What part of "filthy" don't you (or anyone else) understand? Filthy in heart, soul, mind, and strength? Filthy and rotton to the core? And filthy in a body which can never be sterilized.
True, God has washed and sanctified filthy persons so that they truly are no longer filthy in God's eyes, but these persons basically either:
1) confess to being filthy wretches,
2) are innocent children who are unashamed of their nakedness.
3) are actors (hypocrites) who forget why they hide their shameful nakedness with clothes.
Does not nature teach you we are a filthy abomination without clothes?
Are you trying to say your mouth (and mine) is not an open sepulchre whose stench never needs cleansing?
And on and on...
My goodness.
This is completely disturbing and very, very sad.
What self-loathing and disgust for nature you have, Philip.
That post was reason #189 on the list of "Why I am not a Christian."