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Author Topic:   this is the only one I have trouble with............
The Bread Sultan
Inactive Member

Message 15 of 36 (40637)
05-19-2003 9:49 AM

well tis quite simply really.
time is infinite.
and the time before the universe happened is also infinite.
any probability no mater how small or almost 0 are as good as being 1 (certain) when time is infinite.
Chaos theory say's that if you do the sum 1+1 enough times there will come a time when 1+1 WILL = 3
now MIX infinite TIME with chaos and we come to the conclution that the creation of the universe was not so much a probability...but a dead cert.
and you can prove this theory yourself with a simple coin...flip it, mathimaticaly it should be 50% heads 50% tails....but chances are its gonna be at least 60% 40% after 10 flips.
logic says it should be 50-50, just like logic say's that something cannot come from Nothing...,.but that is very much the case....everything must come from nothing, or rather...before you can have have to have nothing...simple as....
the universe alway's existed because TIME alway's exsisted....all Chaos did was introduce boundries and from thoose boundries the world/universe as we know it today was formed

Replies to this message:
 Message 16 by John, posted 05-19-2003 10:25 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

The Bread Sultan
Inactive Member

Message 18 of 36 (40731)
05-20-2003 9:05 AM

ok i havnt figured out where the "quote" button is on this site so just to let you know im aiming this one at johny
how do i know time is infinite?
ok i'll try to explain (i normally need to be mildly drunk to explain this one)
1. the universe had a begining...because you cant have something without having nothing first.
2. do not think of time as woven into the fabric of can think of it as a 4th dimention but you must first realise the universe in one dimention and then time on 2 dimentions. yes 2 dimentions...back-forwards.....and of course sideway's.
3. just like the unvierse is as big as you measure is time. (in a way) see as far as we know time could stop and pause for a million years every second, we would be none the wiser....
think of reality as a paice of music....the notes are the time that we can sence, feel, and understand....but when there is a rest...there is no note (no time in this metaphor) but there is no time- for a spcific length of time.
now pull back....and imagine the standing outside the concert hall waiting for your mates to arive so you can all go in together as simply more rests...but at the begining of the piece of music.... you could put as many rests at the begining of this peice of music as you want...
and if you consider the universe as one peice of can put an infinite amount of rests before the first note...and it wouldnt affect the music....because there is no music yet...only eternal one
yes i simplified chaos theory quite a sue me.
as for the coin flip....well chances are that after 100 flips you'll get a bell curve and the diferances are likely to be 49% 51%.
statistacialy the more flips you do the closer you will get to bang on 50 50
and the nothing before something...well thats a philisophical point im in no way getting into now....lets just stick with time theory

Replies to this message:
 Message 19 by Percy, posted 05-20-2003 11:04 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied
 Message 20 by John, posted 05-20-2003 11:16 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied
 Message 23 by Mike Holland, posted 05-21-2003 8:24 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

The Bread Sultan
Inactive Member

Message 24 of 36 (40881)
05-21-2003 9:37 AM

again at john little
you agree that the universe had a before it began...there was nothing...because if there WAS something around before it began...well then the begining, wouldnt be the begining.
ok take the universe in 3 dimentional only its spacial compress that event into a one dimentional point...that sits neatly in the middle of a two dimentional plane...the plane is time.
forwads dimention.....sideway's the second.
now we all can understand backwards and forwards in time right......
but what about sideway's....acording to einstien this would be teleportation....but i to be honest dont trust einstein on his time theory....they are not inter woven and conected.
time is omnipresent, eternal, and is fully able to exist in its own right.
space on the other hand is a slave to time...moving through time at whatever rate it cannot egsist without time....there fore if your in space....time and SPace may aswell be woven...but they are is indeed all about relativity...remember what einstien said about the poeple living in the roundabout?
boss aproaching

Replies to this message:
 Message 25 by Percy, posted 05-21-2003 11:27 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied
 Message 26 by John, posted 05-21-2003 11:43 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied
 Message 29 by Perdition, posted 05-22-2003 4:33 AM The Bread Sultan has not replied

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