I usually stay away from this kind of debate because I honestly don't know enough or care enough to look through the info. But isn't it obvious that they do want nuclear weapons?
I see nuclear weapons are like personal hand grenades. If I get into a hand fight with Muhamed Ali (a conventional fight), I'd definitely lose because it's an unfair fight. But if I carry around a personal hand grenade, he'd be crazy to get near me. Russia got hand grenades because they were afraid of us. China got hand grenades because they were afraid of russia. India got hand grenades because they were afraid of China. Pakistan got hand grenades because they were afraid of India.
So, I see nuclear weapons as more of a defensive weapon than offensive. For Iran to go against the US military in the conventional way is like me going against Muhammed Ali in a hand fight. It's an unfair fight. Unless Allah brings his wrath upon the American whores, nobody is going to doubt that Iran will lose. But if they have nuclear weapons, we'd be stupid to go near.
With that said, I think that's why everybody essentially wants nuclear weapons. They don't have the economy or the population to build up a strong conventional army. A nuke, on the other hand, will ensure that bigger and stronger conventional armies won't come near them.
About the anti-christ thing, I'll just have to wait and see how this turns out.
Added by edit.
Shouldn't the anti-christ have a name something like Mal Abbas or something like that?
Edited by Tazmanius Devilus, : No reason given.
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