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Author Topic:   Unintelligent design (recurrent laryngeal nerve)
Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 106 of 480 (536654)
11-24-2009 11:45 AM
Reply to: Message 85 by JustNobody
11-24-2009 3:19 AM

Re: God's Advocate
Honestly I thought evolution was all about survival of the fittest. Why would evolution choose for a design that was harmful to the host. Wouldn't have it been selected against since the recurrent laryngeal nerve does not provide adequate survival benefit to its host? Couldn't the argument of bad design of the recurrent laryngeal nerve be used as an argument against evolution? And if you don't consider it an argument evolution, then is it because you have faith in evolution or is because evolution as commonly presented incorrect ...
Actually, it's because your total failure to understand the theory of evolution is incorrect.
Honestly, you guys make me laugh. You spend half your time pretending that evolution is all about "random chance" and couldn't have produced any adaptation whatsoever, and the other half of your time pretending that evolution should have produced absolutely perfect adaptation and that the theory of evolution must be wrong because not everything is perfect.
I actually have no real point of view in regards to this topic.
Then your lack of a point of view could have been better communicated by silence than by hundreds of words of what appears to be total gibberish.
Please find out what the theory of evolution is, learn a little basic anatomy, maybe find out what the scientific method is --- oh, and learn how to use the forum's quote function. Then maybe you will have a point of view, and be able to express it.

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 Message 85 by JustNobody, posted 11-24-2009 3:19 AM JustNobody has not replied

Capt Stormfield
Posts: 429
From: Vancouver Island
Joined: 01-17-2009

Message 107 of 480 (536663)
11-24-2009 12:10 PM
Reply to: Message 98 by traderdrew
11-24-2009 11:08 AM

Perhaps it is possible that animals are more attuned to listening for subtle sounds or frequencies generated by the larynx. Why? It involves communication. Humans may be more desensitized to these subtle sounds because of we have developed robust language.
I had someone analyze my voice before with a computer program and I was surprised what it was able to say about me. Apparently the government has this technology (even more sophisticated) and I was told that I "wouldn't believe" what they can find out about you with it.
What does that have to do with the nerve looping around the aorta?
How does an animal listening for subtle sounds relate at all to the path of the nerve between sound generating tissues and the brain?
And what does any of this have to do with your alleged experience with someone's computer?

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 Message 98 by traderdrew, posted 11-24-2009 11:08 AM traderdrew has replied

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 Message 108 by traderdrew, posted 11-24-2009 1:19 PM Capt Stormfield has replied

Member (Idle past 5472 days)
Posts: 379
From: Palm Beach, Florida
Joined: 04-27-2009

Message 108 of 480 (536680)
11-24-2009 1:19 PM
Reply to: Message 107 by Capt Stormfield
11-24-2009 12:10 PM

I will answer your questions assuming you are not one of those who don't want to hear an explanation for the pathway of the RLN unlike many of those on this forum. They just want their Darwinism and that is it. Most of them don't want to know or begin to understand God or any other supernatural designer. They are not interested in understanding intelligent design. It becomes obvious after a while.
Honestly, ((I don't know)) and as far as I know, it might be a bad design. Darwinists on this forum would rather die than admit organisms could have been designed. I am looking for some explanations.
What does that have to do with the nerve looping around the aorta?
Feelings and emotions probably emante from the heart. This is based on the work of Dr. Alex Lloyd.
How does an animal listening for subtle sounds relate at all to the path of the nerve between sound generating tissues and the brain?
If feeling emanate from the heart then, those frequencies are communicated through the voice.
And what does any of this have to do with your alleged experience with someone's computer?
There is a program that apparently translates the sounds, or frequencies of your voice. I am not sure how it does this. I come across two companies that use this technology. I'm not sure if they would appreciate me posting links to them.
Edited by traderdrew, : No reason given.
Edited by traderdrew, : No reason given.

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 Message 107 by Capt Stormfield, posted 11-24-2009 12:10 PM Capt Stormfield has replied

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 Message 109 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 1:30 PM traderdrew has not replied
 Message 110 by hooah212002, posted 11-24-2009 2:08 PM traderdrew has not replied
 Message 122 by Capt Stormfield, posted 11-24-2009 5:10 PM traderdrew has replied

Dr Adequate
Posts: 16113
Joined: 07-20-2006

Message 109 of 480 (536683)
11-24-2009 1:30 PM
Reply to: Message 108 by traderdrew
11-24-2009 1:19 PM

They are not interested in understanding intelligent design. It becomes obvious after a while.
Of course we understand it. I'll wager I know more about cdesign proponentism that you do. That's why I know it's dishonest crap and you don't.
Honestly, ((I don't know)) and as far as I know, it might be a bad design. Darwinists on this forum would rather die than admit organisms could have been designed.
I think you'll find that pretty much all of us would tell a harmless lie than suffer death. You see, we're not in the least like all those religious fanatics who'd rather be burned alive by other religious fanatics than agree that one incomprehensible dogma about the Trinity was better than the other.
Science won't punish me in the afterlife if I'm wrong about it, and if a bunch of fundies threatened to kill me unless I recanted my evolutionism, I'd recant away.
Eppur si muove. Fortunately, it hasn't come to that.
Feelings and emotions probably emante from the heart.
Oh good grief.
Do people's feelings and emotions change if they have a heart transplant?
How about if they suffer damage to the areas of their brains that are responsible for their feelings and emotions?
Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.

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 Message 108 by traderdrew, posted 11-24-2009 1:19 PM traderdrew has not replied

Member (Idle past 1119 days)
Posts: 3193
Joined: 08-12-2009

Message 110 of 480 (536689)
11-24-2009 2:08 PM
Reply to: Message 108 by traderdrew
11-24-2009 1:19 PM

Feelings and emotions probably emante from the heart. This is based on the work of Dr. Alex Lloyd.
And pigs probably fly, we just haven't seen any do as such yet.
If feeling emanate from the heart then, those frequencies are communicated through the voice.
huzzah for scientific probably's and if's.

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 Message 108 by traderdrew, posted 11-24-2009 1:19 PM traderdrew has not replied

Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 111 of 480 (536693)
11-24-2009 2:40 PM
Reply to: Message 90 by Dr Adequate
11-24-2009 8:26 AM

Re: Clutching at Straws
Hi Dr.A.
on the basis that you have faith in some creationist when he tells you that in cases which he doesn't cite, and for which he provides no refutation, a refutation has been found.
No of course not. I think we can all agree that you don't have to be a creationist to realize that the appendix (for example) was said to have no function for over 50 years. And of course, multiple functions have been found for it in recent years.
No need for a creationist to tell me this, I consider it pretty much common knowledge.

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 Message 90 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 8:26 AM Dr Adequate has replied

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 Message 123 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 5:16 PM slevesque has not replied

Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 112 of 480 (536694)
11-24-2009 2:50 PM
Reply to: Message 92 by Dr Adequate
11-24-2009 8:55 AM

Re: Clutching at Straws
That is a very peculiar citation, because in fact the evolution side in the Scopes trial were not permitted to call a single expert witness to testify that evolution was true, this being deemed by the judge to be irrelevant to the purely legal issue of whether Scopes had broken the law by teaching evolution.
No zoologist testified in the Scopes trial. Not one.
The citation was taken from wikipedia. And I think that the zoologist in question was on the creationist side.
But he's plainly wrong, because Darwin didn't define vestigial features as functionless. In fact, he didn't use the term "vestigial" at all, he said "rudimentary" instead. Here's the full text of The Origin Of Species. Find the word "vestigial" in it.
And he made it clear from his examples and discussion of what he called rudimentary features that he thought that they could, and that many of them did, have functions. Ever since which time creationists have been desperately trying to move the goalposts.
I've discussed this issue of vestigial organ, it's meaning and it's origin with GM in the early pages of the text. Rediscussing it with you would probably bring up the same things, so I suggest you just look back at how it unfolded back then.
To make it brief, the conclusion was that the layman interpretation of vestigial organs was 'functionless', whereas in the scientific circles it was possible that a vestigial organ had a secondary function.
The question then is why did the population get the functionless impression of the word ? A historical research would probably be required to know this, but if I could think it possible that it is because this is how it was presented to them. When the 'vestigial organ' list of Widersheim was presented to layman's as proof of evolution, maybe was it presented as a list of the functionless organs we had because of evolution.
Dunno, as I said, searching for the origin of the word and why the population got a wrong impression of it is a research study on it's own.

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 Message 92 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 8:55 AM Dr Adequate has replied

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 Message 127 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 5:54 PM slevesque has replied

Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 113 of 480 (536696)
11-24-2009 3:01 PM
Reply to: Message 94 by Dr Adequate
11-24-2009 9:28 AM

Re: Clutching at Straws
I consider design arguments as a form of teleological argument. Since the intelligent design movement doesn't identify the Designer, it means they only advocate the 'design -) designer' relationship.
I mean, the RLN could well be a bad design, but it would only imply a none perfect designer.
This is why I say the dysteological argument is theological, because it must assume something about the designer, and then refute his existence on that point. Which is, in fact, that he is perfect. This is why it will bring up theological changes (if the argument is accurate): Is God perfect ? What is the sense of the word perfect, in relevance to God ? etc.

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 Message 94 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 9:28 AM Dr Adequate has not replied

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 Message 116 by NosyNed, posted 11-24-2009 3:12 PM slevesque has replied
 Message 117 by cavediver, posted 11-24-2009 3:18 PM slevesque has not replied

Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 114 of 480 (536697)
11-24-2009 3:05 PM
Reply to: Message 95 by Dr Adequate
11-24-2009 9:51 AM

Re: Clutching at Straws
From memory, it is in the section where he talks about rudimentary organs.
He is saying that one such organ will have maintained a function if it had at the beginning two functions, and that, after having lost it's primary function, it will still be used for it's secondary one. Something around those lines.
This is after having talked about rudimentary organs in a general sense, where it has a function and then loses it, and takes some time to have it discarded by NS. The two-function vestigial organ is just a sub-concept of this more general one.
This is all by memory, I'll go back and read it since my memory may be faulty here. I'll edit this post if necessary.

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 Message 95 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 9:51 AM Dr Adequate has replied

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 Message 125 by Dr Adequate, posted 11-24-2009 5:20 PM slevesque has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 115 of 480 (536698)
11-24-2009 3:06 PM
Reply to: Message 36 by slevesque
11-18-2009 5:39 PM

Re: Clutching at Straws
The RLN case is essentially settled, since as of today we have not found a function for the route it takes, I have no answer as to why any sort of ''designer'' would have done it this way. although, as I have repeated many times over, we have multiple examples of such situations in the past which permits me to hope that modern biology will find it a function.
Why isn't it obvious that the RLN is the way it is because that's how it evolved?
There's a great explanation for it in Message 37, thanks to Granny.
Isn't that much more plausible than "It really was designed but we just haven't found out the reason yet"?
Esspecially with the Giraffes... I mean, that does make the design pretty terrible. And that their RLN does the same thing as everyone elses really strongly suggests that we're related, dontcha think? To reuse such a poor plan in such a large neck really makes the designer look umm, not intelligent.

in Message 113 you wrote:
I mean, the RLN could well be a bad design, but it would only imply a none perfect designer.
Why can't you see that it really implies that it wasn't designed at all? And further, that it did, in fact, evolve?
Not every single thing has to have been specifically designed? Why couldn't the designer allow some things to evolve?
Edited by Catholic Scientist, : No reason given.
Edited by Catholic Scientist, : No reason given.

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 Message 36 by slevesque, posted 11-18-2009 5:39 PM slevesque has replied

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 Message 119 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 3:31 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

Posts: 9012
From: Canada
Joined: 04-04-2003

Message 116 of 480 (536699)
11-24-2009 3:12 PM
Reply to: Message 113 by slevesque
11-24-2009 3:01 PM

The "Designer"
Slevesque, you neglect the wealth of information that ties the RLN back to it's fishy origins. There is no mystery to solve. The RLN is the way it is because of how mammals got to be here the way they are.
The facts of paleontology, genetics and development all easily explain the RLN's route. That has been pointed out in this thread repeatedly. There is no need to any additional unsupported conjectures. The path leading the giraffe's detour is darned clear.
Those who suggest this is an example of poor design only do so on the goading of those who try to use any kind of teleological argument of any kind.

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 Message 113 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 3:01 PM slevesque has replied

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 Message 118 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 3:19 PM NosyNed has replied

Member (Idle past 3961 days)
Posts: 4129
From: UK
Joined: 06-16-2005

Message 117 of 480 (536701)
11-24-2009 3:18 PM
Reply to: Message 113 by slevesque
11-24-2009 3:01 PM

Re: Clutching at Straws
I mean, the RLN could well be a bad design, but it would only imply a none perfect designer.
The RLN is not bad or poor design - it is (as the thread title suggests) blatent unintelligent design. Even a poor designer wouldn't design that route for the RLN unless it were blind drunk at the time. There is no need to argue dysteologically when the reason for the route of the RLN is so obvious from the evolutionary standpoint.

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 Message 113 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 3:01 PM slevesque has not replied

Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 118 of 480 (536702)
11-24-2009 3:19 PM
Reply to: Message 116 by NosyNed
11-24-2009 3:12 PM

Re: The "Designer"
I am referring to the Dysteological side of the argument. Sure, I understand that the RLN route is 'explained' by evolution, but this applies to any organ-body part. My finger nails are explained by evolution, but it is not used as evidence against a designer.
This is the difference with this specific example. It is seen as bad design and so used as an argument against a designer. This is the dysteological aspect of the question, and this is what I am adressing, and also the one that was put forward in the opening post.
(Because, notice that the evolutionary aspect of it would also be a whole other subject of debate)

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 Message 116 by NosyNed, posted 11-24-2009 3:12 PM NosyNed has replied

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Member (Idle past 4958 days)
Posts: 1456
Joined: 05-14-2009

Message 119 of 480 (536707)
11-24-2009 3:31 PM
Reply to: Message 115 by New Cat's Eye
11-24-2009 3:06 PM

Re: Clutching at Straws
Why isn't it obvious that the RLN is the way it is because that's how it evolved?
There's a great explanation for it in Message 37, thanks to Granny.
Isn't that much more plausible than "It really was designed but we just haven't found out the reason yet"?
Esspecially with the Giraffes... I mean, that does make the design pretty terrible. And that their RLN does the same thing as everyone elses really strongly suggests that we're related, dontcha think? To reuse such a poor plan in such a large neck really makes the designer look umm, not intelligent.
Because, as I've said, I didn't debate the 'evolutionnary explains it' aspect of the issue, only the dysteological aspect.
On the evolutionnary aspect, I would start by asking if nerves are identified in the fossils of our fishy ancestors, and start from there I suppose. BUt I don't have time since I gotta concentrate on the Great Debate I'm into.
Why can't you see that it really implies that it wasn't designed at all? And further, that it did, in fact, evolve?
Not every single thing has to have been specifically designed? Why couldn't the designer allow some things to evolve?
In a nutshell, because evolutionnary theory does not rely only on this piece of evidence. I find that it fails on other levels as well. And so, in the overall picture, I find that it inadequate and a designer, much more fitting.

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 Message 115 by New Cat's Eye, posted 11-24-2009 3:06 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

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 Message 120 by New Cat's Eye, posted 11-24-2009 4:01 PM slevesque has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 120 of 480 (536715)
11-24-2009 4:01 PM
Reply to: Message 119 by slevesque
11-24-2009 3:31 PM

Re: Clutching at Straws
In a nutshell, because evolutionnary theory does not rely only on this piece of evidence. I find that it fails on other levels as well. And so, in the overall picture, I find that it inadequate and a designer, much more fitting.
Forget the overall picture for a second and consider just this piece of evidence. The evolutionary explanation is much better than any explanation where this POS was intelligently designed, don't you think?
Now, back to your overall picture... It seems you've got a false dichotomy behind you. Why couldn't something be designed to evolve? Its not necessarily an either/or proposition.
Also, when you have an overall picture (where evolutionary theory is inadequate and design is more fitting) and you zoom in all the way down to the gnat's ass, (or the RLN in this case), and you find that evolutionary theory IS more adequate and fitting than design, isn't that an indication that maybe your overall picture is skewed?
Honestly, from the view from my car, it really does look like the water was designed to fit within the pothole

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 Message 119 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 3:31 PM slevesque has replied

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 Message 121 by slevesque, posted 11-24-2009 4:14 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

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