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Member (Idle past 1721 days) Posts: 20714 From: the other end of the sidewalk Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Creation Museum Age of the Earth is False (Simple and RAZD) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: So, they either are missing as you say, or extend beyond the split as you also say. Which is it going to be here?? Funny how the erosion picked the pre split rings to pick on, now isn't it??? You say that the number of rings "available to count" are so many. How many, exactlyu are actually there to count!!!!?? And how many are missing. You don't know, do you? These facts you need to try to deal with. Get a grip, man.
quote:Do they, really? Are you sure that some aren't missing?? Make up your mind. Better still buy a clue before rambling on arguing for something. As for my position, it doesn't matter if the missing rings did turn up!!! Although I am really starting to wonder if even that will happen! Why? Because the rings do not represent years beyond the split. quote:Not only faster deposition, but I raise the possibility that some ice was piled up in the rapid separation of continents. Speaking of facts and data, the area around Peru would have been affected muchly by that separation. The evidence mounts. quote:The Egyptian calendar is based on what? "THE SOTHIC CYCLE The so-called "sothic cycle" is the third basis for the false "Egyptian calendar." Egyptian dating is keyed both to the king lists of Manetho and to the sothic cycle. A theory about the king lists provides a span of reigns, but a theory about the sothic cycle provides the actual dating. Yet this sothic cycle theory is so vague, that it difficult to explain. What is this "sothic cycle"? It is thought by some that ancient Egyptians had some kind of yearly calendar. But exactly what it was, no one really knows. So much mystery surrounds the possibility of an Egyptian calendar that the experts call it a "vague calendar." Not really knowing what that calendar might have been, a number of speculations have been worked out. It is thought that, perhaps (perhaps), the Egyptians had a calendar of 360 days, plus five days at the end of the year. Because the true year is actually 365.25 days in length, a 365-day calendar would wander backward and not return to its original position for 365 x 4, or 1,460 years. This conjectured 1,460 years would be the "sothic cycle." What we are dealing with here is important, for the modernist theory about this supposed cycle is the basis for all Near Eastern dating. Now, if (if) such a calendar was actually used in Egypt, and if (if) it remained in use for a full cycle of nearly 1,500 years, it would be possible to date backward, from later known dates to earlier dates. Sounds pretty iffy. But the situation gets worse: 1 - It must be clear that such a calendar was ever used in Egypt. We do not know that. 2 - We must have definite evidence that it was used throughout a 1,460-year cycle. We do not know that. 3 - The beginning date of the 1,460-year cycle must be known with certainty. We do not know that. 4 - We must know that the extra five days were always a part of their calendar. We do not know that. 5 - Something we do know: There was at least one other type of calendar in use in Egypt during part of that time! We know it was different, but we do not know much else. (It was a lunar, not a solar, calendar.) So every date on a monument would have to tell which calendar was meant. But that was not done. 6 - The dates based on this theoretical sothic calendar should agree with one another. But that does not happen. 7 - We do know that their year wandered through our 365.25-day year, but the speed of wandering is not known”and that is the crucial point. If just one of the above seven points is in doubt, the entire calendar is rendered unfit to be cited as an accurate dating tool.”pp. 24-25. The rising of sothis. Now we know what the supposed "cycle" is, but how did it get the name "sothis"? It is keyed to the phrase, "rising of sothis," which is mentioned only once (only once) in Egyptian literature. Liberals take that one passage, and make a 1,460-year cycle out of it! Here is the statement. It is part of a papyrus inscription found at Kahun, Egypt, and was written to a priest: "You ought to know that the rising of sothis takes place on the 16th of the 8th month. Announce it to the priests of the town of Sekhem-Usertasen and of Anubis on the mountain and of Suchos . . And have this letter filed in the temple records." Well, what does that mean to you? Not anything really. What was "sothis"? No one knows. It could be the sun, moon, a planet, a star, a constellation, the Pleiades, etc. It could be the Nile or a local god. What does the word "rising" mean? It could mean when a star, etc., comes up in the east or when it reaches a certain angle in the sky. It could mean the rise of the river or a procession in which a god was to be carried through town. Liberals try to get a 1,460-year cycle out of that one passage, but there are problems: 1 - They assume it is when the star, Sirius, arose. But that is a conjecture. No one knows what "sothis" was. 2 - They assume the star could be seen each time it arose. But Sirius could not be seen arising at those times when the sun was in the sky. It would have to arise at least 36 minutes before the sun came up, in order to be seen. 3 - Two researchers (Poole and MacNaughton) proved over a century ago that sothis could not be Sirius, because of when that star would arise at certain times. 4 - There is no agreement on exactly when the 1,460-year cycle is supposed to have begun. Alternative theories are equally feasible. In the absence of certainty, the liberals just latched onto one set of dates (1320 B.C. to A.D. 141) as the cycle, and proclaim it as the standard for the setting of ancient dates. 5 - A number of Egyptologists have rejected the theory entirely. 6 - The ancients did not know the correct length of the solar year. It is actually 365.2422 days in length. A true solar year would change the calculation from 1,460 to 1,507 years. That is a difference of 47 years. There is an argument as to which time span is to be used for the complete cycle. 7 - The theoretical sothic cycle does not agree with radiocarbon dating.”pp. 25-26." http://www.pathlights.com/...pedia/Encyclopedia/23arch03.htm And, so, if Sothis was a star in the former sky, that was no longer visible after the spli, alas, don't we just know they would try and grab some star in OUR sky that seemed to fit the bill? And tat they did. So??? You so called calendar is conjecture.
quote:Well, whatever area you look at, we need to ask if there was up piling and etc that went on. If there was, and the Ice age had started already, why not pile up some ice as well? If that happened, why, how do we determine what is what??? Certainly one needs to look closely at the are in question, and sample! If htere was some undisturbed area that had a lot of ice, why maybe one could look at that. Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: Well, let us finish the tree ring part here, with you being real clear if you have any idea what is going on. You seem to be claiming here that there are 4887 actual rings in the tree, we can see, and count, as well as a bunch of missing ones. If what you say is true, would not they come up with a much older date for the tree, taking into account, maybe hundreds of missing rings as well? So, would they not say it was guessed to be about, say, 5200 years old? Something seems wrong with the picture here, and your claims. It is less than clear. That usually tells me the person I am talking to doesn't really know what he is talking about. Perhaps you could clear this up.
quote:The other wood doesn't matter. All it represents is trees that grew before Prometheus, but unless the state and growth rate is known, it is useless trivia! That leaves those pesky missing rings that "somehow" happen to be missing. Why are they missing on a live tree? (that was alive when it got cut down) One might have to look at asking whether the new state affected the live trees, but not dead ones? Also, how do they know where to start if the core is missing? I suppose they guestimate. quote:I used to think it was a bit funny, but now I see that there appear to be missing rings! How can we tell if there is any differences? Is this not the only tree on earth cut down that has more rings than years to the flood?? Or do you have a core sample from Methusula or etc?? Or do you think we ought to simply go on your 'hunch de jour'?? quote:Funny how you can't stop playing lump it all together, and pretend the past was the same, and make a little lump graph you think is impressive. Work on that. quote:Actually, for your same state past myth, this is precisely what we can say about it, literally. 'Funny how you have absolutely no substantiation for your voodoo woo dreamtime magic world.' And yet, you call it science!!?? Shame. At least I have ancient documentation of the holy bible. Better than your nothing. quote:Of course piled up ice now means jumbled. I was simply wondering if the shuffling of the deck in the past, under different state laws may have been different. I do notice that the ice is in a piled up mountainous area. Coincidence? Another issue we might want to consider is if there was a great bit of flood water, with pollen, and dust, etc in it, could get fast frozen? I mean what possibilities have they really looked at? It seems they have a same past old age basic assumption, and they try to build only on that. I am happy to rule out fast freezing, and piling up, and a few other things, if the evidence warrants. But I prefer to feel confident that what we see has to have been laid down uniformly first. Then, I see no problem with numbers. For example varves. Sometimes we had many hundreds of thousands. All can be explained in a different past. I don't see why 40,000 ice layers would be a challenge if need be. Baby steps. quote:You are skirting the issue. I pasted this because I have seen some of the points in other work. For example, there was a decision on what the dog star, or whatever had to have been somewhere in the first few centuries AD, if I recall. It was just a decision based on looking at the stars, and what we see there in this present state, etc. In other words, the calendar is literally SET to present PO assumptions only. Therefore, you NEED to establish it was a same state past to make that valid. Otherwise it is baseless opinion, not observation, testing, etc. See, if the fundamental forces (and your brother might not like this one) were different, and light, etc, this could affect what we see in space. It could also help explain things in a way that needs no dark energy, big bang, dark matter, and etc. If the atoms could be affected, and the spins, charges, etc, why not some orbits of bigger bodies?? It's a brave new world. Of course this fits with the new universe, or heavens coming in the bible as well. It might also explain why there seems to have been some remnant memories, or wisdom or assumptions and knowledge passed down to the ancients about the heavens and earth. That is why maybe many of their ideas were wonky and wrong. They referred to memories and observations of man pre split?! OK. Rather than deal with the nitty gritty of tree rings, etc, you prefer to dance around to other huge cut and paste claims now, and add varves to the mix. Fine. We had water from below coming up to water the earth in the past. We had wind. We had areas, likely subject to regular flooding as well, with all the water. We had fantastic potential for hyper growth in things like plankton, etc. We had, in other words, everything needed to make layers in a hurry. If we quickly assume that there was no up piling here, of the layers again, let's do some math. If we put down 3 varves a day, and we had 1700 years to do it, how many is that?? 365 x 1700 = 620500 So, we have 620500 x 3 = 1,861,500 Now, we add the 4400 years since the split to that. So, we have all the varves one could wish for. Now, we take only the stuff from beyond 4400 years ago, and look at the carbon, or nitrogen, etc. in that. No lumping. That would tell us a bit about the pre split starting conditions, perhaps. Nothing more. That's a slam dunk. Now, all you need is that same past state of the universe to come back from the abyss. You don't have it. You never will. Check and mate. Time for a new myth, I would suggest. PS There is plenty of secular sites I can use for support about the basis of the dates for Egypt. You must conceed the issue, or defend your dates. En garde. Also, here is an older summation of the concept of the different past, with bible support. For example how the sun is forever, so it could not exist forever in this state, as science tells us. http://www.geocities.com/heddidit/ Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: I knew you'd end up in the cosmos before long.Here is why the ideas from standard cosmology as applied ti the SN are totally invalid. If there was a different light, and universe state in the past, then, the light speed getting here is no problem at all. As an example we could say that it could get here, the former light, in the former space, from that far 1n 14 hours. Now there are a few ways I can think of that a transformation of universe states could have left the SN the way we observed it. 1) One idea is that the separation process took a little time. Therefore, we could assume that some areas were first impacted, and changed, and therefore blew up. Because the star did, in this model, blow up in a present state, we expect to see present decay, and etc. The event was able to get carried by the still merged space between the first impacted zones, and earth. That is why why light, and info could get well on it's way to us, at speeds non PO. Before the journey was completed, the universe change was complete, so the light continued on toward us as present state light, carrying the explosion info, still, of course. It got here in 1987. 2) Your claim that there is decay there is wrong. It is based, itself, if I remember, on many assumptions. There was the conditions needed for such an explosion, I think it would have had to be a lot different from our system here. Why is this claimed? Because it fits the bill, and just 'must have been, to produce what we see', - type of reasoning. Also they expected I think I remember a nuetron star. The star, like your tree rings, is missing!! 'Golly we can't seem to find what we expect. Let's see, now, how about saying it was a black hole, that is easier to declare missing, when we can't find it'! Well, there is no black hole either, is there? So, what we do have is a bunch of assumptions, and belief, but no smoking gun actual evidence' 3) And, finally, there is another possibility that boggles the mind. That is that the split was not uniformly universal as I assumed. Under this model we can have the center of the universe still merged, as well as deep space. The interior of the earth may still be in the forever state, namely, also spiritual. That explains why spirits live there! Only the surface of the earth, say a few hundred miles, or whatever would be physical only. Under this model, if we look really real far out in space, we might be looking at a time reversal process, as we get far away from the center of the universe. (Us) That could mean that when we observe from our non time reversed distance, we see a star being created, not blown up!! Like a video in reverse. Could we be watching a time revese affected 'video' of the creation of the universe 6000 years ago?? That would change the way evidence is viewed indeed. Bottom line here, is you NEED a same state past universe for any of your deep space claims to be valid. The claims do not validate your myth! You at least have that backwards! FIRST, you need to establish the state of the universe, THEN you can start piling up stuff on that foundation.Let us try to deal in reality, actual facts we actually know, and observe, and real evidence. Now, you list a bunch of things, that really amount to chatter, and noise, that clutter up a thread, and are too many to be looked at closely in a post. Calm down, and focus. "on-physicists may be surprised that all of these things are interconnected. For example, the radioactive decay of some elements is governed by the strong force. So, a change in their decay rate implies a different binding energy. Energy curves space, so a different binding energy implies a change in the amount of gravity, and that implies a change in orbital motion."NOT if the strong force was not here as is. You imply that all was still governed by things PO. Why not a change in gravity?? Who says there even was any?? (as is) Gravity attracts physical things together, there was a spiritual level here as well, so there had to be forces that governed more than just physical, as now. Yes, we still walked on earth, and yes, things never flew anywhere etc. There were forces in place, but not PO forces and laws as we now have. Unless of course you can prove it. I am all for real evidence if you have any. "There are mysteries involving the supernova 1987a. Like, where is the neutron star that "should" be there according to their theories??? Answer: no one knows, it seems to be MIA. "Astronomers also are still looking for evidence of a black hole or a neutron star left behind by the blast. The fiery death of massive stars usually creates these energetic objects. Most astronomers think a neutron star formed 20 years ago. Kirshner said the object could be obscured by dust or it could have become a black hole.He plans to use the infrared capabilities of the Wide Field Camera 3 ” an instrument scheduled to be installed during the upcoming Hubble servicing mission ” to hunt for a stellar remnant."NEWS RELEASES 20 years later and still missing. Hmm. Then there is this one"Soon after the supernova appeared, emissions of ultra-violet, infrared and visible light grew steadily fainter, following a predicted decay curve. But changes in the supernova's "light curve" over the past year now leave astronomers puzzled..." http://findarticles.com/p/articles/m...40/ai_11515679 "So far so good. But although the shape of the light curve mimics the decay of cobalt-57, the magnitude of the curve -- indicating the amount of light now emitted by 1987A -- exceeds that predicted by theory, both teams say.One way to explain the greater emissions, note Suntzeff and his colleagues, is to assume that the supernova produced a ratio of cobalt-57 to cobalt-56 five times the ratio typical in our solar system..."http://findarticles.com/p/articles/m...40/ai_11515679 And I have to add this here in edit. They cook up whatever explanation seems to possibly fit the bill with SN. The more recent one was not like 187a, and just have a gander at the wild claims here. So far so good. Until the X-ray data from Chandra came in. The Chandra data, taken 56 days after the explosion of SN 2006gy, revealed that SN 2006gy was a relatively paltry X-ray emitter. Although a collision of the supernova debris with the surrounding cloud is occurring, the cloud is not dense enough to explain the optical brilliance of the supernova. The weak X-ray emission also rules out any type of gamma-ray burst event. Chandra X-ray Image of SN 2006gyAnother way to make an ultra-bright supernova is for the initial explosion to produce a large amount of radioactive nickel. Radioactive decay of the nickel into cobalt and other nuclei could feed energy into the expanding debris for several months, heightening the luminosity of the supernova. This happens when a white dwarf star becomes unstable and is disrupted in a thermonuclear explosion that produces, among other heavy elements, a fraction of a solar mass of radioactive nickel. About 50 times this much radioactive nickel would be required to account for the extreme luminosity of SN 2006gy. This rules out the possibility that the explosion of a white dwarf star, with a maximum mass of about 1.4 solar masses, is responsible. A New Line of Stellar EvolutionSimply cranking up the mass of the pre-supernova star fiftyfold will not work either. Theoretical calculations indicate that stars more massive than about 40 solar masses will collapse directly to a black hole without a supernova explosion, unless they manage to shed most of their mass and leave behind a neutron star when they explode. However, none of these scenarios produces much nickel. The solution of the mystery of SN 2006gy may lie in an obscure corner of the theory of massive stars. According to the theory, temperatures rise to several billion degrees in the central regions of stars with masses between 140 and 260 suns. The usual process of converting mass into energy (E = mc2) is reversed, and energy is converted into mass in the form of pairs of electrons and antielectrons, or positrons...For stars with initial masses above about 200 suns, pair-instability supernovas would produce an abundance of radioactive nickel. So, it would seem that the mystery of SN 2006gy has an intriguing, even spectacular solution. The outburst represents the first detected example of a long-predicted (40 years ago) but never observed pair-instability supernova. At the same time it would establish that these very massive stars can exist. Animation of SN 2006gyMaybe. A previous calculation of the expected light output from pair-instability supernovas showed that their peak luminosity would be about the same as that produced by the explosion of a white dwarf. This surprising, and disappointing, result was attributed to absorption of energy by the massive outer envelope of the star which is ejected in a pair-instability supernova. So, is it back to the hunt for other suspects? Not yet. The earlier calculations of peak luminosities made assumptions about the state of the pre-supernova star which may not be valid. In particular, it will be interesting to see new calculations for very massive stars with a different chemical composition (more carbon, for example) and somewhat smaller diameters prior to explosion. As SN 2006gy continues to evolve it will reveal more clues to its true nature. If its luminosity continues to decline smoothly from the peak as predicted from the known decay rates of radioactive nickel and cobalt, then the likelihood that astronomers have sighted a rare astronomical bird will be greatly strengthened. If not, there will be more raging against the dying of the light. Chandra :: Chronicles :: Going Not Gentle Into That Good Night :: May 7, 2007 "The discovery of the supernova, known as SN 2006gy, provides evidence that the death of such massive stars is fundamentally different from theoretical predictions." http://www.sciencedaily.com/...ases/2007/05/070507145521.htm Edited by simple, : No reason given. Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote:So you want to stick to your hunch. Fine. The tree rings that grew and maybe died before the split, are not relevant. Unless you thought no trees grew before the split, or the flood, or some such other hunch. Lurkers note here that the missing rings were not addressed. Also, that the pre 4400 ring level carbon ratios and etc were not even dealt with. I mean, if you can't deal with the issue at hand, when asked, you might as well just chat on about how fast a little chicken can run away, or some such other unrelated topic. quote:If the rings are missing, how can we tell it matches ring for ring, let alone carbon content??? Perhaps you could show us the carbon content of the missing rings. Just to see what we are working with here. Hopefully you are not talking through your hat here. Also, what about the rings on the deadwood that are actually there? What carbon content is present there that would be at odds with a different state past??? Precisely? Let's see what you got, and remember none of that lumping business. quote:Been there, done that, walked all over it, and came back laughing. Your myth is a falsified concept. quote:Great. So let the rest of us in on your little imagined falsifications of the biblical case for a different past and future, now, will you? quote:So your whole point here is that the silt had to be deposited at the same rate as now. I see. And why would that be? Sounds like you rest on a lot of assumptions here. quote: Why would some similar 14 C content be required somewhere, exactly? Remember, that the carbon, if aquired a different way, such as in the growth process, need not be at some wild different levels at all. That is silly conjecture.
quote:The climate pre split and flood you know what about, exactly? That is where the climate might matter a little, after all the object is not to correlate things just in your fantasy past myth. This is news??! So, go ahead and correlate the actual pre split ice and weather. That should be amusing. We wait patiently for that. Just don't try and correlate it to the present state. We already know how this stuff works. quote:In other words you are choking on the dating Egypt thing here, OK. Surprise. You have not even addressed the state of the past yet, let alone falsified your way out of a paper bag. Maybe you ought to stick to your strong suits, and try to prove gravity was as is in our past or something?
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: No, I covered that. Distance is no matter, who cares, if the former light could get here in jig time?? Present light speed is not even an issue. Decay happens yes, but if you mean decay in the deep space, no, we haven't hashed that out et at all. We saw that there were a plethora of assumptions to arrive a t a conclusion that was stacked with PO state things from the getgo.Like this one ".One way to explain the greater emissions, note Suntzeff and his colleagues, is to assume that the supernova produced a ratio of cobalt-57 to cobalt-56 five times the ratio typical in our solar system..." Now why on earth would we assume that? The only reason I can think of, is because one wanted to grasp some PO explanation, not because of anything real we observe. Again, the cart before the horse.
quote:But the reason they think it 'must' have been massive includes, what? Right, that is the only way they can begin to try to explain why it was different from 1987a, and etc. Do we know there really was a supermassive star there?? Got a pic from before it blew?? So, you grab whatever made up junk you want, long as it is present state universe junk, to try and explain what happened. That is religion, as pure as any could exist, and nothing more. quote:ASSUMING a dreamed up scenario where there was 5 times the ratio in our system existed for some x files unknown made up silly reason! Then, we have the missing nutrino star, and the black hole as well. Get a grip, this weak fable stuff is absurd. quote:False, and this demonstrates that you are not comprehending what is being said. There was no different speed of our present light in a present state universe. So the laws you grab at here do not in any way apply. quote:But we don't need to cook up dark matter to explain that, when a different state does the trick. Which means the bible was right all along, and you my friend, really have not known what you were talking about for a good while now. And I don't mind that, if you act like it.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote:All I recall you trying to bring out was that the dead trees had rings, that cover the time the missing rings on the live tree couldn't. That is all well and good if you want to prove there were trees before Prometheus. That is not even an issue, but a strawman. The issues are, why does the living tree have missing rings from the time of the split?? Could something have affected living trees as a result of the split? But not the dead ones, as they were already done growing? You never covered that. You never showed us the carbon ratios in the missing rings. You never showed why the carbon in the dead ones matter, in any way that supports your fable. And I don't recall you showing that the Prometheus tree had physical rings numbering more than 4400 even. I think you were suggesting that the dead ones cover that. You ain't deep. you just ain't clear. quote:How that helps you abject failure to support the dates for Egypt, I don't know. I have addressed the light issue. Now you address the phony dates for Egypt you flog. quote:So, now you suggest that the living things had to settle at the same rate as silt in the past. I do not assume such things for no reason. What if water was coming UP from below? Would silt settle the same?? What if living things were used to this water, and swam, or whatever, so we don't get a deposit like you yearn for?? You seem to be grasping at straws here. quote: Has not. Nya nya.
quote:That's what you think. Present state lumping may turn your myth oriented crank, but it fails to take away from the pre present state starting point ratios in any way. quote:Correlations of circular, in box reasoning matter not a whit. Start correlating with the issue here. That would be the past, like it, or not, don't lump it! quote:Well, boo hoo, you couldn't support dates for Egypt. Don't blame me, you raised them. You didn't get a concise and clear response that dealt with your missing rings, and imagination market past ratios based on reverse weather forecasts, same state assumptions, and hunchs! You haven't turned up required nutron stars missing in supposed action in 1987a, or the elusive black hole. You compound assumtion on baseless assumption and project it into deep space. When you encounter an anomaly, you invent super massive stars, cobalt ratios 5 times what we actually see here, and whatever you need to cook up, no matter how patently absurd. In the end, you stuff the entire universe into a teensy speckishly small hot soup anyhow. Maybe a missing black hole rode a missing nutron star, and snuck in, and ate the missing tree rings??
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: What is it we actually know here? There seem to be detected in the spectral lines isotopes of cobalt 56.Now, in the no decay in the different past model, to begin with, it does not mean no isotopes. It just means a different process. For example, what now might be a daughter element, may have been already there in the past, and working with the now parent material. The end result, with the spiritual, would be that it lasts forever. So, what is decay now, means nothing in a different past persay. In other words, the nickel and cobalt being present need not mean what you think it means. Remember, we are viewing the past here. I gave a few scenarios where things could be explained. If we looked at the info through a different past filter, instead of a same past filter, we could still expect to see isotopes. For example, in the creation of the universe. Earth was created first, days before the stars. That means that the stars were made so that they could be watched from earth, being made! Perhaps this is what we are seeing? If one put together a star, how would one do it?? One likely would use similar isotopes, and materials as one might expect to see if one blew up a star. No? So, if we were experiencing some sort of deep space time reversal, why would we NOT see cobalt 56 and nickel?? Of course to our view, it would be reversed, as if it was exploding, rather than being created. The rings might be explained this way as well. Creation rings. You wouldn't need to cook up companion stars when your initial cooked up ideas were shown to be wrong either, this way! " One early idea was that this behaviour was somehow connected with the fact that the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, has a somewhat lower concentration of heavier chemical elements than the Milky Way, and that the star used to be a red supergiant but turned into a blue supergiant just 30,000 years ago. But the most recent calculations have shown that this idea just cannot be made to work... It now seems that a double-star merger scenario is the only way in which all the various anomalies of this very unusual supernova can be understood. This theory predicts particular chemical anomalies, which would have been produced during the merger itself. If these are detected, it would be virtually conclusive evidence that the theory is correct. Nevertheless, the HST has recently shown clearly that the ejecta have "split" into two blobs moving in opposite directions, confirming both the early indications and also the more indirect evidence for an asymmetric explosion. A particularly intriguing fact is that the line joining the two blobs lies exactly along the line to the unexplained and much-disputed Mystery Spot seen briefly a couple of months after the explosion in 1987.http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlkop/blast.html " The same year also saw the SN 1987A outburst, followed shortly by the discovery of the "mystery spot" (Meikle, Matcher, & Morgan 1987; Nisenson et al. 1987). There is now evidence for two spots (Nisenson & Papaliolios 1999) on opposite sides of, and in line with, the axisymmetric ejecta (Wang et al. 2002). The closest spot was 0&farcs;06 south of SN 1987A (17 lt-days in projection) and had a luminosity nearly 5% of maximum light (3 1042 ergs s-1, 8 108 L⊙, or magnitude 5.7 vs. 2.5 at 6585 ). Like the overabundance of MSPSRs in the GCs, this feature has never been reconciled with traditional models (of SNe)."http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/.../v601n2/17956/17956.html quote:But I don't cut the speed of light, ease up on the strawmen here. I have a different light, in a different universe. And as for creation or obliteration, I think you need to do more than present missing black holes, neutrino stars, mystery spots, and etc! Also note that I see no decay, not hyper fast decay in the different state. Therefore, 1987 a either was an in split process event, and PO state, or, it was a time affected, from our center of the universe perspective type of thing. quote:As explained, no!! There was no decay pre split. quote:That voodoo you do is the dreamtime impossible magic world never never land. Throwing up a few isotopes in deep space as if they must weld into your changing, slapped together missing evidence PO explanations doesn't cut the mustard as evidence. I can use the same evidence! Guess what? You still NEED a same state past to have any case as all, as weak as it may be, and fractured, and full of gaping assumptions, and gaps. quote:So, you retreat on the cobalt 57 front, and rest of the cobalt 56 claims. Fine. I already had a run at those, and ran right over them! quote: Well, since you seems to have somehow missed it (whooosh) let's address it here and now. The light was different in the past, and how fast it could trverse the different state space and universe. So don't keep coming back to some bogus change of our light speed. No.
quote:It is you that have no idea what you are up against, or you would have headed for the hills. Tail tucked in. There is no evidence of a same past, so, relax. That is why science is such a pipsqueak! It can't do same or different, all it can do is Buzz Lightyear it's way to Infinity, and Beyond, by assumptions!! You have so far refuted nothing.
quote: Well, it certainly doesn't prove anything either!!! The evidence for a same state past is just that: missing. That means you got nothing. So, the materials that are now involved in the decay process were here, but not the decay process. Pointing to the material is not evidence of anything, but that they were here doing something.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: With just this belief in such a new heavens, believers of all history looked for a better world coming. We realize we are just passin through this old world as it now is.Just as you imagine a same future or past state, also just a belief. quote:At least pretty darn fast, getting here in creation week. There is also another light in heaven, as we need no light of the sun. Of course we will not be shackled with the deathly limitations of the PO state. quote:No. The merged universe, both spiritual and physical together, the created state, or forever state, was and will be, but not is. quote:I never said instant, that would be you. A day without strawmen for you is like a day without sunshine I guess. The time of the eternal state is not present space time anyhow. The forever continuum is not the space time continuum we know now. quote: How would you know what heavens forever light of tomorrow can or can't carry? You are making stuff up, that is plain! Noted.
quote:I don't know, I assume it comes with the territory of tomorrow. But I suppose we could get some right here in the form of a light from heaven. i.e death experiences. It is not perceptable to the average being however, as we know from observation. Nurses in hospitals, for example do not usually see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. quote:Plants in this physical only state would not be able to make use of it, no. In the merged state to come, and that was, yes, there had to have been a different growth process. Evidence comes from the tree of life documented in the bible that grows every month, as well as the fast growth rates in the past. Impossible in this state. quote:It doesn't affect our light, such as the sun. Now, I have assumed that deep space was the same. The jury is out now however, as I looked at WHY they claim things like decay, and so far, it seems totally assumptive. (In the past I have assumed that the former light left our present light, after the split, carrying info still from the former complete state light.)
quote:Decay is best looked at right here, where we can really know what we are talking about. Of course there is decay. The daughter materials were present already , very likely, in the former state, and not produced as they now are by decay. If you want to talk sn1987a, you need to really look at what we actually know, and observe, and what is assumption. I deny no evidence, unlike many scientists, who deny a spiritual, which is well known. All I do is look at what the actual evidence is, not your baseless same past state myth filtered divinations, and flights of PO fancy to infinity and beyond.No, you don't just assume a same past, and proceed from there. First, you give us one. 'Oh, there must have been 5 times such and such that we have in this universe, because it had to have a PO start. Oh, there must have been a companion star, that is the only PO explanation we can come up with. Oh, there must be a neutron star hiding for decades, our PO explanation calls for one....etc.' And blah blah"Brown and Bethe believe that the failure to find a neutron star in SN1987A is not atypical at all. They cite a study in which about half of all known supernova remnants were shown to lack conclusive evidence of neutron stars. If all supernovas produce neutron stars, says Brown, then why do so many supernova remnants [the giant smoke rings left over from the blast] lack evidence for neutron stars at their centers? The answer, he and Bethe believe, is that there is indeed a black hole at the center of SN1987A--a small one, formed in a fundamentally different way than classical theory suggests." http://discovermagazine.com/1996/dec/mysteryofthemiss941 I seem to remember for years hearing aboout a big difference in expected neutrinos from our sun getting to earth. Then, they say they maust have changed flavors on the way to explain it. Maybe they tried to tweak the sun's core a bit, to make it fit. More lately I read this."Butts on the line "The implications were staggering," says Scott Dodelson at Fermilab. "Cosmologically, we decided there should not be a sterile neutrino, so to some extent, our butts were on the line." Physicists were therefore keen to double-check the LSND result, so they dismantled the experiment and used the parts to build a more sensitive experiment at Fermilab called MiniBooNE, the first phase of a project called BooNE (Booster Neutrino Experiment). Now, after analysing data from MiniBooNE gathered between 2002 and 2005, the team say they have resolved the issue, without the need for exotic sterile neutrinos. MiniBooNE fired a beam of muon neutrinos into a detector 500 m away. None of them flipped into electron neutrinos. This result is consistent with other experiments and the standard three-neutrino picture."http://space.newscientist.com/...-laid-to-rest--for-now.html I mean why would I assume these guys really had a lock on the truth???? As the article goes on to say,"This kind of confirms what we were saying," says Dodelson. However, he adds that there might be some exotic, convoluted reason why both LSND and MiniBooNE are correct and can be reconciled with new physics - something physicists intend to explore." Basically, 'We don't know what we are talking about'!!
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: Well, your strawman claim that light changed speed was just that. I don't say that. So why raise it up as some argument to fight??
quote:No, three. The former merged universe light. The present light, and the spiritual light, from the separated spiritual dimension. See, the physical was separated from the physical. So the spiritual has their light, and the forever future state has it's light. To sum up, there is the merged, and there is the physical only, and the spiritual only. quote: Right now, no, not normally. They are separate.
quote: No, that was merged universe light, not just spiritual light. That means it did not have to travel long to get here, somewhat like spiritual light.
quote: No. First of all, I am not yet convinced that the evidence provided means that there was decay. Take away the assumptions, and it seems all we have is a, what was it, 77 day period of a certain light curve. You assume so many things, that this alone needs to be looked at closer. If there was decay for sure, we could still accomadate that in the model. But I don't know that we even have to go there.
quote:No. Both are now separate. The PO light travels at a slow speed. quote: IF it was decay. As I say, the evidence seems flimsy so far, and assumption laden. If I created a star, in a former state, and we looked at it in a time reversed way, where it appeared to be exploding, how could I really read the light properly??? What would the cobalt I was using to put together the star look like in a time reverse 'movie'?? Yes, it would be cobalt. But if we were to add the split process, the time distortions, and differences between states, what would we see?? You have no idea. So, what really says there was decay. precisely?? Besides the 77, or whatever period, where the light spectrum was noticed?? Is there anything else???
quote:Contrawise, if there was no decay, or if that decay was brought to earth on merged light, etc. the carbon decay is also out the window, quote: In no way are we left with anything of the sort. That would require a same past state. You don't have one.
quote:IF what???? If some neutrinos changed flavors? If.....??? How about if the sun ussed to be merged?? Maybe the self created scenarios they cooked up could be a little off? quote:So?? quote: Point???
quote: So?
quote: They are produced by decay on earth where there is decay. How else were they produced??? Man is not God, and we cannot project our prison reality oout to infinity and beyond. Nothing took 168,000 years to do anything. Anywhere. Ever.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: The only change is in trying to gear it to your understanding. Relax. This split apart business I think is a misnomer. It would be more like the present light is what was left that could exist in this state. So, the info could be carried still, as it was left in this state universe. Remember, that it was already well on it's way to earth in this scenario, due to the still merged space between here and there.
quote:No. You make it sound like two lights traveling together. It was the former light, but, remember, also in the former state universe and space. It was not JUST light that was affected, but the whole universe. How fast could light even our light, travel in a different state, and space time contiuum???? You have NO idea!!! Therefore you speak from ignorance. You need a same past, you don't have one. That negates your model, as concerning the future or past. Really. No wat around it. No wiggling out of this is possible. All that remains is for you to grow an integrity meter, and accept it. quote:I never said I wasn't convinced of that much. But, can you tell us please, right now, what cobalt 56 would not be used in creation of a star?? If so, and it was the creation of a star we were seeing in a time reversed way, as if it was an explosion, why not have some cobalt 56?? Or, if we looked at it as the SN1987a area explosion reaching us, due to the split process still merged space between, that could work as well. In that case, we expect that the universe was already PO, so the decay is expected from far away. Either way, the different past explains it every bit as well as your same past myth.See, even if the separation process lasted only say, 4 days, the 77 day decay and etc can be explained by the rest of the universe being PO that we see the light coming in from now, as well. Or, as I say, if it was some sort of creation in reverse rewound movie, the cobalt 56 spectra would lose it's meaning anyhow as some precise decay in real time measure!!!Either way, your same past myth is just another belief. By the way, I see Nosy appeared on the scene here, so I should post this plan B link, each post with that little dictator around, could be my last under this identity. Error | Christian Forums I think I already more or less hoisted your position up as a belief here anyhow. But if this gets cut off, and you want to make a few points, that would be the best place. If not, fine.
quote:I could see as a possibility that there was some time reversal in deep space, and we may be watching a part of creation in reverse. But, as I say, either way, the different state past can explain it. (No the time idea didn't just happen on this thread) quote:Ah, well that means nothing for your side, really. All we have is an earth based concept of how neutrinos are produced locally. Applying that to the far reaches of the universe is not possible. To do that, we would have to be able to say how neutrinos used to be produced, if at all. quote:Once we isolate man's realm, and how we grasp at comprehending locally here, how they are produced now, I think the problem goes away real fast. quote:Ah, speaking of grasping at straws now. Yes there are three kinds that we know of. Yes, it seems that they can change flavors. So??? Can you prove that they did change flavors from the sun in the required ratios and amounts???? No. What you do is try and squeeze all things under the PO assumption blanket, and assume that these must have all changed as needed to suit your myth. Right?? I think you are cornered on all fronts here, should admit the box you are found in. Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: Repeat your position all you like. The fact is that I gave a few scenarios where cobalt in the spectrum is no problem at all. I covered it backwards, and forwards. Trying to lock it in to your PO myth is absurd, when we realize that myth is not supported in any way whatsoever!
quote: The fusion in heaven is different. There is no decay and fusion in the way we know it here in this temporary state. Therefore we need to ask the state of any event, to begin to be able to determine what went on. How would I know if the nickel 56 being put together to create a star didn't result in cobalt 56, or some such?? What can we know about the creation state?? The presence of a material in the spectrum does not mean that it had to have taken place entirely in this state, or even at all. Conversely, if some still merged universe between the SN1977a allowed the event to be propelled toward earth at non PO speeds, in the state change process, then we ought to see the PO explosion, if that is what it was, in a very PO way. It becomes about as simple as light getting here at the former state speeds.
quote:They had been claiming for years it was a mystery that the number of expected neutrinos was, I think it was, way too low. Now, what are they doing??? Are they still claiming that the ability to change flavors means we attribute all types of neutrinos as coming from the sun, to make up the shortfall??? I don't think we can do that just on the basis of knowing that they "can" change flavors. That is ramming the evidence into a PO box with a big hammer, to try and make it fit the myth. quote: Herein lies your fundamental downfall and flaw in logic. NO change in present constants is called for here. The present universe IS the change. The present constants of this physical only state universe may have been the same since the split! That changes everything.
quote: The world around us is fine. The neutrinos are no problem. You seem to assume that they only could form in a PO state. I don't. And the presence of materials that now decay is absolutely no problem! We could look at decaying rocks right here on earth. We have the parent, and the daughter material. The daughter, for example, is NOW produced as a result of decay from the parent material. Before the split, the process was different. The daughter was already there, and part of that former process. Therefore, no amount of daughter material can be used for dating, beyond the period where this state of decay existed. So, looking at a rock, and seeing the presence of some material does not mean what some might assume it to mean. Neither would it far far away. " But changes in the supernova's "light curve" over the past year now leave astronomers puzzled. The changes hint at two dramatic possibilities: the abundance of elements in 1987A may differ widely from that in our solar system, or a new energy source -- perhaps a dense, spinning sphere of neutrons known as a pulsar -- lies hidden at the core of the object."http://findarticles.com/.../mi_m1200/is_n16_v140/ai_11515679 See, they seek some PO black hole, pulsar, or neutron star, or whatever they can cook up to fit the need. But if we also had a different state past to include in the picture, we would not need to grasp just at PO straws. See, your fairy tales requires a lot of things that can't at all be proved!! " Once upon a time, about 11 million years ago, in a galaxy not so far away (the LMC), the progenitor star of supernova 1987a was born, Sanduleak -69 202 with a mass about 18 times that of our sun. For 10 million years this massive star generated energy by fusing hydrogen to form helium like most other stars. ..[you need things like millions of years, and a progenitor, or isn't that 2 progenitors now?!!!] Observations indicate that by April, another source of energy was providing most of the light: the decay of radioactive isotopes produced in the explosion. An especially important nucleus that formed deep inside the star, just outside the collapsing core, is nickel-56. The theory is that nickel-56 decays into cobalt-56 with a seven-day half-life, then the cobalt nuclei decay into iron-56 with a 111-day half-life, which is stable. So instead of fading from view in a few months, SN 1987A was steadily energized by the decay of fresh radioactive nickel. The light curve tracked the cobalt-56 radioactive decay rate, as one would expect from a system with that as its energy source." So, the 'theory' is??? I mean, let's face it, it is a stack of assumptions. PO all! Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote:But that matters not at all unless your will o the wisp scenarios based on a same past state were solidly evidenced. As we can see, you simply take an assumed state of the past, and build on that foundation. First, you must have a good foundation, not just your preferred assumption that can't be proven in any way at all! quote:I offered two ideas for deep space. None has been ruled out, That means it's two to your one! quote: Old is good, as I looked for something that dealt with what was observed near the event. The link I gave was where the quote came from in your quote above. I clicked on it just now, from your post above, and there was the quote in the link.
quote: Well, There are as I pointed out a stack of assumptions that go into your story. The time needed, and etc etc etc. Then there was the issue of requiring things to be very different out there anyhow, to be able to produce things we think we see."although the shape of the light curve mimics the decay of cobalt-57, the magnitude of the curve -- indicating the amount of light now emitted by 1987A -- exceeds that predicted by theory, both teams say. One way to explain the greater emissions, note Suntzeff and his colleagues, is to assume that the supernova produced a ratio of cobalt-57 to cobalt-56 five times the ratio typical in our solar system." (the first link) Now, I could be wrong, but I think this is this guy."..Nicholas Suntzeff, based in La Serena, and associate director for science at the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Arizona..." "Suntzeff says the discovery that even the universe’s smaller galaxies are now dying also raises other, more philosophical questions. "Thinking not as an astronomer, I find this behaviour curious - we are living in a time in the universe when galaxies are dying out," he says. "Is it just coincidence? What is our future?" http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn7935 No, Nick, no coincidence, this dying state will cease to exist, and the new heavens of the future will be here, the eternal state! But, how could you know that, being but a present state scientist?? Anyhow, I don't know that you are qualified to rag on this guy, or the article too much.
quote:Nice claim. What support do we have for saying grains absorbed optical radiation? As for gamma rays, seems to me that either an in split explosion, with the light carried fast towards earth, or a star creation might explain it. As for star creation, all we need is some light to match the energy levels of Cobalt -56. Remember, even your article admits that the rates faded faster than what they should, unless we tweak it by adding the dust effects. quote:So they dropped the 57 claim altogether, sprinkled in some stardust, and added an extra star companion, still have the missing black hole and neutron star, and try and make like they have a handle on it! Wow. That's legal?? quote: No, some physical effect does not have to be responsible for the rings. We could look at split effects, and/or creation effects! To look only at the possible PO causes is buffoonery.
quote: The data is only jimmyrigged to be consistent by PO tweaking. As for neutrinos coming as well as our light, that is no problem at all. The decay we measured by some things that seem shaky to me. This magic act of adding a star here, and having one disappear there as needed, and calling on stardust to claim a certain material decayed, because it is needed for the light curve fading to be explained, etc etc etc is anything but certain. It is an elaborate welding together of the bits of actual evidence, into a hodgepodge PO magic act fable.
quote:Facts that need black holes lurking in the hidden background, and missing neutron stars, and stardust sprinkled magic wand waving to explain light curves, and etc etc, are not 'facts' anyone need worry at all about.
quote: If they changed flavors somewhere over the rainbow, we think, we suppose, we just golly gee, almost know?? Now, evidence for the future state of the universe, or past state does not exist. One simply assumes a certain state, and proceeds to filter the evidence accordingly. Yet, when one, like you claims to have a science case, one must have more than belief, and assumption. Face it. All I need, is a bible case. I got one. I also have agreement with all evidence.Your dust altered light curves, and missing evidence, and PO claims, and unknown rings, etc. are storytelling. Just like the claims you call science about our sun burning out one day, our galaxy crashing one day, etc, are all only, in your dreams!!
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote: False! In order to see through your lies and fables, to determine what was a result of creation, or the changed universe, you would need to know more that just this universe. Fact.
quote: I don't take what we see as evidence of how He created it. I take what we see as a temporary state universe that will soon forever be replaced. To know what we do see, we would need to know how the universe changed. You can't, and are handicapped with PO severe limitations.
quote: In no way, because the evidence doesn't tell us the former universe state, or the future one. It needs to have a starting assumption to interpret what we see. You use the assumption that this is all there is, and will be, and was. I use the assumption God is not a liar, and that this is a temporary universe and laws. Science can't say a thing about it.
quote: No, it is quite real, but how it got in this temporary state is the issue, and also the issue you ignore.
quote: Fact is inventing star companions and black holes, and anything else needed to support the PO fantasy is hand waving. Face it.
quote: I am questioning the so called evidence, and sister companion assumptions it is wholly based on. The evidence on it's own is my buddy. When we sprinkle stardust on it to make it do what we want, and invent stars and black holes that are MIA, the only thing being denied is your handicapped religion falsely called science.
quote: In other words the assumptions, and PO fables mixed, and lumped with the actual evidence!!! You guys do that a lot, like with the tree rings. As if it was all the same state, and we can just pile it all together in the same mold.
quote: IF we tinker with the light curves, and sprinkle stardust on them to make em fade as needed. IF we invent stars and holes, and stuff to make the picture look like it is PO. IF we assume nothing in the pre split universe could have ended up with a light curve that also fades in a few months. Etc. Don't pretend you and your silly PO handicapped, God denying fables have a lock on the truth, or evidence!
quote: Can you tell us a bit about the dust that made the light fade faster than a cobalt 56 curve normally would be expected to??
quote: Well, you actually know precious little, compared to what you think, and claim. You have no idea what kind of fact a different universe state in the past could be founded on, if any, or not. And whether the one article that quoted the scientist was off, as you say, or not, the guy still works in some important sounding place. Would he gain some credence if he just posted on some forums?? You have a story that is founded on baseless assumptions of a past universe state you can't begin to prove. It is full of mysteries, and gaps, and missing evidences, and absurdities. When pinned down to actually present the black holes, or dust info, or specs on carbon in the missing tree rings, etc, you resort to personal incredulity, vagueness, PO lumping, and myths. I thought I even remembered something a while back, where you were sort of questioning why they needed to invent dark matter, or dark energy, etc? Remember also, that MOST of this universe is UNKNOWN, and claimed to be those things. Edited by simple, : No reason given. Edited by simple, : No reason given.
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote:Your science lies. Hard to separate things that only concern the present, in science. The rest are lies, and fables. If you echo them, and spout them, why, don't get all sensitive. quote:Yeah, right. Most of what you claim is in this universe is dark this and dark that. You observed squat. You observed something that is an effect of something, and cook up PO causes. quote:If that were a problem, you could talk about the dust, and missing stuff. quote:Well, no, try and tell the truth, now. I don't claim it is not decay. I simply said that, so far, the reasons that I have seen that supposedly evidence that are fleeting, and weak. IF it was proven to be decay, we simply can have that from a starting point of a different past. So far, there is no need for that. quote:Limiting wicked man's lifespans by changing the state of OUR universe is not incompetent. WE are the reason that the universe is in the state it is in! We are the reason decay exists!! We are the reason light is slow! Etc. quote:Correction. The spiritual is not something that present physical only universe folks can find physical or science evidence for. You are hooped! quote: The present temporary state laws should have been the same since they came to be. No such change in OUR constants need exist at all!! You just need to stop assuming our constants were all there ever were for no reason.
quote: Before going further, can you show us the basis of why this is claimed?? (That the light traveled from the "nova" to the ring at our light speed?
quote:Well, whoever assumes what aside, let's concentrate on the actual facts and evidence. quote:Well, missing evidence certainly does not clinch the case for the side missing evidence either. Think about it. quote: Well, visible light curves that mean something under what assumptions? That is the question.
quote:Is it really though?? Why assume that they changed flavor to your favorite and preferred taste?? What evidence is there that they all change just the way you claim?? Oh, right, that would be, I think.....NONE. Work on that. quote:Well, no. Maybe it is. But, I prefer to proceed on a clear path. I can easily live with either scenario. The different past is even more accomodating than this present state. If it is decay, then we need proof. For example, the fading light curve business. quote:What you do know is not what you assume. It is what we know. The distance in present light year units is irrelevant to real time. Well, if it is rational, then you could explain it. quote: Your fables have the whole universe stuffed in a little hot soup. Your reality is temporary state death. If you want to talk real evidences about light curves, go ahead. No matter how much you present evidence, it can be looked at in another way than your myth. new observations of those other flavors show they are present in solar radiation in just the numbers predicted. The same thing occurred with SN1987A and cobalt-57 being falsified and the cobalt-56 being verified by later observations of gamma ray photons in just the right amount to fit the decay rate curve. This evidence is not made up, it is looked for based on the theories. If that evidence had not been there, then that would mean trying new theories and looking for evidence based on what they predict.[/quote]
simple ![]() Inactive Member |
quote:Fine. I need no break with trees that grew in a week. quote: OK, so are you saying that in Prometheus, there are 4700 plus physical rings, and we are not missing any now?? Yes or no will do! If yes, then let's see them, and hear about the carbon in the first few hundred. -If no, then, you better get back to the drawing board. Is that simple enough for you?
quote:No, we can't! Only up till the split, then the rings represent much shorter times than seasons. But there were still variations in the days, that we no longer know today. Wet periods, etc. quote:Aha!!! Here they admit to lumping!! They need to look at the pre present state rings alone. Simple as that. Otherwise it is useless. quote:Correction: 10,000 rings, not years. Big difference. quote:Long as they don't try to anchor it all to a present state universe and growth! Again, rings do not equal years anywhere but in this state. No lumping together in the big assumption. quote:Great, so we can take the dead tree, and it's 4000 rings, and assume it took anywhere from, say, from 4-6 years, at about two rings a day. - So?? I'm laughing. quote: "In order for carbon dating to by accurate certain foundational assumptions must first be true. We must assume to know that the rate at which carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14 hasn't somehow changed throughout the unobservable past. We must also assume to know what the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-14 was in the environment in which our specimen lived during its lifetime."Accuracy of Carbon Dating So, the foundational assumptions are totally dependent on a same past state you cannot prove!!! Now, if this simplified version is anywhere near true, the whole idea of carbon beyond this present state is bogus. "Claimed older tree ring chronologies depend on the cross-matching of tree ring patterns of pieces of dead wood found near living trees. This procedure depends on temporal placement of fragments of wood using carbon-14 (14C) dating, assuming straight-line extrapolation backwards of the carbon dating. Having placed the fragment of wood approximately using the 14C data, a matching tree-ring pattern is sought with wood that has a part with overlapping 14C age and that also extends to a younger age. A tree ring pattern that matches is found close to where the carbon ”dates’ are the same. And so the tree-ring sequence is extended from the living trees backwards." http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/2441
quote: Dendro age does not exist save in your minds. Not beyond this state, as far as ring/years go. There goes the one column!!! Now, 14C age does not exist beyond this state either, so there goes the other column!!! All you have left is your little 'wiggle match uncertainty'. I'll have to say that it is even more uncertain than they dreamed. Edited by simple, : No reason given.
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