Brian why is it you go to so much trouble to attack my God , do you think i spend my days scrutinising my father's words - no , is he not able to think for himself,what are you trying to achieve with this topic because if your trying to just ditch all this on my God who you will never be able or worthy of judging then why are you doing it.
For someone who so clearly does not believe in God 's word why are you so desperate to abase it? believers are far more brainy than you think , these arguements mean nothing to us they are just an attack on God who we deeply believe in.
Well, what people sometimes do in response to people like you (maybe not you, specifically) telling them that they should believe in the God of the Bible is to go and
actually read the Bible to see what this God is like.
Did you ever think that people can be led
away from the belief in God by reading the Bible and trying to make sense of it?
This is what happened to me, and I suspect to Brian as well.