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Author | Topic: What if you have never heard of God, Jesus, or the Holy Bible? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spud Inactive Member |
If someone was raised from birth with no knowledge of God whatsoever, would he go to heaven if he died or if he happened to be around when Jesus' comes back? Also is it the same answer if a child dies at birth?
Spud Inactive Member |
Do you read the Bible literally schrafinator? If so, and this goes for Gzus too, don't you think what your saying is a bit harsh? Particularly for a child who has only just been born?
------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.
Spud Inactive Member |
stevo3890 said:
"Jesus says a couple times in the New Testament, if you have heard the word and do not listen to it (not a qoute) then you are in trouble while if you haven't then only God can judge." Can you please tell which me scriptures you are refering too?
Spud Inactive Member |
If it actually did happen it may have been covered up just like anything else that might cause Kaos or at least have the potentual too. UFO believers could tell you thier stories and all the cover-ups that go with it. What I am trying to say is don't rule it out so swiftly schrafinator, you don't know the truth, you weren't there.
Anyway I've heard more outlandish stories in supposed evolution facts.
Spud Inactive Member |
Hehe sorry I don't want to start a debate
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Spud Inactive Member |
quote:So you were there billions of years ago were you? You observed it did you? It requires more faith to believe in billions of years than it does to believe in thousands of years. ------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.
Spud Inactive Member |
Can you prove to me that this world is actually billions of years old? No you can't, you don't have all the knowledge in the world, or universe, to decifer that. Just the same I don't have all the knowledge to prove that God exists. For me personally, from the information I have been given and the information I have gotten for myself, I believe it requires more faith to believe in a world billions of years old as opposed to thousands. That is what I believe according the knowledge I know. You may have more knowledge than me or you may not and thats what it all comes down too. So to start a debate full I facts and figures is fun but whats the point? We see the same evidence but look at it under a different light.
------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.
Spud Inactive Member |
quote: Have you ever been in love crashfrog? If so can you prove it? Do you have facts and evidence on proving that love actually exists? Have you ever had faith in someone? Is that faith provable by evidence?
Spud Inactive Member |
quote:You mean you have not yet found any knowledge for the existance of God ![]() quote:No not at all. I am open to hear what evolution and evolutionists have to say as long as evolutionists are open to hear what creationists have to say. You are also forgetting faith here. The faith I have in God, to me, is like a knowledge of a different kind that far outweighs the knowledge of any human or earthly knowledge (this is only one part of what faith means to me). It's something greater than any humun mind can fully comprehend, but it doesn't hurt to try ![]() quote:I am not a geologist nor will I ever be. I do try to soak in whatever I can from what I hear, read and see from geologists though, as you would too I imagine. Regardless on whether they themselves believe in Evolution or Creation. quote:Ignorance is the condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed. I AM educated, I AM aware and I AM informed. Like I said before you may be more educated, aware and informed than I am, then maybe not. Erroneous means - containing or derived from error; mistaken. Maybe I am, maybe you are? Are you open to that fact? Below is a quote written by Ken Ham of AiG that explains more clearly the point I was trying to make: quote: ------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.
Spud Inactive Member |
quote: I am refering to things that exist that you cannot see, hear or physically feel. Love exists, that is a fact, you have just proven that. You can prove acts of love but not Love itself. What is love? Where does it come from? My point was that it is like believing if God.
quote:Your happy living in the limits of scientific certainty are you? Sorry but I am not. Simply because they keep finding new evidence, new facts, new knowledge which quite often changes the evolutionary theories that you believed in earlier. ------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable. [This message has been edited by Spud, 06-26-2003]
Spud Inactive Member |
quote:What a crock! Your limiting a creationist to a particalar religon involving priests, catholic perhaps? I am not catholic and I dont believe what you just wrote. And you say religon makes no attempt to demontsrate independant verifiability? Where have you been man! The quote I mentioned is not garbage it is basic common sence. [This message has been edited by Spud, 06-26-2003]
Spud Inactive Member |
quote:I, the same as you, do not know EVERYTHING but we do know things, lots of things! ![]() quote:Ok so lets say that love is actually just an illusion. Where then did the illusion come from? quote:You are either not looking hard enough or you are choosing to ignore ![]() quote:Hehe and I could twist that right around and say I'd rather be eternally right, than almost right and getting closer. I could also say it's more comfortable and much less metal work to believe we have no creator. To walk with Jesus is a hard road to take ![]() quote:I'm Australian, they don't pledge allegiance(I don't think) and our currency is not stamped with, "In God We Trust" ![]() quote:I believe in the Bible. I believe it was written by God through man. I believe it is perfect and there is nothing flexable in perfect. So no they don't ![]() quote:Dogs are colorblind. When they see something red, they see a different color. The dog is positive that the color is some sort of mixture of black and white. All the other dogs are certain of it too, it is a fact. There is NO WAY to interpret it as red ![]() As zephyr mentioned earlier, there is an ongoing discussion of radiometric dating between evolutionists and creationist. I believe nobody is perfect, in fact I believe nothing on this planet or universe is perfect. So I don't see how something man-made like radiometric dating could be anything close to accurate. I can also say the same about my knowledge of God. But that doesn't stop me from trying to perfect it. And it doesn't stop you from trying to prove that we all evolved![]()
Spud Inactive Member |
quote:Of course humans are capable of accuracy within limits. My point is it IS within limits. It is not perfect it can never be 100% accurate. It can never be perfect. A computer is never wrong, but it was made by man by materials from earth. It is still not perfect. I feel I have been very clear on this. quote:That is why I said a mixture of black and white, which are not colors. I thought that was odvious. And yes creationists are blind to certain types of evidence. So are evolutionists and humans, and color-blind dogs and every other other living creature the roams this planet ![]() quote:Sorry, my mistake, I totally miss-read that :$ Agian I was not refering to the object of your love but love itself. Not acts of love or objects of love, but Love. You can't see it, hear it or physically feel it. You can't get any physical evidence for it. Does that mean it does not exist? Or is it just an illusion like what I thought you meant before? quote:It is by the fault of man that science appears to be moving away. Like I said before we are not perfect. We could be just like that dog, not seeing it right because we know any better. And we don't look with perfect eyes, feel with perfect hands, think with pefect minds and we most certainly do not use perfect tools to measure things by. I will answer your other replies later, I am very busy atm but I will get back to you asap. My apologies.Also how do I do the quote's the way you do them with the borders? I'm using bcode but I like yours better ![]()
Spud Inactive Member |
you're not apparently talking about god the concept. You're talking about god the phsyical being, who acts and speaks, in your view. If you want me to accept that as more than just make-believe you'll have to present some evidence. I've noticed you've stopped talking about that. Are you prepared to present evidence of god? If not, why do you claim that such evidence exists?
I am trying tell you my view of what faith is to me. I am trying to put it into words but as you can see it's pretty hard ![]() As far as providing some evidence of God, this particular forum is about Faith and Belief, which is what I am discussing. Anyway like I have mentioned earlier, what would be the point, neither of us are going to come to an agreement on evidence given. We see and think about the same facts in different ways like I have said before. If minds are so fallible, how can you be sure the bible is infallible? How can you know that's just not your erroneous interpretation? And even if it is infallible, how can you know your interpretation of its literal truth is at all correct?
Correct, the truth that I believe the Bible is, and God, could be just another matrix and I don't know any better ![]() But by faith I know He is there, like love. The Bible also says 'God is Love' but thats a whole other story ![]() Oh yeh and cheers for the UBB tips ![]() ------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable. [This message has been edited by Spud, 06-28-2003]
Spud Inactive Member |
Sorry for the delay ppls, busy boy
![]() Spud, still waiting for your evidence of god. As you can see there's a bunch of us who would be interested to hear some. Again this post is about Faith and Belief, when I find the time I will post a discussion with you elsewhere ![]() ![]() Faith has nothing to do with evidence, Spud. Having faith that something does or doesn't exist doesn't make it so. Faith in love is an individual state of mind and proving love would be just an exercise in futility or narcissism You accept love for whatever it is you think it is. Yet you don't know how it works or where it came from. And you can't find any phyiscal evidence for its existance. Yet you are happy to live with that fact. You are happy knowing it exists without having the proof. However mention the word God and all of a sudden you need evidence, you need hard physical evidence before you even consider this supposed creater, or state of mind, or whatever you want to refer to it as. Well all choose what we want to believe and what we don't want to believe, regardless of what evidence we have and don't have. ------------------When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.
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