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Member (Idle past 2820 days) Posts: 2965 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Creationist = Anti-Environmentalist? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
I see a lot of people who believe in Creationism and are also Global Warming deniers. Buzsaw is a creationist who believes in Global Warming. I think in general its not that anyone denies global warming, as much as they aren't buying the anthropogenic portion of it. Everyone knows that the earth is warming. I think that many creationists simply believe that its a natural cyclical occurrence, rather than buying in to the political spin.
Or supporters of Creationism, but oppose to the Endangered Species protection. Oppose the Endangered Species list? How do you figure since creationists believe animals were created by God, and evolutionists try to control natural selection. Wouldn't it be more likely in the reverse?
a) There are people/corporations who stand to make money from a position on anti-environmentalism (Big Oil, deforestation, developers, etc.) Ah, yes, because all know how many CEO's for big oil are not only creationists, but also fund creationist programs.
b) These people need at least a portion of the public to support their cause. Every cause needs support.
c) They know that there is a group a citizens (Creationists, Ditto-heads, Fundamentalists) who will not question authority. Yes, because being a fundamentalist Christian is living an easy life devoid of being mocked and ridiculed for virtually every belief. Its clear that they are lemmings, opposed to those on the opposite end of the spectrum.
d) They pay influential members of this group to convince the flock to follow. Such as?
2) Destroy the world! Woo-hoo!!! Destroy God's creation-- yeah, that makes perfect sense.a) Creationists believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. b) The Bible suggests that at some point the world will end and that this will be good for Creationists. Salvation from the Tribulation is generally thought to be a good thing. Why wouldn't it?
c) Therefore, anything which hastens the end of the world (war, disease, environmental degradation) is defacto a good thing. Forget all that other stuff in prophecy where Jesus that we will not know the day or hour of His coming. Creationists actually have a pact with God which says that they are allowed to quicken the process.
Resulting in - d) Creationists that support environmental degradation. Yes, because creationists are actually robots that don't breathe air, need a clean water supply, or need to eat contaminated food. So, yeah, of course they want to destroy the environment. It makes perfect sense. ![]() Refutations? Who can refute such unassailable evidence? I think its very evident that what you've stated is true. Okay, I think that's enough with the sarcasm. It must take a special person to believe the nonsense you just purported. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
The same people who today are saying that's it's warming but not caused by man, were 5 years ago saying, the world is NOT warming. The same people saying its anthropogenically caused are the same people who predicted the next ice age.
The red state fundamentalists are the ones who oppose all things "liberal" - that's wellfare, evolution, and "spotted owl tree huggers". Does the same go for blue states opposing all things conservative?
These people CLEARLY put authority over their own ability to analyse and reason. It's NOT a stretch to say that if Rush Limbaugh says "There is no global warming, ignore the thermostat", these people will comply. Then the same applies to the opposite end of the spectrum too. Noam Chomsky, one of the biggest critics of the US military and capitalism is in the top 2% of wealth and has worked on numerous programs with the military. Or bands like Rage Against the Machine who profit from the very thing they denounce. The irony is delicious.
You really are unaware of the whole "end of days" thing, aren't you? Christian Fundamentalists seriously WANT the rapture. Yes, we want the rapture. But it doesn't mean there is a single thing that anyone can do to expedite the process.
I don't think you've had enough exposure to Fundamentalism. Being that I am a fundamentalist, whose around other fundamentalists, I think I have plenty of exposure. Since you aren't one, coupled with what you have perceived it to be, makes me question how much exposure you've had. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
Al Gore's Inc Truth is a movie version of a slide show he's been giving for over a decade. Ah, right... And lets not forget that he invented the internet too. ![]() If you want to harken back to the 70's, I'm sure you'll find a meteorologist making your claim. Yes, meteorologists and climatologists who actively work in that field were predicting this new ice age. Why? Because it was statistically colder than in previous decades/centuries.
That, however, is NOT the same thing as people 5 years ago claiming that there is no global warming. When people say there is no global warming, I suspect they mean that the earth isn't heating up because of anything humans have done. And if it is, the Industrial Revolution is probably the largest contributor to that dilemma.
quote: Care to make a correlation? Abortion. Illegal immigration. War policies. Greenhouse gases. Walmart. Capitalism. Healthcare. Just to name a few. Take your pick. I'm asking, if you get to make sweeping allegations, can I?
It may be delicious but it's not relavent. It is if it nicely illustrates your willing to turn a blind eye to your own bias.
The point was that these people are willing at accept what their authority figures tell them. Yes, and my point is that the Left is willingly to blindly follow theirs. So what makes one better than the other?
The people you list clearly are not passively accepting false information from authority figures, they are simply benefiting from a capitalist system. No, they are the ones spreading the propaganda.
By the way, who better to know the problems of a system than the people who have proven that they can exploit it. Exploit it by making millions of dollars, all the while bitching about people that make millions of dollars? What did they prove? That capitalism works?
US' political relationship with Isreal is driven largely by fundamentalists who, quite frankly, aren't in it for the benefit of the Jews. Remember, the Jews are going to be left behind. The government sides with Israel because its a flourishing Democracy, proven to be an ally. What does one have to do with the other?
Okay, let's test the hypothesis. What's your position on Global Warming? I believe a warming trend is occuring. I believe a nominal percentage is due to humans. I believe the majority of it is part of a natural cycle. I believe this hype is an unfortunate causualty of politics. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
Even IF global warming isn't caused by us, would using less fossil fuel be such a bad thing? It isn't like there are no other ill effects. No, of course not. I should probably add that I would absolutely love doing away with oil altogether. Unfortunately, in order to fuel us we need something major. I was all for the introduction of Ethynol, much like Brazil is doing. And for the most part, I still am. The only problem is that it cannot currently sustain a nation the size of the US. I'm still waiting for cold fusion. Until then, we have to be realistic. We need oil. That's just the bottom line, as unfortunate as it is. My biggest issue is that the biggest loudmouth's about how to conserve energy do no such thing. Cripes, Al Gore spends more on fuel in his lier jet, traveling to seminars so he can chastise us! Hey, how about leading us by example buddy? See, the issue is that they aren't really offering any viable solutions. Of those they are presenting, are they leading us by example? No. So instead of telling us that the sky is falling, how about implementing something plausible? http://youtube.com/watch?v=j9QQcP_Y1II "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
Nobody at the time knew precisely how much reflection, and nobody knew how intense the "greenhouse effect" was, and so a few people in the media predicted an ice age, a few people in Hollywood predicted global warming (see "Soylent Green"), all from a couple of papers that essentially said "it could get warmer, it could get colder, we don't know for sure because we haven't developed any good models yet." Crash, this whole debate has been going on a lot longer than Soylent Green. Sire Thomas Malthus predicted, much in the same way, that the earth's population would grow out of control, to the point where humans would use up every natural resource, and thus, we would exterminate ourselves. Of course, Malthus neglected to predict the enormous impact that the Industrial Revolution had on agrigulture. Obviously, his prediction never materialized. But what remains today is that same climate of fear.
Now, some 30 years later, we have more than 10 models that are consistent with more than 1600 years of inferred climate data as well as with each other, and every single one has successfully predicted the warming trend that we're in the middle of. Can I see these ten models?
The reality of the history of global warming is nothing like you describe. There was maybe one article in Newsweek that "predicted an ice age." There was no consensus on the issue, then. There were quite a few, which I have provided for you the last time we had this argument. If you'd like me to dig up the old thread, I will show you.
Sure. It's all just coincidence that the Earth is warming at the exact same time that human CO2 production exceeds multiple Mt. Pinatubo eruptions every single year, and at the exact same time that the sun is in a decade-long period of cooling. Sure, since you would never be in shortage of reasons for why it would be. You are invoking reasons for the climate change without considering that this is what the climate does. I suppose you'd blame the last ice age on humans too if you could. What anthropogenic cause did that have? It happened. It was drastic. I'm sure it killed many, many species-- yet, it was entirely a natural phenomenon.
It's not to say that you couldn't find someone who was a "left-wing authoritarian" in the United States, but it's instructive to note that while Altemeyer based his research on interviews with hundreds of persons, many of whom were identified as right-wing authoritarians, a single example of a left-wing authoritarian has never, to my knowledge, been found. What does an authoritarian have to do with it? Look at the kids drooling over MTV, Crash. That's their source of inspiration-- that drivel! And yet they call me the sheep?!?!? Look at those lemmings. Everything society tells them to do, they dutifully follow. Not an autonomous bone in their body. Yet they sneer at me? They have their Pied Piper.
Theoretically America's relationship with Israel is so relentlessly pro-Israel so that we can have a democratic ally in the Middle East. We have a few in the Middle East. Israel just happens to be the closely modeled after America as any western nation.
What, exactly, do we stand to gain by that? We're already staging our operations out of Germany, not Israel. Israel supplied absolutely zero troops in any function as part of our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not for lack of desire on their part, I'm sure. We plead with them not to get involved-- even as SCUD's rain down on their cities. We stay their hand because we all know what will happen if we don't. But we can't expect them to sit on their hands forever.
So it's not entirely clear what we gain by our support of Israel A friend in a sea of enemies and fair-weather friends.
What cycle? The natural cycle that has been a part of the earth's climatological history. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
These, incindentally, are the same people that are offering $10,000 to any climatologist who'll publish any paper disputing Global warming. I assume you have evidence of said bribery?
Are you suggesting that the people in Red States don't have Walmarts? That the Conservatives don't have a "War policy" or aren't participating in "capitalism"? What I am doing is debunking your sweeping allegations. You neglect to say some, and instead, say all.
What bias? I start a thread on Creationism/Anti-Enviormentalism and you try to dispute me by naming someone who is Anti-War & wealthy. Last time I checked, neither of those are on topic. It appears that Petro has asked you several times to corroborate your claims that creationists are anti-environment. If you want to stay on topic, then I suggest you cough up some proof. We'll start with just one name. Give me one name in order to keep this thread going.
Firstly, you don't want this debate to be about propaganda. Have you seen the "news reports" shot and editted by the administration? No. This might be your shining moment to substantiate your claim that creationists hate the environment.
Secondly, what propaganda are you alledging that Rage Against the Machine is spreading? Maybe I'm not on the mailing list, but I haven't heard anything about the Rage Against the Machine thinktank issuing bullet points which are then parrotted on Fox News verbatim. Holy cow, man. Listen one song-- any song. I'll give you a hint.
So is Canada, but we don't give them weapons and billions of dollars in aid. Canada is a Democratic Socialist nation, which isn't entirely the same thing. And Canada does have our help. But more importantly, they don't require our help in the same way Israel does. And here is why:
"It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
quote: Sure. And one time scholars thought the stars and planets revolved about the earth. Now they think that the earth and other planets orbit the sun. The obvious conclusion is that no one really knows whatsoever how the planets move. Why is it inconceivable that a similar ignorance will always exist? Why do you suppose that climatologists know it all know, just because they more than they did in the past? "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
the vast weight of evidence supports a single scientific consensus - human industry, specifically the burning of fossil fuels for energy, has drastically increased atmospheric greenhouse gases and caused a distinct warming trend. I have just started a book, entitled, Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 years, which allegedly chronicles earth's climatology, compiling evidence from dendrochronology and ice core samples, etc. Additionally, they add to the mix the reasons why climatology has become a cottage industry with huge political ties. Thus far, I see that those who have ascribed to the notion of anthropogenic global warming will not like the material presented in this book. But I guess what matters is we are getting both sides of an issue. I'll let you know when I'm done. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
quote: I completely agree. Fundamentalists are mentally on par with "kids drooling over MTV". Neither one has yet achieved enough education and maturity to be able to make decisions for themself. In the kids case, it's because they are 12. What's the fundamentalists excuse? I don't know, Nuggin. You're the expert. Why don't you tell us. While you're at it, you can expand some of that expertise by providing evidence of your assertion that creationists are anti-environment. Edited by Nemesis Juggernaut, : typo "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
Nem, I see 2 things wrong with this statement. There is a difference between anti-environment and anti-envornmentalist. I wasn't aware of a difference. Can you expound on the differences?
The other thing is ask yourself if you really care that much about the environment. Well, lets see.... I wonder how often the "environmentalists" on the forum have actually done one, solitary thing for the environment. Recycling doesn't count, despite the perceived virtuosity the uber-greenies may think it to be. Among some of my other law enforcement duties, I fine those who are polluting, take part in oil spill clean-ups, and inspect various vessels to keep them in compliance with federal regulations. I'd say that makes me a modern day eco-warrior, wouldn't you? I love a clean environment. I think its important to keep nature as pristine as possible. What I have a hard time falling in with, is how politicized the whole thing is. Even worse are these E.L.F. ghouls who have nothing better to do than firebomb businesses and homes of alleged polluters. Maybe they are unaware that burning a chemical factory, or any home, really, does vastly more harm to the environment. Geniuses. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
You know, NJ, you've spouted a lot of crap over the last bunch of posts, demanding all sorts of evidence and when it's presented you either deny it was (as if people couldn't scroll up) or just ignore it and demand more. I've demanded that you provide the very things you've claimed. You've yet to provide a shred of evidence that would corroborate it. As for me saying a lot of crap, I find this terribly ironic coming from someone who claimed that creationists want and"Prey on the Ignorant, Destroy the World!, pay influential members of this group to convince the flock to follow," etc, without having been able to give any justification for it.
The fact of the matter is we've proven that the fundamentalists are in league with/under the direction of the anti-environmentalists. I must have missed that. Can you show me where said proof is located?
Perhaps it because they hate the world and want to see it ended. If creationism entails Christianity, then they don't hate the world. And they don't want the world to end. What they want is God to restore the world in the pristine condition it began with.
Perhaps its because they are too stupid to realize what they are supporting. That must be it. They're just stupid. But you, you must be the embodiment of brilliance.
Perhaps its simply because they HAVE to be on the opposite side, no matter how legit the argument is from the "left". The truth about God could probably be summarized that He's not concerned with right or left, but only right or wrong.
Either way, it's out there, it's apparent. Your position as a denialist does nothing to remove that. I thought skepticism was to be cherished. I'm just not sold on the idea that creationists are anti-environmentalism. I guess we'd have to define what environmentalism means to you. Our versions might differ considerably. Edited by Nemesis Juggernaut, : No reason given. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
For the record I co-run and work on-site for a conservation group (admin, nurseries, planting, weed control, pest control, monitoring, irrigation, community education, etc, etc). Just letting you know we're out there (even if we do mostly lurk). Well, then thanks for all your hard efforts. ![]() You should come out of lurk mode more often. I'm sure you have a lot to offer the forum. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
You are fundamentalist. You deny OVERWHELMING evidence of human influence on global warming. That pretty much sums it up. How on earth would my cynicism of anthropogenically caused global warming mean that I'm anti-environmentalist? You know, the co-founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, has basically renounced his affiliation with Greenpeace because of how politicized they have become, and how little they actually care about the environmentalism. Its just a stage for these people. Its just something to relieve their angsty, dejected feelings. Is Moore then against the environment because he exposed the agenda of certain environmentalists? Certainly not. You are making it so that if I am unconvinced on an issue, or believe many, if not most, environmentalists are a bunch of yahoos, that must somehow mean that I don't care about the environment. The logic doesn't follow. And it only better supports my assertion that environmentalists are just a bunch of hacks looking for attention.
As for you asking for more evidence, I'm sick of answering you. You wanted evidence of CO2 emissions, it was given and ignored. You wanted evidence about Rage Against the Machine, given, ignored. Fundamentalists by name? Given, ignored. Fundamentalists PAID by oil companies? Given & ignored. The bush admin's policies about env and fundamentalist support - given, ignored. Your answers are completely insufficient, as you dance around the subject. Its been pointed out to you by several people. You haven't met the objective. I already know that you can't. So I guess in that way I'm not expecting much from you. Really I suppose I'm looking for you to admit that you went way over your head.
There is NO AMOUNT of imformation that will satisfy you BECAUSE you are one of the people who are involved in this. Oh yeah.... Of course... I was actually thinking of inviting you to the smoke-filled rooms in our underground lair. ![]() Like ALL the other fundamentalists, you have no position aside from trying to disprove everyone else. Like all Leftist fundamentalists, you're all talk, and no gumption. Look, you made a pretty audacious claim. Its high time you stop providing obscure tongue-in-cheek evidence, or renounce your claim.
Fundamentalism seems chocked full of people as deceitful and argogent as youself. If I'm arrogant, then Mother Theresa has some explaining to do. ![]() I hope you are right and the rapture does come. Finally the world will be done with your sort and we can get on with peace and progress That's exactly the kind of mentality that is supposed to come about during the last days. But I think you should be careful what you wish for. You may just get everything you want. But will you want what you're going to get? Food for thought, friend. "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
Well, one is actually against the environment, which I don't think anyone is going to stand up and admit, and the other is just against people who care about the environment. Can I add to it? There is nothing wrong with people who care about the environment. The issue, at least for me, is that many of these groups are extreme. Their efforts are often counter-productive, whiny, criminal, and above all, dangerous. I see many of them as using the environment as a platform to spew rhetoric about their political enemies.
Does voluntarily and without saying a word to anyone pick up trash left behind by redneck conservatives in public parks count? I teach all my nephews and nieces to always throw garbage where they belong, in the garbage bags. I'm not trying to be offensive when I say this, but what do you want, a medal? Teaching one's kids or nephews to pick up after themselves is as basic as tying shoelaces. I wouldn't exactly call you an eco-warrior for that.
But there is something that bothers me about this statement. The best thing for one to be environmentally friendly is to leave as little mark on it as possible. There is really nothing drastic one can do that is considered environmentally friendly. By saying to someone like me that I don't do anything is misleading, because I do help the environment by trying to leave as little mark on it as I can. Well, Sonne claims to lead a group of conservationists, apparently in his/her spare time. But your point is taken. My household makes a very concerted attempt to recycle, to always take trash to a receptacle, etc too. And just how much more can we do, you may be asking yourself. But if someone is going to piously scold me for hating the environment, just because my views are generally more conservative than theirs, I'm going to call them out on it. They had better be doing more than I am.
That's your job. Yeah, but I specifically chose the job. You may be inclined to laud Greenpeace for their efforts, but I doubt you'd dismissively state that its their job.
Well, I hate the fact that it's so politicized, too. I don't think this should be a matter of politics or public policy. I think it is a common sense issue. If you're going to make your home into a shithole, your children are going to live in a shithole. It's as simple as that. I can't argue with any of that.
quote: You know, I could just as well point out the remark by your girlfriend (aka Ann Coulter) about how god gave us this earth to pillage and rape all we want... but it's a never ending cycle. Sure, if you want to mock her for making fun of their perception of conservatives. The problem is, these guys aren't being jocular, and what's worse, they actually do it.
Since you're one of the WG deniers, what do you think about Bush's admittance of WG lately? Nothing. 'Green' is fashionable these days. All of the 2008 candidates must have a greenthumb or they won't get the votes. Like I said, totally political. Edited by Nemesis Juggernaut, : typo "It is better to shun the bait, than struggle in the snare." -Ravi Zacharias
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