hello Brian i must thankyou as you took a good effort to explain some things to me ,i guess its the jokes i just dont like , 'God's play things' and your favourite bible absurdity. i'm not suggesting you dont post topics it just seems like you who is always posting topics on the bible.thats fine its just you seem detemined to undermine it,i guess we can agree to disagree.
'Oh one final thing, if you think for a moment that I am under the impression that anything I post makes one iota of a difference to a born again, washed in the blood, saved by grace, happy clappy Bible believer, then you are grossly mistaken. This is not the reason I post here. '
you make me sound like a stereotypical unintelligent . lol
please dont think i am an extremist my topic 'none of the above' explains my position.
'Why not suspend your belief in God for a few minutes Mike and try and answer these questions'
i ask questions in my mind all the day long Brian,and i too have problems understanding the meaning to some of the bible,are you shocked?
you see its the jokes at God that upset me thats all.
thanks for the reply anyway.