Larni writes:
I suppose great ideas can't remain hidden for too long.
But consider if the social forces (cough-religion-cough) did smother the idea before it could find a foothold?
While I feel compelled to respond out of politeness, we are going wildly off-topic should we entertain a discussion concerning any what-ifs in history. Consider the opposite, what if Archimedes had made that ever so slight leap to differential and integral calculus in 200 BCE, would this discussion be in the orbit of Epsilon Indra or GC 20113?
This seems more a chat topic as anything and I do that at Dreamcatcher instead of here as it is a community while this site is devoted to debate.
(also I am not on UK time and should catch a few Z's before work even if I did have a long nap. If interested would like to chat with you at the right time and place should opportunity permit as I am an admirer of your work that I have seen here)
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza