You all think that the question (Is Meso evolution BETWEEN micro and macro evolution?)by each of the three posters here (no mechanism to prevent transition thru meso, folding limiting the mating selection of protein family morphospace, positionally affected heterozygotes) indictes a BOUNDARY to biological change- prima facie denial of Bauplane/vertical changing formations of biological tissue.
I think this is simply the wrong way to think thru the data of form of the offspring. I do not say how many partent generations are involved at all but it is not that I have a psychologically deviant synapse etc only that I READ this literature yet again in another way. We all know that there is SOME horizontal gene flow but I am not saying empirically that this amount is sufficient to hold up my writing as the reading itself is simply that you all are FINDING the boundary as a limit in your particularly interesting subjectivity and hence by locating it first within your one ideas you project this to the taxa involved in each individual thought and this indeed may make the supposed boundary that is indubitably common to all three to have limitations in the various cases. In modern biological terminology it is like finding an invarinace in the constraints but I also do not think this is the proper langague to SEE the complex as simple.
What I meant was simply that even if the creationists supported a kinematics against long time changes (no-I do knot think or know of any MECHANICS that actually prohibits macroevolution trendy thinking(for one we need a better language that seperates mechanics and geometry (from artithemetic))
it may not limit in any way the quantity of change in taxogeny but it could alter how we think about speciation ( dont really try to second guess me here unless you are interested in getting into my own idosyncratic notion of Gould's contribution)
thus taxogeny simply is being misrepresented if not presented in these posts simply because I suspect there is INFINTE potential infinity in each lineage (to change-differences)
but one has to learn to see what kind of fractal"" changes may be indigenous, endemic, and particular to a particular part of biology (levels of selection vs levels of organization)
for there may indeed be manifold changes still going on only we need to learn to read not only the simple descriptions of biology differently but (also) the classical terms and retain some that have been provisionally put to the side (wild type, Leibig's law of the minimum,genic balance).
I for one am not comfortable with all the traditional terminology of classical genetics because not coming to biology first from a moleuclar perspective I spent my time learning the shapes of whole organisms. This does not mean that I or you THINK about biology in any wrong way. Thinking biology is the first but reading it is not the last.
[This message has been edited by Brad McFall, 09-01-2003]