I agree with you that there are codes in all kinds of books but really the bible actually come true to the exact date.
Which edition of which translation of which variant claims such exactitude?
quote:And it came to pass, as our days in our exile lengthened, our knees weakened, and our hands loosened, and our eyes dimmed, and the wells of our wisdom were sealed, and the masters of Scripture and Mishnah ... were no more, and the disputes and opinions multiplied, for not only did the Torah become like two torot, it was more like an infinite number of torot, because of the many variants that are found in the texts (sefarim), that are in our regions, both new and old -- Torah, Prophets, Hagiographa -- There is no saying and no words that do not contain confusion (bilbulim) filled with errors in defective and plene spellings, cantillation signs and punctuation marks, Qere u-Ketib [letters incorrectly marked with] dagesh and without dagesh, [and] penultimate and ultimate accents. And this is nothing less than a severe plague, because the teachers sin accidentally and intentionally; the light has become darkness for them ... "the work of the Lord is fraudulent" [Jer.48:10].
Introduction to Minhat Shai - Yedidiah Solomon Norzi (1560-1616) as quoted in Fixing God's Torah - The Accuracy of the Hebrew Bible Text in Jewish Law by B. Barry Levy