ugolino writes:
There are many other secret societies of this type - all Masonic in their nature, and all immensely powerful. If you’re not in one of them, what chance do you have?
First off, I read this same crap twenty years ago.
Lets say that for the sake of argument it all is true.
What chance do you have if you are a 33rd degree Mason?
Is this whole thing spiritual in nature, as many of the books suggest? If so, WWJD?
To me, if the fate of the world is being decided by a group of powerful men in a smoke filled railroad car somewhere, its irrelevant. Whatever will be will be.
I am more concerned with the things that I myself can change in my own sphere of influence rather than fretting over who the antichrist is or whether Obama is part of a vast global conspiracy.
Edited by Phat, : added stuff