The post you're responding to is a year and a half old, and molbiogirl hasn't posted since July of last year. However, below is a very good video that will get you into the game even before RNA.
When your done, hop on over to the active threads.
Genesis 2 17 But of the ponderosa pine, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou shinniest thereof thou shalt sorely learn of thy nakedness. 18 And we all live happily ever after.
I'm guessing that it would take me a month to walk from Boston to Chicago. Is it your statement that it could take 15.756489347 seconds or a billions years - that I don't know?
Sounds pretty weak to me.
Genesis 2 17 But of the ponderosa pine, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou shinniest thereof thou shalt sorely learn of thy nakedness. 18 And we all live happily ever after.
The storage and transmission of Information is the domain of Intelligence.
Na + Cl contain the necessary information to combine into salt. Whence comes that information? DNA and RNA do nothing more. Life is mere chemistry on a grand scale.
It's not the man that knows the most that has the most to say.