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Author | Topic: Claims of God Being Omnipotent in the Bible | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NosyNed Member Posts: 9012 From: Canada Joined: |
You assume that God is a tyrant. You're the one who described him as a tyrant. "My way or the highway" kind of thing. His rules only you suggest, I think.
You (the creation) are setting standards for God (the Creator)?? How would you fell if the clay pot you just baked called you a tyrant and decided that you should be subject to it’s ideas of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’? If you want to have the brain power and moral strength of a clay pot good for you. I choose to be more responsible.
Perdition Member (Idle past 3565 days) Posts: 1593 From: Wisconsin Joined: |
1. You assume that God is a tyrant. How many tyrants do you know that would allow Their own Son (a willing participant) to be sacrificed in your place to pay the penalty for your misconduct? I still don't understand this claim. When Jesus died, where did he ultimately end up? Right next to his Father for eternity? Oh. Quite a sacrifice that, huh? "Yeah son, I'm gonna show how great I am by letting you sacrifice yourself in such a way that I get to be with you forever. Myself, how could I let you do that, don't you know how much it hurts me?" Sounds to me, if this is to be considered something great on God's part, we have to assume that God didn't want Jesus near him. What sort of bastard (in both senses of the word, I guess) would that make Jesus that God doesn't want him near him?
greyseal Member (Idle past 4189 days) Posts: 464 Joined: |
Christianity is quite aptly summed up by explaining it as:
The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. To that lot, adding that he sent himself down so he could absolve the sins of the evil that he himself caused is a cakewalk.
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Cavediver,
Thank you for your response.
Cavediver writes: I think most tyrants wouldn't be that stupid In response to my Question: How many tyrants do you know that would allow Their own Son (a willing participant) to be sacrificed in your place to pay the penalty for your misconduct? I agree, as a matter of fact I really doubt any tyrant would do such a thing. So, apparently, the God of the Bible is not the tyrant some make Him out to be.
Cavediver writes: Do you think that a grown adult should subject themselves to their parents' notions of right and wrong? If their parents are correct about what ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are; of course; however, we’re not talking about a child growing up and making decisions based on his own experience and understanding. We are talking about whether the creation has authority over the Creator on deciding what ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Hence, the pot (Created thing) not having rights over what the Potter (the Creator) chooses to do with it.
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear NosyNed,
Thank you for your response.
NosyNed writes: You're the one who described him as a tyrant. "My way or the highway" kind of thing. His rules only you suggest, I think. You (the creation) are setting standards for God (the Creator)?? I did not describe God as a tyrant, I was responding to someone who was calling the God of the Bible a tyrant. As far as my making up the standards; If the standard, written in the Bible, are just concoctions of men then why are they universally understood? {I.E. Why does everyone know, (subconsciously if not consciously) that it is wrong to kill someone just for fun? There are those who do it anyway but they still know it is wrong.}
NosyNed writes: If you want to have the brain power and moral strength of a clay pot good for you. I choose to be more responsible. Is this the best argument you have? For those of you whom did not get my comparison; I’ll spell it out to you. The Creator of the universes is as far above mankind as mankind is above a clay pot. (Probably further above us then we are above the clay pot) I.E. the Creator of the universes owns (Has full, undisputable, authority over) everything in the universes. It is His grace and Love, for us, that compels Him to give us Freewill to decide where we will spend the rest of eternity; Heaven with Him or Hell without Him. It is good, however, that you are willing to be responsible for your decisions and actions. There are many who try to escape blame for their misdeeds by blaming others. When we stand before the Creator of the universes to give an accounting of our deeds, blaming someone else will not cut the mustered (as they say).
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Greyseal,
Thank you for your response.
Greyseal writes: Christianity is quite aptly summed up by explaining it as: Fuunnny. Lol ;-} You did however get a few of the points wrong :-{
Greyseal writes: Jewish Zombie who was his own father First you’re placing the Creator under the restraints of the creation. I.E. Jesus is God, He and the Father are One, but Jesus is not Jesus’ Father. The Trinity is impossible if you try to limit the Trinity to this four dimensional universe. God exists and operated beyond of our universe (I.E. more and other dimensions) If you accept more dimensions then it is possible to have ‘One God’ ‘Three distinct Parsonages’.
Greyseal writes: father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him should not perish (come to destruction, be lost), but have eternal (everlasting) life. For God did not sent the Son in to the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, But that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.John 3:16, 17 (Amplified Bible) The only thing necessary to receive forgiveness for ones wrong doing is to believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Jesus as your savior.
Greyseal writes: so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. The evil force in your soul is there because of your rebellion against God; not because of a rib-woman being deceived by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.; Although mankind’s rebellion did start there.
Greyseal writes: so he could absolve the sins of the evil that he himself caused is a cakewalk. To stifle one’s own pride, and humble one’s self before the Creator of the universes is no cakewalk. It is literally the hardest thing anyone will ever do. It is humbling one’s self before God and accepting that there is no ritual, no journey you can take, and no action what so ever, that you can take, that can absolve you from your gilt before a Holy God. Only by accepting the fact that Jesus took on your sin (your gilt) by dieing on the cross do you escape the punishment for your own rebellion against His righteous decrees. God did not cause rebellion (evil). I say with Peter that: The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what he promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance. II Peter 3: 9 (Amplified Bible)
Teapots&unicorns Member (Idle past 5215 days) Posts: 178 Joined: |
Hi all,
The Creator of the universes is as far above mankind as mankind is above a clay pot. (Probably further above us then we are above the clay pot) I.E. the Creator of the universes owns (Has full, undisputable, authority over) everything in the universes. It is His grace and Love, for us, that compels Him to give us Freewill to decide where we will spend the rest of eternity; Heaven with Him or Hell without Him. I have a couple problems with this statement: 1. "Mankind is above a clay pot." What a nice statement. Might I ask exactly what your criteria for being "above" is? (For me, it's consciousness. In that respect, how is God- if he exists- any better than us?) 2. I'm afraid that your second paragraph is- no offense meant- a load of dogma and crap. First:
.E. the Creator of the universes owns (Has full, undisputable, authority over) everything in the universes.
Does this mean that God/Creator has authority over his simply because he is powerful?(Or vice versa) Human Verification Second:
It is His grace and Love, for us, that compels Him to give us Freewill to decide where we will spend the rest of eternity; Heaven with Him or Hell without Him.
I'm sorry. It just seems to me that this sentence is based on the idea that the existence (or love, etc.) is self- evident. Obviously it is not... unless the billions of non-Christians in the world are just consciously rejecting God. Take your pick: Either everyone knows about God and are just knowingly in rebellion or those that don't believe just don't have any reason to (i.e. no free will). You can't have free will unless you know why you're doing something ((non)believing). I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts I'm a polyatheist - there are many gods I don't believe in- Dan Foutes "In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has widely been considered as a bad move."- Douglas Adams
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Perdition,
Thank you for your response.
Perdition writes: When Jesus died, where did he ultimately end up? Right next to his Father for eternity? Oh. Quite a sacrifice that, huh? It was sufficient to wash away your sin?! Also note here that it was sufficient enough a sacrifice to wash away the sin of all mankind.
Since all have sinned and are falling short of the honor and glory which God bestows and receives; [All] are justified and made in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace (his unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus. Romans 3: 23, 24 (Amplified Bible) Also, I would not exactly say that death on a Roman cross is an easy why to die. Not only that, but if you get into the nitty-gritty of what Jesus went through you’ll find out that it is far more complicated then it looks on the surface. When Jesus died on the cross, for the first (and only) time in eternity Jesus was ‘separated’ form the rest of the Godhead; like having your arm ripped from your body. If someone sacrificed there arm to save you, would you mock them if they got it back? Would the sacrifice be any less legitimate? God did not just sacrifice an arm, he sacrificed a third of his whole being for you.
Perdition writes: we have to assume that God didn't want Jesus near him. I do not understand why you would assume that. The Godhead planned this action out; as One. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit chose to have God the Son (Jesus) come to earth, become a man, live (as a man), teach mankind how to live and then become the sacrifice that His (the Godhead’s) righteousness required for payment of our sin For the wages which sin pays is death, but the [bountiful] free gift of God is eternal life through (in union with) Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6: 23 (Amplified Bible) One little side note I would like to point out here, if I may. Death, in the Bible, does not mean to go out of existence it means to be separated from. All spirit beings will exist for all of eternity; either in ‘Life’ with God or in ‘Death’ without (separated from) God.
caldron68 Member (Idle past 4168 days) Posts: 79 From: USA Joined: |
The Godhead planned this action out; as One. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit chose to have God the Son (Jesus) come to earth, become a man, live (as a man), teach mankind how to live and then become the sacrifice that His (the Godhead’s) righteousness required for payment of our sin For the wages which sin pays is death, but the [bountiful] free gift of God is eternal life through (in union with) Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6: 23 (Amplified Bible)
Then this amounts to some pretty poor planning on his (God's) part.
All spirit beings will exist for all of eternity; either in ‘Life’ with God or in ‘Death’ without (separated from) God.
Except it's not that simple is it? It's not just a separation from God. That would actually make sense and would be something that we could attribute to a loving, caring and compassionate God. But no, God's plan does not just include a separation, his plan involves eternal torment (torture) for those that fail to accept his "gift". Cheers,--Caldron68
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Greyseal,
Thank you for your response.
Greyseal writes: Just because you say god IS our creator, doesn't mean we OUGHT to do as he says. I agree one hundred percent. Just because I say it don’t make it true. Let me put it this way though: We ought to do what God requires of us if He indeed is God. If the God of the Bible is real then it would behoove use to pay attention to what the Bible has to say about God, our situation, etc. Conversely, if God is not real then what the Bible has to say is irrelevant.
Greyseal writes: You may retort "honour thy mother and father", but we know our parents exist... As an adult, I do not have to ‘do everything my parents want me to do’ to honor them. As an adult, I do honor my parents; however, I still live my own life.
Greyseal writes: I was saying he was either non-existent or wasn't what you thought he was. And I am saying that the evidence suggests that He is not what you thought he was. So, either; He is not what I thought He was, He is not what you thought He was, or He does not exist?!
Greyseal writes: If the bible is the word of man, and god can disapprove of rape but not manage to stop it (presuming he exists), he is neither omnipotent nor omniscient, and therefore not much of a god. If you can't trust your priests to tell you what your god would allow or disallow, you either have bad priests or a useless god. So what you’re saying is that you would prefer God to just zap each of us each time we get out of line. You apparently think that not giving anyone a chance to repent is preferable to allowing mankind room for repentance?
Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdaind, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside). [he inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. Galations 6: 7 (Amplified Bible) In other words, just because God did not stop someone from sinning does not mean they got away with it. Some may seem to ‘get a way with’ many unspeakable injustices, but, there will be a day of reckoning when everyone will give an accounting for their deeds both good and bad. If God wanted robots He would have created machines; He wanted beings that had the capacity to love. You cannot love someone if you do not have the choice to hate them. " ...God shows and clearly proves His [Own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. " {Romans 5: 8 AB} See Y'Shua (Jesus whom is the Christ) died in the place of every person ever conceived. (You may want to read John 3: 16 - 18) The Bible says the Y'Shua is "... The Lamb that was slain [in sacrifice] from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13: 8b) God did not make a perfect universe; and a perfect planet; so man could live in perfect harmony in a perfect paradise; just to find out that man messed up and ruined it all. God knew we (mankind) would fall, He knew we would need a redeemer; He knew (in advance) that a large majority would, and will choose to not accept and love Him. However, for those whom would, He set up this entire universe so we could learn to love Him, and so He could redeem us from the penalty of our rebellion against His authority. The spirit (the supernatural, ethereal part) of man will exist forever. It would be cruel of God to force those who choose not to serve Him to go to heaven and be subservient to Him. So, God has prepared a place for those who do not want Him controlling their lives. Besides, you original statement was when your god says it is okay to commit mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing, pillage and rape, that is bloodthirsty and it is abhorrent. And I stated that God never commanded rap. Not to mention that they broke at least three of the Ten Commandments in Judges 21.
Greyseal writes: inconsistencies and mistakes in the bible? There are hundreds. Thousands. You keep say that, but I asked you for one or two, and I got a bunch of words that mean noting. Give me just one example of where the bible itself contradicts what it, itself, says to be true. (I.E. This verse here contradicts what this verse over here says.)
Greyseal writes: The biggest inconsistency of all is how many people get the same set of books to prove wildly different things depending on what they want it to say. So let me get this strait. You’re saying that; if someone twists and/or lies about what something or someone else says that that (in and of itself) invalidates what was originally said? In other words, if I tell you the sky is blue but ten other people twist or lie about what I said; then what I originally said is not true?
Theodoric Member Posts: 9489 From: Northwest, WI, USA Joined: |
So let me get this strait. You’re saying that; if someone twists and/or lies about what something or someone else says that that (in and of itself) invalidates what was originally said? In other words, if I tell you the sky is blue but ten other people twist or lie about what I said; then what I originally said is not true? So you know what was originally meant? You are privy to the "TRUTH"?Why should we believe you and not someone else? Facts don't lie or have an agenda. Facts are just facts
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Teapots&unicorns,
Thank you for your response.
Teapots&unicorns writes: Might I ask exactly what your criteria for being "above" is? (For me, it's consciousness. In that respect, how is God- if he exists- any better than us?) a⋅bove —adverb1. in, at, or to a higher place. 3. higher in rank, authority, or power: She was told to speak to the person above. An example would be: I own a vase; I have the authority to do with it what I want within certain criteria. (I.E. Just because I own it, does not give me the right to break it over my brothers’ head) God, the Great Creator, has All Authority. In other words no one has the right (the authority) to tell Him He may not do whatever He chooses to do.
Teapots&unicorns writes: Does this mean that God/Creator has authority over his simply because he is powerful? No, His authority is not derived solely from His power. He is the Creator of everything that exists; in other word He is the owner of the universes, therefore He has authority over them. God’s authority, and power, out strips all others; therefore He has authority over us.
Teapots&unicorns writes:
The Bible says that we are without excuse; For ever since the creation of the world His [God’s] invisible nature and attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification] Romans 1: 20 (Amplified Bible) so you are right that billions of non-Christians in the world are just consciously rejecting God. I'm sorry. It just seems to me that this sentence is based on the idea that the existence (or love, etc.) is self- evident. Obviously it is not... unless the billions of non-Christians in the world are just consciously rejecting God.Take your pick: Either everyone knows about God and are just knowingly in rebellion or those that don't believe just don't have any reason to (i.e. no free will). You can't have free will unless you know why you're doing something ((non)believing). You can have ‘Freewill’ even if you do not know what you are doing. The problem is that, because of pride and self-wildness, people chose to not see what is plainly obvious. For evidence of this I present all of the views of; well of everything. Science shows that there are clear laws in nature but how many views of how those laws work are there? How many people deny those laws? Remember; what people do or do not believe does not change what is real, factual, and correct. Everyone one the planet could believe that the Earth is flat; that does not change the fact that it is a sphere. If you have and other question, please, feel free to ask.
Bailey Member (Idle past 4697 days) Posts: 574 From: Earth Joined: |
Thanks for the exchange brutha JRTjr.
I hope things are well with you ... brutha JRTjr writes: brutha (or sista?) greyseal writes:
You keep say that, but I asked you for one or two, and I got a bunch of words that mean noting. Give me just one example of where the bible itself contradicts what it, itself, says to be true. inconsistencies and mistakes in the bible? There are hundreds. Thousands. (I.E. This verse here contradicts what this verse over here says.) I was wondering if you would extend this offer to me as well brutha JRTjr? Also, if I may, would you like the inconsistencies to remain within a specific book? Or would you be more interested in considering general contradictions that can easily be compared across the spectrum of multiple books? If so, I may display a number of, what certainly appear to be, mutually exclusive traditions found within the pages of the scripture texts. Either way, let me know ... Thankfully, I'll be installing 'roun three hundred square feet of hardwoods tomorrow, and so, I am not sure exactly when time will permit me to post. However, providing you'll not object to my participation within the discussion, I'll try to make time for this request sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. In the name of Brother Joshua the Anointed One, peace be with you. One Love I'm not here to mock or condemn what you believe, tho my intentions are no less than to tickle your thinker. If those in first century CE had known what these words mean ... 'I want and desire mercy, not sacrifice' They surely would not have murdered the innocent; why trust what I say, when you can learn for yourself? Think for yourself. Mercy Trumps Judgement,Love Weary
JRTjr Member (Idle past 4633 days) Posts: 178 From: Houston, Texas, USA Joined: |
Dear Theodoric,
Thank you for your response.
Theodoric writes: So you know what was originally meant? You are privy to the "TRUTH"? Why should we believe you and not someone else? Thank you, this is an excellent question. In a word ‘Don’t’ (O.K. I know that’s a contraction not a single word) There indeed are many opinions out there, but science deals in what is factual, testable, actual versus blindly believed. The Bible says: test and prove all things [until you can recognize] what is good; [to that] hold fast. I Thessalonians 5: 21 (Amplified Bible) This is one of the things that sets the Bible apart from the worlds religions. We are all told, in the text, to test everything; every doctrine, every spirit, ever opinion is to be tested in the same way that a scientist would test a hypostasis. Also, every person is responsible for testing everything. If I assume that what some commentator says about a certain subject is true without testing what he says I will be held responsible for accepting something that was faults. (The commentator will be held responsible for telling the lie; and I will be held responsible for believing it; because I am told to test everything) Faith and belief, in the case of the Bible are not blind. God wants us to believe what we have seen and have faith in the results of what has been tested. I.E. God is not asking you to close your eyes to the facts around you. He is asking you to take those fact to there logical conclusions and walk accordingly. If you are willing to humble yourself; you can plainly see that this universe is designed; God simply wants you to acknowledge that. It is plain to see so trust (have faith) that it is so. Unfortunately this is where pride comes in. We don’t want to have some god looking over our shoulder, telling us what to do, so we just image that He’s not there. After all; the eases person to fool is yourself.
greyseal Member (Idle past 4189 days) Posts: 464 Joined: |
Greyseal writes: Just because you say god IS our creator, doesn't mean we OUGHT to do as he says. I agree one hundred percent. Just because I say it don’t make it true. Let me put it this way though: We ought to do what God requires of us if He indeed is God. One cannot get to an "ought" from an "is". Just because somebody says that god IS the creator of everything doesn't mean that somebody else OUGHT to do what he says. So god created everything, so what? You've obviously never heard of the gnostic heresy.
Greyseal writes: I was saying he was either non-existent or wasn't what you thought he was. And I am saying that the evidence suggests that He is not what you thought he was. So, either; He is not what I thought He was, He is not what you thought He was, or He does not exist? People point to the bible and say "this is the word of god" - but then you tell me that "god does not allow rap" (rape is spelt with a "e" on the end) because god didn't tell those people to rape. ...but his priests did, and it is implied that he was fine and dandy with the idea. So, again, either the bible is written by man or the bible is the approved word of god - i.e. if the priests said "rape the villagers" (and they did) we should have some sentence telling us god was pretty cheesed off at the idea, if he was, or even approving if he wasn't. If it's not the approved or literal word of god, 1) stop telling us it is 2) accept that at the very least it's as likely to be flawed as any other treaty on human behaviour written as a fictional narrative. And when talking of consistencies, it was nice of you to cherry-pick and leave out the mass of inconsistencies pertaining to the four accounts of the ressurection, the prophecy of Tyre and the fact that Egypt is still not populated by dragons. If you're demanding I go show you those exact verses, you should ask. I can, but I'd assumed (just this once) that you'd know what I was talking about.
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