Despite popular belief you do not go to Hell if you never heard the word of Jesus. "If you were blind, then you would not be guilty" John chapter9, 41. Jesus says a couple times in the New Testament, if you have heard the word and do not listen to it (not a qoute) then you are in trouble while if you haven't then only God can judge.
Only God can judge? Man, his followers have had me convinced my entire life that it's their job. Of course, they usually use different terminology to confuse the issue. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is one of my favorites.
I've heard a lot of disagreement about what happens to people who never hear about Jesus. Out of curiosity, what do you think of the fact that geographic location of birth (and time in history) is the prime determinant of someone's chance of ever hearing the word? What do you believe happens to the vast majority of humanity that never realistically had/has a chance of believing what you do?