1 That our enemies read the papers, and watch CNN.
So? What do you think the problem is? Do you think that CNN is broadcasting reports like "US forces believe that Osama bin Laden is located at 123 4th St. in Baghdad and will raid that house at 8:00 tonight?"
The problem about "media hurting the war" is that the media sometimes (not often, but sometimes) publishes information that contradict the government's lies about why the war is taking place, and perhaps even reminding viewers and readers that innocent people as well as American service personel are being killed by in a foreign invasion that occurred for no justified reason.
2 That we as a people need to know what is going on, since we don't trust our own government....
And this is how the media is "hurting the war". It hurts the war when it presents information that contradicts the government's propaganda efforts. The people, by being informed and then exercising their rights as voters, may decide to end the war. An informed electorate not only hurts war efforts, it hurts all government policies that are meant to exploit the people for the benefit of the few.
I could tell you what I've read about evolution, the big-bang, super-universes, quantum foam, and all that stuff. Eventually you'd ask a question I can't answer, then I'd have to go look it up. Even If I had the time for that shit, in the end you'd ask a question science hasn't answered yet. So let's save time and skip ahead to "I don't know." --