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Author | Topic: Is the media hurting the war? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Um...those aren't evidence of WMDs. A blistering agent is not a WMD. Unpleasant? Sure. But so are bullets and we don't call those "WMD"s
Mustard Gas Wiki Highlights:
The sulfur mustards, of which mustard gas is a member, are a class of related cytotoxic, vesicant chemical warfare agents with the ability to form large blisters on exposed skin. In their pure form most sulfur mustards are colorless, odorless, viscous liquids at room temperature. When used as warfare agents they are usually yellow-brown in color and have an odor resembling mustard plants, garlic or horseradish. ....Since then, mustard gas has also been reportedly used in several wars, often where the side it is used against cannot retaliate:\ Iran against Iraq in 1987-1988, possibly using captured Iraqi munitions;[3]Iraq against Kurds in 1988;[3] Now, given that both the US and the UK have made official statements that there were no WMDs to be found in Iraq, are you still claiming that there were when we invaded? Yes. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
I should point out that not a single terrorist plot has been countered using the new liberty-destroying legislation that has been enacted. That you know of. The public only hears about the occassional spectacular attacks we have stopped. You may think we stop a few a year, but we have stopped thousands upon thousands. No, I can't prove that last statement to you, but your statement seems to be a bit on the iron-clad side of opinion. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
This is a thread unto itself. I'll start one.
If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Excuse me? What "spectacular attack"? There hasn't been any "spectacular attack" to stop. No, we haven't. That would require that every single day, multiple attacks have been stopped. *bold added by Tal* You say things like this with such absolute certainty. You are convinved you are right, but won't admit to yourself that you don't know everything regarding this subject. See the part I put in bold? Now you are getting the idea.
Attack 1Attack 2 The List of 10 Theat's just 12 examples that aren't classified.
Why on earth do you think that Padilla went from "deploying a dirty bomb" to "applied to join a terrorist camp"? He was supposed to be the pride and joy of the war on terror and it turns out he was just an angry young man. He was found guilty of all charged and should be recieving his sentence in early December. Conspiracy to Murder, Kidnap, and Maim Persons in a Foreign Country, Conspiracy to Provide Material Support for Terrorists, and Material Support for Terrorists.
We know that we were able to stop terrorist plots before the Patriot Act. September 11th. Your ability to ignore the obvious is staggering. Edited by Tal, : grammer Edited by Tal, : No reason given. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Hi Martin, I was in 1-32 INF once upon a time up at 10th Mountain land. And yes, the media sometimes simply makes stuff up. We all remember the "Bush was AWOL" crap from C...BS. I just so happenned to be the POC for Army (worldwide) for DFR packets(Dropped From Rolls, the packet that makes you a Deserter and the source documentation used to input no-bond felony warrants into NCIC)and noone ever contacted my office (via Ft Knox PAO) to check the facts.
On a side note, never run a sitting President's SSN on NCIC. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Wow. You are actually going to try to argue this one? Start another thread with your evidence and I'll be happy to annihilate it. Let's try to keep this thread on topic.
If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
Ahem. What were the charges? He wasn't found guilty of actually doing anything. Nor was he found guilty of plotting against Americans. Are you really that dumb? The charges are listed in the text YOU quoted. He was found guilty on all charged 16 August, 2007. His conspiracy to murder charge was dismissed 17 August 2006, but the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the ruling reinstated a charge of conspiracy to "murder, kidnap, and maim" in January of 2007. As to the rest of your drivel, it is clear that you are a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance. I am done with you until you add something meaningful to thread. Edited by Tal, : No reason given. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
We did argue this. Remember? You lost. In your mind. I'll be happy to prove you wrong again, since I am the subject matter expert. A Dropped from rolls packet consists of: 1. DD Form 553 Deserter/Absentee Wanted by the Armed Forces.Must be signed by the individuals Commander. 2. DA Form 4187 Bringing the status from Present for Duty to AWOL. 3. DA Form 4187 Bringing the status from AWOL to Deserter. 4. DD Form 458 Charge Sheet.Must be signed by the Commander and the Courts-Martial Convening Authority. Those Documents are then sent to USADIP, Fort Knox, KY for verification and then entered into NCIC (Natinal Crime Information Center) for a No-Bond Felony Warrant for the arrest of the individual. There is no 553 for President Bush.There are no 4187s for President Bush. There is no 458 for President Bush. There has never been an entry into NCIC of President Bush. I personally checked all of these, to include the files from Vietnam that Carter pardoned. Feel free to contact USADIP NCIC at (502) 626-3711/3712/3713 (24 hours) or mail them at: U.S. Army Personnel Control FacilityATTN: ATZK-PMF-D 1481 Old Ironsides Avenue Fort Knox, KY 40121 Otherwise, you've lost as you have produced zero evidence of anything having to do with a DFR packet. Your only "evidence" is some forged documents.
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(CBS) Four CBS News employees, including three executives, have been ousted for their role in preparing and reporting a disputed story about President Bush’s National Guard service. The action was prompted by the report of an independent panel that concluded that CBS News failed to follow basic journalistic principles in the preparation and reporting of the piece. The panel also said CBS News had compounded that failure with a “rigid and blind” defense of the 60 Minutes Wednesday report. Hey looky there, CBS fired 4 guys over this including 3 Execs. I wonder why? Must be becuase they did something wrong.
“We deeply regret the disservice this flawed 60 Minutes Wednesday report did to the American public, which has a right to count on CBS News for fairness and accuracy,” said CBS Chairman Leslie Moonves.
Flawed...Whoops. But let us dig a little further.
A key factor in the decision to broadcast the piece was a telephone conversation between Mapes and Maj. Gen. Bobby Hodges, Killian’s commanding officer during the period in question. Mapes told the panel Hodges confirmed the content of the four documents after she read them to him over the phone. Hodges, however, denied doing so. He also told the panel he had given Mapes information that should have raised warning flags about the documents, including his belief that Killian had never ordered anyone, including Mr. Bush, to take a physical. Hodges said that when he finally saw the documents after the Sept. 8 broadcast, he concluded they were bogus and told Rather and Mapes of his opinion on Sept. 10.
Ouch. Next.
After rushing the piece to air, the panel said, CBS News compounded the error by blindly defending the story. In doing so, the news organization missed opportunities to set the record straight. Seems like you Evolutionists like to stick by stories long after they've been disproven. It is your trademark really. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
I would love to see your evidence. NJ, there's no hope. Might as well nail jello to the wall. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
Tal Member (Idle past 6003 days) Posts: 1140 From: Fort Bragg, NC Joined: |
You're a partisan hack, Tal. Yep, I'm a Conservative to the core no doubt. However, if this false accusation were made against John Kerry, I would still defend him just as vigorously on this issue because it isn't true. People can read your post, read my post, and decide for themselves.
Who on Earth would DFR the son of the President? W Bush was discharged and transferred to the Inactive Reserves 16Oct73. His dad wasn't elected Vice President until 81. But don't let chronological facts get in the way of your theory. ![]() His commitment, however, was six years. Inactive Reserve time counts. For instance: When I first joined the Army in 96 I signed a 3 year contract to serve in the Infantry. In the Army, you sign on to serve 8 years, nomatter what your active duty contract says. When you finish your active duty obligation you are discharged and placed into the Inactive Reserve component. In my case, I could be called back to Active Duty at anytime in the next 5 years. I went back to Active Duty 3 years later. My time in service was then 6 years, even though 3 had been spent off active duty. So for pay purposes I was paid for having 6 years time in service instead of 3. The down side to that is I have to serve 23 years to retire, or 20 years Active Federal Service.
No webpage found at provided URL: http://users.cis.net/coldfeet/Doc21.gif Bush was no more AWOL than I was when I was in the IRR.
Tal. Your evidence is irrelevant. My evidence will hold up in a court of law. Your evidence will not. Edited by Tal, : No reason given. Edited by Tal, : Added some lines. If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then this would not have occurred.
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