Is this serious? Okay, I'll bite.
At 18, can't you simply leave the house on your own? I believe any action on her part to prevent such a thing would be a crime. Check local statutes first, but it couldn't happen where I live.
How does she think your not leaving the house will effect your bi-ness? Maybe you should tell her you met some really great member of the opposite sex and need to go meet that person, or even that that person says they won't go out with you because you are so controlled by your mom.
Or you could always point out that being bi means she has a 50/50 chance of liking who you'll be dating. Staying at home means you have only one sex to focus on (yourself) and might fully convert to gay.
Other than the non-legality of preventing you from leaving, I don't believe any of the above... but if she is as ignorant as you suggest, perhaps these other tactics would work.
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." - Robert E. Howard