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Author | Topic: Good Bible Prophecies List | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
My apologies, Administrator. I meant to put this in the Bible acuracy forum. Can it be moved? Thanks.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
In Matthew 24:14 Jesus prophesied that his new little religion/gospel would eventually be preached worldwide.
1. It was an itty bitty new little religion considered by the mainstream as a cult when the prophecy was uttered.2. The one who made the prophecy was soon after executed. Bigtime negative for the shakey new religion, humanly speaking. 3. His desciples who were to begin the fulfillment were neither wealthy, powerful, highly educated nor influential. 4. The mainstream religion of the time did everything possible to stop/hinder the spread of the new cult. 5. The original desciples were nearly all executed also, according to tradition. 6. Jerusalem, headquarters of the religion was soon destroyed. 7. The Ceasars of Rome determined to stamp out the religion after the destruction, inflicting terrible torture and death to the Christians. 8. When the prophecy was uttered, most of the world was not even discovered yet. So folks now, here we are with the prophecy pretty much fulfilled and that gospel book an all time best seller for decades, when humanly speaking the odds of it's ever being fulfilled were nigh unto impossible. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-15-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote:But how many have their claims/prophecies fulfilled at all, let alone to the extent that it becomes the world's all time greatest? quote: But how many martyred to the extent of the Christians, who btw are still being martyred in Islamland by the hundreds of thousands just this last decade.
quote:Paul was about it for education or previous influence and they hated him fiercely. quote: Oh, really? So how come the Jews had sooo much power, even to the point that they could call the shots as to who of their enemies they were to have executed by themselves and the Roman rulers?
quote:Sorry, too busy to nitpick about lists. It's the prophecy and it's fulfillment that's important here. Do a thread on your tangent if that's important to you. quote: What's your point? It was still a deterrent to the fulfillment of the prophecy.
quote: Because at the time it was given the known world was a much smaller place. The larger the actual world, the harder for the prophecy to fulfill, especially when vast oceans separated the one who uttered it from the other half of the world. John, sounds like you really don't want to acknowledge a bonafide prophecy when you see it. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-16-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: About two million in the Sudan alone in the last decade. The Muslims are dealing in slave trade bigtime exactly as the prophet Mohammed did in the 7th century. They raid villages, kill the men torture and enslave the rest of the family. Some Christian organizations have bought back thousands of slaves to free them, but that just feeds the fire. Many have even been crucified. When it's the Christians the UN (pro Muslim) looks the other way. But in places like Kosovo and the Baltics where the Muslims were being whipped, Nato and the UN came to the rescue.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: New religion, for sure.1. Temple worship ended. 2. Animal sacrifice ended. {Jesus now the sacrificial lamb once and for all. 3. Priesthood ended. Jesus now our high priest and we go directly to God through him. 4. Letter of the law ended. The indwelling Holy Spirit now guides us via the Bible. 5. Eye for an eye etc retaliation ended. Now Jesus says, "do good to them who persecute you." These for a few. On and on we could go. No resemblence. Thus, the problem with the Jewish hiarchy.
quote: Yah. He said the temple would be destroyed. All the new things he said and did are what bothered the Jews. It would be a new subject and thread to go into this because there's so much on it that he did and said.
quote:At the Mount of Olives (Known as the Olivet Discourse, shortly before his death. His desciples asked him when the end time would come and when he would return to earth after his resurrection. It's all recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 by the respective authors. quote:How can you be certain anybody in history said anything?? quote: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be presch in the whole world for a testimony to all nations: and then shall the end come." (Speaking of the end of the age, not the end of the world. Note, Jesus forsaw the end of the age (of Gentile national sovereignty and the beginning of his messianic rule for 1000 years).
quote:. Judiasm, via temple worship, of course. quote: No, certainly not, but had I been a Jewish devout at the time, I'd likely have considered it as such. The apostle Paul certainly did before his conversion. He was actually rounding up the sect members and delivering them up to the Sanhedrin to be threatened, persecuted and/or killed previous to his remarkable conversion.
quote:That wasn't the purpose of this particular scripture. This and the parallel scriptures in Mark and Luke were prophetic scriptures. As for the end time, LOL, if you don't think it's near. All the prophecies, both Old and New Testaments have the Jews back in Jerusalem and surrounded by armies, the industrial revolution, the weather patterns and the whole shebang prophesied for our time. The war on terror WILL NOT END UNTIL IT ENDS WITH ARMAGEDDON. Hang onto your hat, friend Brian. ![]()
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
MP, can you document where the SPLA has done any of the following?
1. Crucified Muslims. 2. Bombed Muslim villages, killed the males and marched off the women and children of the Muslims to be their slaves and to trade them in the slave trade market. 3. Cut off the limbs of or otherwise tortured those who refuse to memorize protions of the Bible and to become Christians. The ongoing war is about Islam imposing it's religion on the whole of Sudan and making it another totalitarian Islamic fundamentalist nation. The Christians in the south are fighting for their lives and liberty. The oil in their southland is being taken over by foreigners and as in other nations it's a lot about why the West is unconcerned with helping them.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Btw, MP, can you document that the victums are killed before crucifixion?
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
In Revelation 14:6 we read of an angel "flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to the nations." On my house I have two dishes. One is dish network and the other a Dominion Sky Angel dish. The Sky Angel dish is for Christian programing. There is a satellite up there "flying in the midst of heaven" named "Sky Angel" owned by Christians which broadcasts over 30 channels to the nations of the world of Christian gospel and other like minded programs. Some are lousy, imo and some good, but nevertheless, imo, this is a modern day fulfillment of the Revelation prophecy.
In Revelation 11 and in Revelation 18 we have two interesting prophecies which would be impossible to fulfill before the emergence of TV. In both cases all the nations of the world are able to see an event in one spot on the planet. In Revelation 11 it is the bodies of two witnesses or prophets lying in the streets of Jerusalem three days. In chapter 18, it is the city of "Mystery Babylon" which is destroyed by fire in "one hour." The kings of the earth are forseen to view it from afar. Again, impossible until TV. Also it is prophesied in the Bible that when Jesus appears in the clouds to return to earth, he will be seen by all.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Mr. P. sir, I didn't flat out deny your allegations about the south. I simply asked you to document them. My sources are varied, but the main source is Voice of the Martyrs who documents monthly all that's going on over there. Check out persecution.com for the site. They don't always feature the Sudan though, as they work globally. Also Billy Graham's son, Franklin heads "Samaritan's Purse." He also has reported quite a lot about the Sudan on Fox News and elswhere. This's not so partisan as you are depicting. Yes there's at
rocities on both sides as always, but here, It's not equally as horrific as you are implying. As for your conscription thing, our own government did some of that in WWII. Even the draft is conscription in a sense, and in wartime where the SPLA in desperation, are fighting for their very survival over death or slavery, you do what you need to do or die. There are people all over the place down there with terrible scars and missing limbs who've been rescued or bought back from the ruthless slave traders. Islam is not content with killing. The fundies prefer torturous treatment, whether in death or in coersive persecution as the prophet Mohammed did and taught.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: I'm not apprised enough on that to know for sure who's the more ruthless there, but the inquisitions of the dark ages may offer a clue. We're getting off here, but an interesting topic for a thread. Yes, definitely religious. Satan himself is very religious. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: See, this's how some of you people just don't get it. The miracle of it is NOT about how it comes to pass. The miracle of it is that to utter such a statement in a time when it was utterly impossible would seem totally sensless to the people who heard the prophetic statement. Then lo and behold, along comes a time in history TWO MILLENIUMS down the line when the seemingly impossible becomes reality. Problem is that those who finally witness the fulfillment are so programmed into the change which made it possible that in their calloused minds they don't even see it. If three centuries ago someone would tell you actural images/pictures would fly through space of things happening in Tokyo and end up in millions of living rooms worldwide, you'd sware they were insane or illusional. So with actual messages being sent from the midst of heaven and reaching millions of points throughout the whole planet. Get it? ![]() [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: He's all things to all men, that by all means he might deceive most. He inspired athiestic communism, but imo, he prefers religion, because by nature, being creatures of the divine, as history attests, mankind is inherantly religious.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Crashfrog, all I can say is that the miracle's there if and when you ever get over being so Bibliophobistically inclined to wake up and smell the coffee. You remind me of the Pharasees and Saducees who witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus. The first thing on their mind was how to get both the resurrected and the resurrector into the grave, so as to not hinder the promotion of their own looser ideologies.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Well, I just spent half an hour with another prophecy of Jesus and a devilish (angelic?? -- you decide) little black jump spider showed up on my keyboard. I went after him, missed n lost my post, so here goes again more briefly.
In Luke 21:24, part of the latter days text dealing with gospel preaching around the planet and all the other end time stuff, Jesus made this remarkable little statement about the city of Jerusalem. He said Jerusalem would be occupied by the gentiles until their time was ended. Nearly all the prophets, Old and New Testaments predicted that the Jews would be dispersed to eventually restored. See Ezekiel, chapters 37 and 38 for the most detailed account of this. In the remarkable six day war of 1967 Jerusalem was literally compassed with armies (also prophesied by Jesus) armed to the teeth by Russia and the West, poised for invastion outnumbering the Jews 10 to one in both armament and manpower. The weekend before the commencement of the war, an athiest friend asked me who would win this war, the 2 million Jews or the 20 million Arabs. I guraranteed him that Israel would win based on the prophecies. I said something to the effect that it might take awhile but eventually they would win. I remember the bold headlines of the newspapers quoting Nasser of Egypt that they would drive Israel into the sea. So for the first time in nearly two milleniums, the old city of Jerusalem came back into the ownership and occupation of Israel just as Jesus and the prophets promised. Humanly speaking, a culture/national identity should be pretty much integrated into the mix within a few centuries at the most, with the likelihood of national restoration in 19 centuries virtually an impossibility, imo.
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