This is a reply to John as well.
I would be prone to disagreeing with one or two of your points, but really, from your side, I think you've answered too specifically and lost your most important point in answering all the others.
I don't believe Buzsaw was making a list of prophecies. He was addressing one prophecy, which is that Jesus said his Gospel would be preached in all the world. All the other points were simply to say that it was unlikely this prophecy would be fulfilled by chance.
Therefore, Paul, your statement:
as I have pointed out likelihood of fulfilment is not an issue.
is wrong. Likelihood of fulfillment is the only issue Buzsaw was really addressing.
I think your main point (and John's) was very good. Such a prophecy is made by every religious leader (or almost every one), so even if it wasn't likely at that point to be fulfilled by Jesus specifically, it was likely to be fulfilled in general, because some religion is always popular. In fact, it was so likely that Mohammed (Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormonism) or Buddha (or even Confucious) can claim such a fulfillment as well..
There's one more pretty interesting point, if you want to call it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Paul said that the Gospel had been preached in all the world in the letter to the Colossians (Col 1:5,6), so Paul was carrying it to "all the world" on his own before the Gospels were ever written (except maybe Mark or Q, if Q existed as a written document).
[edited for spelling]
[This message has been edited by truthlover, 05-16-2003]