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Author | Topic: Good Bible Prophecies List | |||||||||||||||||||
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
Buzsaw is absolutely right that basic human rights in Sudan are terribly abused, but wrong to imply that this a one-way abuse by Muslims of Christians.
Amputation and the death penalty are common for convicted criminals, and death followed by crucifixion of the body is also relatively common. The country is wracked by an ongoing and bloody civil war which has indeed left millions dead over the last 20 years. The figures are horrific, but the atrocities have been committed by both sides. Slavery, rape, torture and mutilation have been used as weapons by the Islamic government forces and the Christian and Animist rebels. The Christian John Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Army was reported by the US State Department in its 1990 Sudan report to have forcibly conscripted over 10000 male minors and to have have forced men to work as labourers or porters. In 1994, Human Rights Watch, reported forced labour on SPLA farms. The splintering of the SPLA along ethnic lines has led to numerous factional wars within the south of the country and many of these have led to atrocities committed by Christian tribes and factions against Animists, especially in Eastern Equatoria. These are not problems of Muslims and Christians, they are the problems of an entire nation all but destroyed by continuing war, they are the problems of despair, and sadly, they are the problems of a nation that is too far away and too poor to matter more than in passing to those who have the wherewithal to help. I am not aware of any recent atrocities in the Baltics.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
Oh I see: you have a list of favourite atrocities: and evils which don't appear on your list can just be ignored. Nice.
quote:So you say. Sounds like you have been reading the propaganda of one side. You think Christians in the south have a right to enslave and cimmit atrocities against others? The war is not about Islam, or Christianity. It's about ethnic conflict, it's about power, and human greed - the factors which have driven war since time immemorial. One day it's Christians torturing and murdering and enslaving, wrapped up in a sham of religion; another it's Islam. To turn this into a religious issue is to play exactly the game that those who perpetrate such wars wish to play: to disguise their greed and hatred in distorted ideals and a repulsive parody of Godliness. And you know what? Christians are masters at it, and have been since the days of Constantine.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:I know of no reliably documented cases where they were not. Who knows? Both sides are behaving with a brutality I find unimaginable. Don't get me wrong, I find the actions of the northern Islamic government in Sudan repulsive in the extreme. But I find the actions of the so-called Christian militias in the south, especially to non-Christian communities equally repulsive. The slaughter and enslavement of non-Dinka Animists by the SLPA has been disgracefully overlooked by American evangelicals who present this as a one-sided conflict with Christian suffering as the main issue. Even when Christian's were in the government, they had nothing to learn from Muslims when it came to oppression, torture and genocide.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
[quote]Mr. P. sir, I didn't flat out deny your allegations about the south.[.quote]I would expect no less. It's twenty six years since I first took part in a public protest against slavery in Sudan - at that time the worst culprits were Christians in the south who sold Muslim and Animist captives into slavery in Uganda and the Central African Republic. More recently, Sudanese Animist refugees in Uganda have been attacked by the Lord's Resistance Army, who wish to run Uganda on the basis of the 10 Commandments. Up to date information on this soi-disant Christian organisation's rape, torture, chattel slavery and kidnapping can be found at Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)
quote:I did. I specifically named the US State Department's Country Reports, especially that for 1990. This remains a more specific and less partisan reference than any you have delivered on this issue so far. quote:All that's going on? Including persecution, kidnapping, slavery and coerced conversion by Christian's? I checked out the site and found none of those. quote:So you don't object to the northern Islamic government in Sudan forcibly conscripting minors either?
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:So you're saying angels are satellites? Do you think it really fulfills a prophecy if something fulfills the imagined terms of a prophecy by accident of name, or by deliberate naming? So all those prophecies about Jerusalem could refer to Jerusalem, Texas? And obviously the weeping in Ramah refers to Ramah, New Mexico. I suppose we have to hand to the prophecy-watchers, they have more imagination than a surrealist on speed. That's why every generation for the last 1900 years has found compelling evidence that the prophecies have been fulfilled and that the end times are just round the next corner folks - but don't let that stop you donating!
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:You don't have much faith in God, if you think such a little matter would be a barrier to His messengers.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:Well, that's pretty obvious as the population of the world is vastly greater in this generation than in previous ages. Your point is ...? quote:Rest assured, they had explanations for their fulfillments every bit as wacky as yours. They had little problem explaining that the prophecies did not refer to Jews but to the God's true flock, or the true people of Israel. No more fanciful than that new order of angels which complement the cherubim and seraphim - the sputniks of the Lord. quote:You are course entitled to your view. Me? Armnotageddon too worried.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:By my reading the quote says the LRA receive support from Sudan - not necessarily the goverment, but the territory. However, I'm not surprised you see something wrong with the picture, because you seem to presenting it as a religious struggle. If you view it as I do, as being about ethnic conflict, power, and human greed wrapped up in a sham of religion then it makes sense. quote:And how would you describe the forced conscription of over 10000 minors by the SPLA? You see, the problem is that faced with an allegation of abuse by Christians you segue into an example that downplays it. I don't get the impression you are being even handed. I do not want to play down my repulsion over the activities of the Sudanese government. But to present this as a simple us and them issue of Christians and Muslims is not right. Christians in the comfortable west have been far too willing to overlook the continuing problem of slavery in the southern, SPLA-controlled, areas of Sudan and the slavery practised by Christian groups in surrounding territories. The continuing culture of violence and slavery in the entire region and in all communities is the critical problem - not the practices of one religious group as opposed to another.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7902 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
Sincerely, thank you buz, I could ask no more. Do try to find a wide variety of sources: I've been learning much in the last fw days from the site you linked to. I'm sad to say you will surely find terrible accounts of atrocities wherever you look.
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