AGAINST intelligent Design. What sort of a retarded genie would screw up SOOOOOOOOOOO bad in his design?
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
This is the more realistic model where at times natural seelction works in removing almost all mutations. But some stay and over time accumulate. And on average this leads to the genetic meltdown. Except that it doesn't because genetic meltdown has NEVER occurred. Billions of years of life and no genetic meltdown. And, by your own admission billions of years to go before it could potentially happen.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
Yet Nuggin does not agree. He thinks he can detect the mechanism of design and tell it as a FACT. That is why I'm using his own logic against him to show him that it's impossible to infer the place of design or the mechanism of design. Only the design itself. Let's be clear what has been happening in case anyone isn't following along. My position:Design is only design if you can determine FACTUALLY that the object was MADE not naturally formed. The _ONLY_ way to determine this is if you know the mechanism used to create the object. My example: Circles can be created by design or by nature. Unless you know how the circle was made, you can not determine if it is an example of design. Smooth's position:Since magic is undetectable, we can attribute magic as the mechanism of design for any and all objects and can't be proven wrong. His example: The Rosetta stone was created magically by laser wielding Ancient Egyptians randomly shooting lasers in all directions. He asks us to extend this fantasy to all of "Creation" citing Jew Magic as an undeniable source of everything we see around us. When pressed to proof, his "argument" devolves into:"How do you know, were you there?" Nearly 1,000 messages on this board, and that's as far as he's gotten. "It could have been magic, you don't know. You weren't there." A 5 year old would hang his head in shame over that sort of argument. Really truly pathetic.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
And you can not know HOW it was made unless you saw it get made. Therefore, you have no method of design detection. If you _honestly_ believed this you would never consume anything you did kill and prepare yourself. You would NEVER take medicine. You would NEVER ride in a car or heaven forbid a plane. This is the argument from douchbaggery. It is absolutely worthless. It is the last ditch effort of people who've been cornered and had their entire argument destroyed. Like Godwin's law, Nuggin's Law is quite simple:"The longer you argue with a Creationist, the more likely it is that they will say 'How do you know? Were you there?'. At that point, the debate is over. They are out of ideas. You win." My position is that intelligent agency can leave certain patterns that natural causes can not. And that's retarded since you can not distinguish between what is naturally caused and what is not since you have NO MECHANISM.
For example, in writing, sculptures, machines, or electronics. Those are all instance of design, therefore, of specified complexity. Those are all examples of things for which you have mechanisms.They are also examples of things which are NON-living and NON-reproducing. We have never observed natural causes produce such patterns, therefore, when we find such patterns in nature, we should not atribute them to natural causes, but to causes that are known to produce tehm. How would you know? You can't identify what a "cause" is, therefore you can not determine what is "produced" by these unknowable "causes". No mechanism = no predictions about what the mechanism CAN or CAN NOT do.
We than use the inference to the best explanation, and explain those patterns as instances of design, that is, a product of an intelligent agency Translated: We thEn use the ASSUMPTIONS to the PREDETERMINED POLITICAL GOAL, and explain those patterns as THE WORK OF A JEW WIZARD.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
If you found a piece of paper with writing on it on the road. How would you know that the what it was written on it was done by a typewriter or a printer? Obviously you wouldn't know. Yet you would still conclude it was designed. Therefore, you can't detect the mechanism of design, yet can infer design. I could tell you if it was a printer or a type writer. I could tell you if it was a laser printer, an ink jet, a dot matrix or a daisy wheel. I could tell you if it was the original or a xerox. And that's all if the printer is working absolutely perfectly. If the printer has a slight flaw, I can tell you much more about it. If it was done on a type writer, the FBI crime lab could tell you which brand, a range of model years for that brand _AND_ if they actually found the type writer, they could prove it was produced on that particular machine. This is just another example of you citing a subject you know NOTHING ABOUT and then claiming that because YOU KNOW NOTHING about it, no one can. AND, the whole basis of your argument is FALSE. You are claiming that if I had a piece of paper with writing on it, I couldn't tell you the mechanism involved. Then you NAME two mechanisms which could produce it. Do you get that? Do you see HOW that is different than what you are claiming? You are ACKNOWLEDGING THAT YOU DON'T HAVE _____ANY_____ MECHANISMS!!! None. Not "can't choose between two which are testable and reproduceable". You have NO mechanism save "Jew Magic" which you already admitted you don't believe exists.
I do not need a mechanism to tell me that Mounr Rushmore was designed. I do not even know what tools they used, and neitehr do you. Again, you are demonstrating your complete ignorance. You can WATCH FILM of them creating it. I'm sure there is a museum at Mt. Rushmore which LITERALLY HAS SOME OF THE TOOLS USED!!! Further, YOU DO KNOW there are mechanisms for shaping rock. You've SEEN them in use. You do NOT KNOW that there are Jew Beams. No one ANYWHERE at ANYTIME has EVER seen ANYTHING LIKE JEW BEAMS in use. Therefore NO MECHANISM. No mechanism = no design.
Great, how does that stop me from seeing their patterns, and infering from other objects, for which I do not know the mechanism, those same patterns? Can you give us examples of "other objects" for which NO ONE knows the mechanism? Remember, WE are not restrained by your EXTREMELY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE.
Not al books or electronics, wer done by the same mechanism. Do you know, and can you explicitly tell me step by step rpocess of how a particular digital watch is made? NO YOU CAN'T! Not are we limited by my knowledge. Someone, somewhere can tell you EXACTLY step by step how ANY given digital watch was made. Hell, there is a TV SERIES called "How It's Made" which WALKS YOU THROUGH THE PROCESS for TONS of different objects. Just because YOU don't know doesn't mean it's MAGIC!!!!
Which is irrelevant. It's irrelevant that you can't come up with relevant examples? Now THAT'S a quote for the ages.
Any undirected nautral cause. Any natural law. Never did tehy produce anything like people produce. Do you HONESTLY not know the difference between GRAVITY and JEW MAGIC? I've give you a hint. I can TEST and measure GRAVITY. You CAN NOT test nor measure JEW MAGIC.
No. What I said That's why it's called "translation". Someone call Abe Lincoln to come and free this guy. I've been owning him so long I think I gotta give him 40 acres and a mule.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
If you design a death threat in such a way to mimich a particular mechanism or a tool, you can't detect the original mechanism or the tool that it was done with. Now you are just flailing. Clearly you don't know anything about this topic. You shouldn't have used it as an example - especially when arguing with someone who in fact does know a lot about this topic. Try and find a better example. This one, for you, is an epic fail.
The point is that even if I didn't see them do it, and I didn't, I could still say it was designed. Seeing or not seeing something get made is not the determining factor in detecting design. It's the ability to determine the MECHANISM used. If you DON'T HAVE A MECHANISM, you _CAN NOT_ distinguish between NATURALLY OCCURING THINGS and DESIGNED THINGS. I've already given you SEVERAL EXAMPLES of NATURALLY OCCURRING THINGS which _APPEAR_ designed. You have YET to come up with a single example of something which IS design but for which there can be NO mechanism. That's because you _CAN'T_ give anything as an example. And you know it. Anything which you _know_ is designed was created using a mechanism you can identify. The _ONLY_ example you can come up with is the very thing you are claiming. So, it's SPECIAL PLEADING. Therefore FAIL.
Almost all biological structures. Which are completely explained through naturally occurring mechanisms which we can detect, measure and reproduce in the lab. If we have a NATURAL solution to a problem, there is no reason to invoke BOTH a SUPERNATURAL JEW WIZARD _and_!! His MAGICALLY JEW BEAMS. You don't have a mechanism. We do. The end. You lose.
But even if we didn't know the mechanism we can say that a watch is designed. I don't know how ANY watch is designed. Or a car, or a computer. If this is honestly true, then you are pretty fucking stupid. Seriously. You've NEVER looked under the hood of a car? You've never see the inside of a clock? You've never gone into your computer to replace RAM? No wonder you think everything is magic. You haven't got the first clue how ANYTHING works. What's next? "How does a pencil work?" "How do we know a sandwich was made?" You need to stop posting on the internet and go get some REAL WORLD experience.
the mechanism of designing a watch. Yet if you found one on teh street you would claim it was designed. Why? Remember, you do not know the mechanism! Of course I do. Not only do I know the mechanism of watch construction, I know the mechanism of the construction of ALL the PIECES in the watch. Are you _HONESTLY_ saying that you don't have the first clue how a small metal gear could be created? How a glass lense could be created? How things could be assembled one piece at a time? Are you actually making these claims? Are you retarded? Or are you simply being dishonest?
Now show me where has a natural cause produced anythign like a computer. I don't have to. I'm not the one claiming that computers were created by natural causes. YOU ARE. If YOU can't come up with an example, that's not MY PROBLEM - it's MY POINT!!!
You never responded to any of my scientific arguments You have yet to make one. What you've done is repost and argument from a SELF PROCLAIMED FUNDAMENTALIST CREATIONIST about how HE THINKS the math works. However, since you can't site a SINGLE _REAL WORLD_ example of this math ACTUALLY proving anything, it's worthless.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
Nope. It's a great example. Just think of those people that cut the letters from newspapers and glue them on a piece of paper tho make the death threats. How do you know if that was cut with a knife or scissors, or something else? You don't. Yet ANOTHER example of you not knowing what you are talking about. Geez, dude. This is getting bad. Scissors cut from both sides, for short distances and generally straight. Knives cut from one side and can swerve as they slice the page. Forensics can show whether or not it was scissors of a knife, and if it's an older pair of scissors, they can match the scissors to the cut. You lose. AGAIN.
Wrong. If you find an rock in the ground. And it looks like an arrow head, how do you know it's really an arrowhead, and not just a random piece of rock? Knowing how arrowheads are made is not going to help you. Because the rock you find in the ground can simply look like it was designed. How do you tell if it is designed or not? Seriously? You couldn't pick a WORSE example. I have a degree in Archaeology and flintnap as a hobby. You can ABSOLUTELY distinguish between an arrowhead and an arrowhead "shaped" rock. Bifacial flaking does not occur in nature. It BARELY occurs when people try to do it. It's TRICKY as hell. MULTIPLE bifacial flakes running down the length of a flint core requires hours of precision work. Work for which... ...wait for it... WE HAVE A MECHANISM!!!
My point is that I don't have to know how something works to know that it was designed. That may be your "POINT" but your __CLAIM__ is that NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW SOMETHING WORKS IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE DESIGNED. And _THAT_ is ABSOLUTELY false. Every single example you have given has been created by PEOPLE who KNOW what they are creating and are using mechanisms which can be reproduced. Just because YOU are ignorant doesn't mean THEY are ignorant.
It doesn't matter if you know how they COULD be created! You ahve to know how EXACTLY they are created. If you don't know that, than you don't know the mechanism. No. The mechanism of watch creation, even watch piece creation is OBSERVABLE. It can be (and is) recreated on a regular basis. The same is NOT true for Jew Wizard Jew Beams. They have _NEVER_ been observed. They have _NEVER_ be recreated. You are just PRETENDING that they exist to explain away shit you are too lazy to learn. You're entire argument so far is this: "Cars, watches, random notes and arrowheads were all created by a magical Jewish Wizard using Jew Beams because I, Smooth Operator, wasn't there when it happened." That's, as Sarah Pallin would say, "FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!"
living cells ... are the same thing as a computer. FUCKING RETARDED.
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
What if a guy took two knives, and cut the paper from both sides? It would look like it was done with scissors. But than again, you are totally missing the point. No, you are. You are constantly citing example of things that _YOU_ don't understand but which OTHER PEOPLE DO understand. No, two knives are not going to make the same cut as a pair of scissors. We know this because we have access to knives, paper and scissors and we can run tests on these different kinds of MECHANISMS. You _DON'T_ have access to Jew Magic, therefore you can not run tests on Jew Magic, therefore you can not determine if something was or was not created by Jew Magic.
You are missing the point again. How do you know that what you are seeing is actually a product of design, and not chance. How do you know that what you are seeing, in this case bifacial flaking, is actually not just a product of natural forces? It may just look like bifacial flaking. But in reality it's just a product of wind and erosion over a long period of time. Because _AGAIN_ we KNOW the mechanism of wind and we know the mechanism of erosion. We also KNOW the mechanism of flintnapping. We can look at the RESULTS and determine CONCLUSIVELY the mechanism which was used to CREATE those results. YOU are claiming that you can look at the RESULTS and conclude things WITHOUT A MECHANISM. Which is _IMPOSSIBLE_! You CAN NOT determine that something was made unless you can determine HOW something is made.
But than, I turn around, and say. Well, you see, the Rosetta stone, is not designed also. It has been modeled by natural forces, liek wind, water, erosion, over time. And it just LOOKS like it has been designed. So it's not really designed. So, your ENTIRE ARGUMENT is based on a lie. You KNOW this is a lie.I KNOW this is a lie. Everyone reading this thread KNOWS this is a lie. Who EXACTLY are you trying to convince?! When you are __LYING__ it means that EVEN YOU don't believe the bullshit you are selling. If you ACTUALLY believed it, you WOULDN'T NEED TO LIE.
And I'm the one doing the design detection, not t he people who made them. They are irrelevant in the rpoces of design detection becasue they are the designer. The problem is that the rest of the world isn't nearly as stupid as you are. We do in fact understand HOW things are made. Just because YOU can't put a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together doesn't make it "Jew Magic!"
Nuggin Member (Idle past 2817 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
No, you are. You are constantly citing example of things that _YOU_ don't understand but which OTHER PEOPLE DO understand.
Explain the difference. The difference is that OTHER PEOPLE are a lot smarter than you and have actually taken the time to learn a little something about what they are discussing. Your extremely limited understanding of science, logic and, frankly, honesty, puts you at a severe disadvantage when dealing with the real world. Your limitations are NOT the limit of other people's knowledge. The fact that you need me to explain that to you is pretty damn telling.
How do you CONCLUSIVELY determine that a certain piece of rock is not a product of wind and erosion? How do you do that? Because wind erosion effects certain rocks in certain ways. Again, your limited knowledge of the natural world completely derails the conversation.
This is not a lie. It's a valid question. No. It's a statement. You are STATING that the Rosetta stone was created naturally (or via Jew Magic) and YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE. Therefore you are LYING. You are DISHONEST. And YOU KNOW you are lying. Which means you KNOW you've LOST the DEBATE. Because there's NO REASON to lie if you think you are winning.
How do you tell if it really is X, or if it just looks that way That is the argument from douchbaggery. How do _YOU_ know that it was actually Jew Magic and not something that happens to be EXACTLY LIKE Jew Magic but technically is not? How do _YOU_ know that when you are typing a letter the computer is sending the message to the forum and not simply presenting a completely random sequence of letters which happen to follow a milisecond behind the exact buttons you happen to be pushing even though it's technically not related? How do _YOU_ know that YOU know anything rather than it just being a trick to make you THINK you KNOW something that you only think you know because you don't know that you know what is not known without the trick of knowing who knows how you know it? IT's all BULLSHIT. That ENTIRE FORM OF ARGUMENT is an acknowledgement that you have LOST THE DEBATE.
A design inference is always done by a subject that does NOT, and I repeat, does NOT know if an event in question is designed. If the subject did know it, the whole purpose of design inference would be null and void, thus pointless. And the design inference you are using comes from Dembski who admits to being a fundamentalist Christian who believes in the literal truth of the Bible. So, since he KNEW about the BIBLE before he did his design inference, the KNEW that it was designed. Therefore, BY YOUR OWN STATEMENT ABOVE, the inference is NULL AND VOID. You lose. Again. For the 12th time.
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