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Author | Topic: Good Bible Prophecies List | |||||||||||||||||||||||
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1793 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
Sorry, dude, I'm just not going to be impressed by vague, unspecific prophecy. Any time predictions are made, people with a vested interest in that prophecy being seen as true can manipulate events to make it look like it's happened. This isn't just Christianity; this is ever culture and tradition, and it's the reason that prophecy can never, ever be taken at face value.
Prophecy doesn't happen in a vacumn. There's always a much more reasonable explanation then somebody having a vision of the far future. Show me the actual resurrection of Lazerus, and I'll be convinced. But just reading about it in a book isn't convincing to me. Show me some actual, documented miracles - and explain how a miracle could be distinguished from a natural process we don't yet understand.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Well, I just spent half an hour with another prophecy of Jesus and a devilish (angelic?? -- you decide) little black jump spider showed up on my keyboard. I went after him, missed n lost my post, so here goes again more briefly.
In Luke 21:24, part of the latter days text dealing with gospel preaching around the planet and all the other end time stuff, Jesus made this remarkable little statement about the city of Jerusalem. He said Jerusalem would be occupied by the gentiles until their time was ended. Nearly all the prophets, Old and New Testaments predicted that the Jews would be dispersed to eventually restored. See Ezekiel, chapters 37 and 38 for the most detailed account of this. In the remarkable six day war of 1967 Jerusalem was literally compassed with armies (also prophesied by Jesus) armed to the teeth by Russia and the West, poised for invastion outnumbering the Jews 10 to one in both armament and manpower. The weekend before the commencement of the war, an athiest friend asked me who would win this war, the 2 million Jews or the 20 million Arabs. I guraranteed him that Israel would win based on the prophecies. I said something to the effect that it might take awhile but eventually they would win. I remember the bold headlines of the newspapers quoting Nasser of Egypt that they would drive Israel into the sea. So for the first time in nearly two milleniums, the old city of Jerusalem came back into the ownership and occupation of Israel just as Jesus and the prophets promised. Humanly speaking, a culture/national identity should be pretty much integrated into the mix within a few centuries at the most, with the likelihood of national restoration in 19 centuries virtually an impossibility, imo.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: Friend crashfrog, I'm definitely not expecting you to be convinced about Lazerus, nor would I be foolish enough to try. I have no documentation of proof for that. I'm sticking to things you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears -- things on your news screen and in your headlines yesterday and today. I merely used the Lazarus thing as an illustration to describe your response to documentable fulfillments of prophecy which I have cited. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Ahh!! I just whopped the pesky jumpy little spider, so as to post in peace.
Brian Member (Idle past 5285 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
New religion, for sure. 1. Temple worship ended. 2. Animal sacrifice ended. {Jesus now the sacrificial lamb once and for all. 3. Priesthood ended. Jesus now our high priest and we go directly to God through him. 4. Letter of the law ended. The indwelling Holy Spirit now guides us via the Bible. 5. Eye for an eye etc retaliation ended. Now Jesus says, "do good to them who persecute you." You do not really seem to comprehend how Christianity evolved from within Judaism. Your ‘examples’ here simply reinforce the fact that Christianity wasn’t a new religion but only a variation of Judaism. It is not a new religion at all, it has its roots deeply set in Judaism. You even worship the same God, and the Hebrew Bible makes up the majority of your scriptures.
These for a few. On and on we could go. No resemblence. Thus, the problem with the Jewish hiarchy. And I could go on and on highlighting similarities between the two.The problem with the Jewish hierarchy is in your imagination, there is no evidence that contemporary Jews had even heard of Jesus let alone seen him as a threat At the Mount of Olives (Known as the Olivet Discourse, shortly before his death. His desciples asked him when the end time would come and when he would return to earth after his resurrection. It's all recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 by the respective authors. Maybe I should have been clearer, I meant ‘when’ as in what year? You do know that whoever wrote Matthew was writing it long after 70 AD when the Temple fell? Matthew maybe even as late as AD 110, but it was certainly after the Temple fell, it is hardly an impressive ‘prophecy’ to claim Jesus had predicted this would happen when you are writing as much as 40 years after the event.
How can you be certain anybody in history said anything?? Independent evidence, eyewitness testimonies, personal letters
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be presch in the whole world for a testimony to all nations: and then shall the end come." (Speaking of the end of the age, not the end of the world. Note, Jesus forsaw the end of the age (of Gentile national sovereignty and the beginning of his messianic rule for 1000 years). Could you explain this a bit clearer for me, it doesn’t make sense? Has this happened or is it still to happen?
Judiasm, via temple worship, of course. Perhaps in Jerusalem, but certainly nowhere else in Palestine.
No, certainly not, but had I been a Jewish devout at the time, I'd likely have considered it as such. So why exactly isn’t it a cult now?
The apostle Paul certainly did before his conversion. He was actually rounding up the sect members and delivering them up to the Sanhedrin to be threatened, persecuted and/or killed previous to his remarkable conversion. This is more hearsay on your part, again there is no external confirmation of this, and Paul’s ‘remarkable conversion’ on the Damascus road was historically impossible. The Sanhedrin had absolutely no authority in Syria, the whole story is a work of fiction and contrary to Pax Romana.
That wasn't the purpose of this particular scripture. This and the parallel scriptures in Mark and Luke were prophetic scriptures. So we just have to keep hanging around to see if they come true or not?
As for the end time, LOL, if you don't think it's near. All the prophecies, both Old and New Testaments have the Jews back in Jerusalem and surrounded by armies, the industrial revolution, the weather patterns and the whole shebang prophesied for our time. The war on terror WILL NOT END UNTIL IT ENDS WITH ARMAGEDDON. Hang onto your hat, friend Brian. Hey I wish I had a penny for every time I read or heard we are in the end of times LOL, the Christians say this every time someone farts the wrong way! Surely they will be right one of these times! The Jews are not back in the land promised to them by Yahweh, they only have a tiny portion of it, Jeezus they haven’t even got full control of Jerusalem! The Jews are only back in Israel because crazy British Christians thought that they could help along the prophecy by setting up an Israelite state there. The whole shebang has been in place many times and will never come to anything. Any luck tracking down support for the execution of any 5 disciples? Brian.
Brian Member (Idle past 5285 days) Posts: 4659 From: Scotland Joined: |
You killed one of God's creatures?
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: If you want to view it that way, that's fine, but the fact remains that Judiasim was the first persecutor of the Christian church, first killing it's founder and then killing and persecuting his desciples and followers.
quote:There's some controversy about the exact year of his death. It likely was not exactly the year one as is indicated in our calendar, but close. quote: So what? That proves nothing for or against his ability to prophesy the event or when he died. Nobody's successfully refuted the account yet.
quote:. Same with the Biblical record. There's as much of this for Jesus as scores of other events/people you likely accept as authenic for that time or before. quote: The age of the gentile nations will, according to Jesus and the prophets end when messiah sets up world rule. I'm not asking you to accept or believe that. It's what he was referring to though, imo. I'll leave the rest up to you to figure out. My time is limited here. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: Yupper Dude. Indeedy did I deliberately do dat dastardly deed. ![]() [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
nator Member (Idle past 2496 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
Buzsaw, a reply to #43 and #44 in this thread, please.
Thanks in advance. ------------------"Evolution is a 'theory', just like gravity. If you don't like it, go jump off a bridge." |
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Schrafinator, I don't think I know enough about the conflict in Ireland to intelligently respond, nor do I think your questions has anything in particular to do with the subject of this thread pertaining to specific Bible prophecy. Likely you could teach me more about this situation than I can teach you, but this is not the place for that subject, imo. I'm trying to focus on specific documentable fulfilled Biblical prophecies here. If I think of something prophetically related to Ireland, I'll get back to you. Your implication that there's a lota politics related to it does make sense. My comment about Satan's religious activity was intended to finger his role as underlying influence in the legions of problems which some religious doctrines and religiouly inspired/motivated activities bring to the world.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: I've tried to tie each prophecy to specific plainly visible fulfillments. Anyone may challenge my specific statements as to accuracy or offer other views as to what the specified scripture references are saying. My suggestion is that you copy and paste specific statements I make which you have a problem with and refute my statements regarding these cited prophecies if you can do so. Your general non-specific comments such as in your post #44 don't cut it, imo, for an effective refutation of anything I've posted. Your arrows aren't yet piercing the armour of the factual stuff I've presented thus far.
John Inactive Member |
quote: I don't think you are getting it. Your prophecy-- say, the satelite-- is such that a thousand things could fulfill it. It is on the same order as Nostradamus. Specific enough to seem meaningful but vague enough that it is guaranteed to be fulfilled eventually, if you look hard enough and interpret the prophecy until you get a match. It simply isn't convincing. And it wouldn't be convincing to you either if you didn't already believe, if it had been uttered by some other figure in a context outside your religion. Then there is the element of self-fulfillment. The 'prophecy' "That house will be painted red" doesn't count if you march over and paint it red. If, however, you seal the prophecy in an envelope and reveal the information only after the house has been painted, you may have something. The Bible is hardly a sealed envelope, so you need something very very extraordinary-- like "a volcano will erupt in some-specific-place on some-specific-date." Humans can't predict or influence volcanic eruptions so no one come claim it was self-fullfilling. ------------------
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Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: John, you and your friends keep on keeping on posting generalities. You're effectively refuting nothing I post. OK, you say 'a thousand things could fulfill it. So how about some sensible examples of how either the TV, or the Sky Angel could be fulfilled anywhere nearly as close to reality as the ones I've cited?
Coragyps Member (Idle past 1061 days) Posts: 5553 From: Snyder, Texas, USA Joined: |
I would sort of expect something in keeping with the rest of the book - like maybe a large, anthropomorphic. maybe winged, guy up there. And, given that it's from Revelations, I would expect him to show up about 1900 years ago.
John Inactive Member |
quote: You are effectively posting nothing.
quote: Finding a fulfillment 'in reality' isn't really the point. Finding a fulfillment that resembles the prophecy in enough ways that the connection is unequivocable is the point. You haven't done this. In fact, the 'fulfillment' doesn't resempble the prophecy much at all. The text talks about angels around the throne of God. Reading the surrounding verses tells us that these angels were capable of possessing qualities such as virginity, lack-of-guile, faultlessness. They 'follow the lamb' and were 'redeemed from man' being the 'first fruits unto God.' In other words, we get a definition of 'angel' from the author. Sound like a satelite to you? Now, the verse in question...
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, ... The creature is talking to every nation, and kindred, and to every people in every tongue. Does your satelite broadcast in every tongue? Does every nation hear the word? I'd be willing to be that this service doesn't exist in most of the world? I'll have to look that up. Does everyone hear the preaching? If not, it can't be the fullfillment of this prophecy. ------------------
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