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Member (Idle past 2812 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Creationist = Anti-Environmentalist? | |||||||||||||||||||
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
While driving home a few weeks ago, NPR was talking about young new evangelical christians that are stepping away from their elders and show more concern for the environment. It was interesting to hear about how they are shunt by their fellow evangelists for believing that we should protect our environment.
Anyway, I personally think that the anti-environmental campaign is actually a pretty big con done on the evangelical community by big corporations. Why pick the evangelical community for this deception? Evangelists, especially creationists, are usually incapable of telling the difference between fact from bullshit. I've asked this question before. What do they think now that President Bush (aka Jesus Christ II) finally admits that there is such a thing as global warming and that it is caused by man? Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
LindaLou writes:
Actually, I think the number of fundies I've met who have insisted on being "non-denominational" probably is the same number as the fundies who have admitted to being part of a denomination. thing about this person, though, is that he consistently swears that he is not part of any established religion. Among some of these people, there is currently this idea that if they don't belong to any denomination then the rest of us will automatically assume they are very wise and very smart. I don't know how they arrive at this conclusion. When I talk to them, they seem to be either pulling stuff out of their asses or are borrowing quotes from fortune cookies. Anyway, just saying that there's nothing new about fundies trying to insist on not being part of any denomination. Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
LindaLou writes:
As a matter of fact, I am not aware of a single prominent creationist who have not spoken out against global warming. Bush probably finally admitted that global warming was real because he didn't want to look like an idiot anymore. Is anyone here familiar enough with creationists like Hovind to know if they are telling everyone that global warming is a myth? Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
petrophysics writes:
The rest of us have been dealing with YECs for years. Only recently after Bush finally admitted (after years of denial) that global warming was real and that the cause of it is manmade. When I say recently, I mean like the last 5 months or so. Coincidently, at about the same time I started to see some YECs beginning to admit that global warming was real. ...but you've provided no evidence that it's true. Before that point, they not only didn't show any concern for the environment, they actually vocally spoke out against global warming and other environmental concerns. If you don't believe me, just start watching televangelists at night. I do it about twice a week. Do I have any formal evidence? Nope. This is something that you're just going to have see and hear for yourself. Just start visiting christian and creationist forums. Start a topic on global warming and see how they react. In fact, start any kind of environmental topic and see how they react. Actually, I can think of one formal evidence for this. A few months ago, I was listening on NPR and they were interviewing evangelical christians on the issue of global warming and other environmental concerns. According to NPR, the few christians that show concern for the environment are often shunted by their peers. Like Ann Coulter said, this Earth was given to us to rape as we wanted, and this is the prevalent view among evangelical christians for quite sometime now. Why do you think Bush had been denying global warming for so long? Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Nem writes:
Nem, I see 2 things wrong with this statement. There is a difference between anti-environment and anti-envornmentalist. The other thing is ask yourself if you really care that much about the environment. While you're at it, you can expand some of that expertise by providing evidence of your assertion that creationists are anti-environment. Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Nem writes:
Well, one is actually against the environment, which I don't think anyone is going to stand up and admit, and the other is just against people who care about the environment.
I wasn't aware of a difference. Can you expound on the differences? Well, lets see.... I wonder how often the "environmentalists" on the forum have actually done one, solitary thing for the environment. Recycling doesn't count, despite the perceived virtuosity the uber-greenies may think it to be.
Does voluntarily and without saying a word to anyone pick up trash left behind by redneck conservatives in public parks count? I teach all my nephews and nieces to always throw garbage where they belong, in the garbage bags. But there is something that bothers me about this statement. The best thing for one to be environmentally friendly is to leave as little mark on it as possible. There is really nothing drastic one can do that is considered environmentally friendly. By saying to someone like me that I don't do anything is misleading, because I do help the environment by trying to leave as little mark on it as I can.
Among some of my other law enforcement duties, I fine those who are polluting, take part in oil spill clean-ups, and inspect various vessels to keep them in compliance with federal regulations.
That's your job.
I love a clean environment. I think its important to keep nature as pristine as possible. What I have a hard time falling in with, is how politicized the whole thing is. Even worse are these E.L.F. ghouls who have nothing better to do than firebomb businesses and homes of alleged polluters.
Well, I hate the fact that it's so politicized, too. I don't think this should be a matter of politics or public policy. I think it is a common sense issue. If you're going to make your home into a shithole, your children are going to live in a shithole. It's as simple as that. In fact, personally I think we can literally take out half the laws that are in place simply because these should be common sense. These include the equal opportunity employment thing, littering, public urination, etc. I think all of those are common sense issues and not a political issue. But unfortunately, we have to make it a political issue because of the hicks and hillbillies that are out there not putting their seatbelts on while driving at 65 mph.
I'd say that makes me a modern day eco-warrior, wouldn't you?
Sure, if you think a job qualifies you to be that.
Maybe they are unaware that burning a chemical factory, or any home, really, does vastly more harm to the environment. Geniuses.
You know, I could just as well point out the remark by your girlfriend (aka Ann Coulter) about how god gave us this earth to pillage and rape all we want... but it's a never ending cycle. Added by edit. Since you're one of the WG deniers, what do you think about Bush's admittance of WG lately? Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : No reason given. Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
Taz Member (Idle past 3611 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Nem writes:
Often? Pointing out a few isolated actions by isolated extremists on either side doesn't do anything to reflect the rest. You know that.
Can I add to it? There is nothing wrong with people who care about the environment. The issue, at least for me, is that many of these groups are extreme. Their efforts are often counter-productive, whiny, criminal, and above all, dangerous. I see many of them as using the environment as a platform to spew rhetoric about their political enemies. I'm not trying to be offensive when I say this, but what do you want, a medal? Teaching one's kids or nephews to pick up after themselves is as basic as tying shoelaces. I wouldn't exactly call you an eco-warrior for that.
You question whether I actually do anything to help the environment. I promptly answered your question. You then accuse me of wanting a medal. This is like... A: You have no education.B: Well, I got a college degree... does that count? A: What do you want, a medal? The other thing is... where did I claim I'm an eco-warrior? I already said that the best thing I think we can do for the environment is try not to interfere as much as possible with the environment, and this include teaching the young about it. This may seem insignificant, but do you have any idea how many people just don't care whether their kids litter or not?
Well, Sonne claims to lead a group of conservationists, apparently in his/her spare time. But your point is taken. My household makes a very concerted attempt to recycle, to always take trash to a receptacle, etc too. And just how much more can we do, you may be asking yourself. But if someone is going to piously scold me for hating the environment, just because my views are generally more conservative than theirs, I'm going to call them out on it. They had better be doing more than I am.
And as I stated before, the best way to help the environment is to leave it alone. This is what I am advocating. The issue is that you support the groups that actually don't seem to care about the environment. Don't you find it odd that it's always the liberal side that want to push for a curb on emission of poluting gases and it's always the conservative side that want to stop the liberal side?
Yeah, but I specifically chose the job. You may be inclined to laud Greenpeace for their efforts, but I doubt you'd dismissively state that its their job.
Personally, I don't think much of green peace. I think they don't actually help much in regard to raising awareness. Again, the best way to help the environment is to leave as little mark on it as we can. By the way, did you choose to become a law enforcement officer because of the environment? Even though I don't think much of green peace, they actually do their job solely because of the environment.
Nothing. 'Green' is fashionable these days. All of the 2008 candidates must have a greenthumb or they won't get the votes. Like I said, totally political.
So, you're saying that Bush don't really believe in GW and that it was purely a political move on his part to admit it? I could have sworn you thought he was Jesus Christ II ![]() Disclaimer: Occasionally, owing to the deficiency of the English language, I have used he/him/his meaning he or she/him or her/his or her in order to avoid awkwardness of style. He, him, and his are not intended as exclusively masculine pronouns. They may refer to either sex or to both sexes!
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