The bible indicates clearly that the future will see a new universe or heavens. I have never heard of a creationist that did not believe that, or hardly any Christian.
Therefore it is true that the bible tells us that no natural laws will exist in the future.
The garden of Eden was nearly identical to the descriptions of the future new heavens, with the tree of life, and no death, and etc.
Therefore it is biblical to assume that the past was also different.
Science simply works with the present reality we find ourselves in. That is the beginning and end of it's mandate, and scope, and range, and limits.
If one assumes that this reality was the reality of the far past, or will be of the far future, one does so without the support of any science at all, just as if one assumes that the future will be different one can't rely on science.
I proposed a thread here to look at possible evidence that says that science can extend our nature to infinity, and beyond, past or future.
If that can't be done, then no claim of science applies to the future or past. If it can, then this would be the thread to do it. Otherwise, it is just a belief system, not science.
There is no need to pretend I should prove a different past with science, since science can't go there.
There is, therefore no legitimate claim that science is against the different future, and past of the bible.
Since this is out of the realm of science, and there is no science available, apparently, to directly address it, it may be more a matter of faith and belief.
That is the point!!! If you cannot promote a science case for natural laws it must be relegated to faith and belief!!!
Edited by simple, : No reason given.
Edited by simple, : Fixed