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Author Topic:   this is the only one I have trouble with............
Inactive Member

Message 16 of 36 (40643)
05-19-2003 10:25 AM
Reply to: Message 15 by The Bread Sultan
05-19-2003 9:49 AM

time is infinite.
And you know this how?
and the time before the universe happened is also infinite.
hmmm... a fellow named Einstein realized, about 80 years ago, that time is a component of the universe, not a thing within which the universe exists. He called this concept space-time. Think of a cube. It has height, width and length-- id. three dimensions. Now add a fourth dimension to the cube. That fourth dimension is time and the 4D cube is spcetime. Time begins and ends with space.
Chaos theory say's that if you do the sum 1+1 enough times there will come a time when 1+1 WILL = 3
Chaos theory does not 'say' this. Feel free to prove me wrong.
but chances are its gonna be at least 60% 40% after 10 flips
So? It could be 100% after ten flips. It could be 10% after ten flips. Ten flips isn't much of a sample size. Try a hundred flips. Try a hundred-thousand. If there is a true 50/50 chance then you'll get damn close to 50%. If you DON'T get 50% then your claim that the odds are 50/50 is wrong. This is how probabilities are defined.
everything must come from nothing, or rather...before you can have have to have nothing...simple as....
Playing fast and loose with the definitions aren't you?
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 Message 15 by The Bread Sultan, posted 05-19-2003 9:49 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 20 of 36 (40750)
05-20-2003 11:16 AM
Reply to: Message 18 by The Bread Sultan
05-20-2003 9:05 AM

ok i havnt figured out where the "quote" button is on this site
... at the bottom of every message. Don't go to the bottom of the page, just look below the message to which you wish to reply.
ok i'll try to explain (i normally need to be mildly drunk to explain this one)
That does explain quite a bit.
1. the universe had a begining...because you cant have something without having nothing first.
'k.... Your 'because' clause is just assumption, but the idea that the universe had a beginning appears to be correct.
2. do not think of time as woven into the fabric of space...
Why not? This conception works miraculously and has for over 80 years.
you can think of it as a 4th dimention but you must first realise the universe in one dimention and then time on 2 dimentions.
I count three dimensions here. Maybe your want to rethink this.
yes 2 dimentions...back-forwards
That is only one dimension. Two directions on a line implies only one line.
and of course sideway's.
Which blows the idea that time is in two dimensions, even if your wierd concept of up and down being different dimensions were true.
3. just like the unvierse is as big as you measure is time.
Measuring it determines its size?
(in a way) see as far as we know time could stop and pause for a million years every second
If time paused, how could a million years pass? See, 'years' measures a unit of time.
there is no note (no time in this metaphor) but there is no time- for a spcific length of time.
ummm.... there is no time, there is no time. Time can't pass if there is no time.
Sounds like you may be grappling with the idea that time comes in quanta. Ok, but you really need a better argument.
yes i simplified chaos theory quite a sue me.
Simplified? You didn't even get close.
as for the coin flip....
... which is utterly different from what you argued previously.
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 Message 18 by The Bread Sultan, posted 05-20-2003 9:05 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 26 of 36 (40892)
05-21-2003 11:43 AM
Reply to: Message 24 by The Bread Sultan
05-21-2003 9:37 AM

you agree that the universe had a before it began...there was nothing...because if there WAS something around before it began...well then the begining, wouldnt be the begining.
And this is not a causal relationship. Your point?
ok take the universe in 3 dimentional form...
This would be pre-Einstein cosmology, but with an extra dimension of time. Einstein pretty much buried this.
forwads dimention.....sideway's the second.
And the relevance is... ?
time is omnipresent, eternal, and is fully able to exist in its own right.
And you know this how?
it is indeed all about relativity...
You are indeed not about relativity.
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 Message 24 by The Bread Sultan, posted 05-21-2003 9:37 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

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