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Author Topic:   Good Bible Prophecies List
Andya Primanda
Inactive Member

Message 30 of 82 (40494)
05-17-2003 5:45 AM
Reply to: Message 21 by Buzsaw
05-16-2003 9:49 PM

Christians' obsession with J-day
As for the end time, LOL, if you don't think it's near. All the prophecies, both Old and New Testaments have the Jews back in Jerusalem and surrounded by armies, the industrial revolution, the weather patterns and the whole shebang prophesied for our time. The war on terror WILL NOT END UNTIL IT ENDS WITH ARMAGEDDON. Hang onto your hat, friend Brian.
Of course the end is coming... nobody wants it more badly than the Christians because if there is no such thing, they'd be global laughingstock. So I guess there is some kind of world-hating mentality within Christian teachings. But not of the ascetic Buddhist or Sufist ways; it somehow drove them to do whatever necessary to put an end to the world. Manufacturing mass destruction weaponry, funding extremists (exp. Osama), setting up puppets (exp. Saddam), picking fights with secular Europe and former enemy Russia, keeping Israel and Palestine in perpetual conflict? For each case the biblical fundamnetalists are behind it. Why? Because they want this damn world to end, so they can get to heaven and laugh at us who does not consider Jesus as Savior. And this need for a savior goes back to the doctrine of original sin, which is IMO the most absurd thing in Christianity.

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 Message 21 by Buzsaw, posted 05-16-2003 9:49 PM Buzsaw has not replied

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