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Author Topic:   why do you believe ?
Posts: 876
From: Richmond, Virginia USA
Joined: 05-06-2003

Message 1 of 40 (40092)
05-14-2003 2:05 PM

wasn't sure where to post this if it needs to be moved Please do
now Every Christen or any other person from any religon Should stop and think does this make anymore sense then other things?
What I mean is nowadays the Greek/Roman Religon of the Past is now regarded as Myths or fairy tales....... What makes the stories of an other religon anymore acurate? One thing people seem to Forget is People wrote the bible and Other Books like it! not God! what Makes it right?
many people will tell you God told them to write it... Did it?(I refer to God as it because I have no Idea if a Higher being has a gender) how do we know this? is Tradition the Only thing Keeping People Believing it? your Parents Believed it so you must to? Why is What is Passed down right?
It took me a while for me to Realize what I believe and I am still not sure but I have pretty Much gotton rid of the Bible I was brought up A Catholic and I struggled to find what I think is the truth and what makes more sense I was Always into Science and I always found myself Trying to Keep the 2 things separate. but there came a time when I couldn't anymore I needed to know what I believed and I came up with this God made Life. and gave it the Amazing ability to Change to help itself Adapt and Get better. This amazing Ability resulted in many Creatures including us!(I still have problems with this Mainly Because the existence of God Rasies even more questions) I am asking you to find out what you believe also don't Listen to your Parents on this! find OUT what YOU believe and what makes sense TO YOU find yourself not just follow traditon.
if it turns out to be what you think is the truth thats fine but don't be a follower think for yourself and Take known facts into Acount
انا ملحد. يحق لي أن ألفت محمد
Edited by DC85, : No reason given.

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 Message 2 by AdminPamboli, posted 05-14-2003 5:01 PM DC85 has not replied
 Message 4 by crashfrog, posted 05-14-2003 6:38 PM DC85 has not replied
 Message 21 by truthlover, posted 05-15-2003 9:24 PM DC85 has not replied

Posts: 876
From: Richmond, Virginia USA
Joined: 05-06-2003

Message 10 of 40 (40151)
05-14-2003 8:37 PM

I don't know about that........ The Bible seems to me that it was written to answer questions people had and it has worked for along time until like 100 and something years ago. I do admit it teaches many life lessons that are important. but how can anyone truly say they know that everything in it is the truth? I think a matter of tradition has to with alot of it your Parents believed and so do you and it carrys on and on. now I must admit it took me Along time to get the thoughts that where fed to me since I was a small child out
was this what I really felt or is it what I am afraid not to believe?
that can be confusing.
now I also do Realize these Stories comfort us we like to think we will live on when we are dead. but the truth is we don't know if we will.......... and that makes a certain amount of fear.
and I guess the Main focus is Creation and life. if there is a higher power did it create every single thing or did it create one thing and let it evolve? I see Evolution as the most logical and most soported idea. now on the statement of Love. I doubt there is such a feeling. its more of an animal attraction and we Just called it "love" I to have felt this Attraction very deeply toward other people (think about it) (I view people as just advanced animals not as Better creatures as a matter of fact I am writing a book on human behavior and how we are still very much animal)

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 Message 13 by Peter, posted 05-15-2003 5:43 AM DC85 has not replied

Posts: 876
From: Richmond, Virginia USA
Joined: 05-06-2003

Message 19 of 40 (40302)
05-15-2003 7:01 PM

We are Animals! Just ones with the Abilty to think past our instinct(which we have) We Devoloped this ability to survive Rather then Getting Claws or Armor. it is a MUCH better tool. I don't Know why we like to think we Are so good and the Perfect things when WE are Far from it. When we don't look for Power then We are no longer Animal(I will Explain more if you want me to)

Posts: 876
From: Richmond, Virginia USA
Joined: 05-06-2003

Message 25 of 40 (40337)
05-15-2003 11:16 PM

well I have a really Hard time with the concept that nothing Became something also..... I mean does nothing Explode?(Big Bang where everything came from) someone told me it was gas. But then I ask where did the Gas come from? I can get no answer (but my stupid Uncle said this "God Must have farted" then I asked him your religous?) well away from that I guess it would be reasonable to think everything must have been created. but it was said in another topic on here doesn't a god Complicate things more? it rasies yet more questions where did it come from?(I said it because how do we know a higher power is anything) is there another god then? wouldn't that contradict the Bible and other books? and then what created that god and on and on...........
[This message has been edited by DC85, 05-15-2003]

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 Message 27 by PaulK, posted 05-16-2003 4:14 AM DC85 has not replied

Posts: 876
From: Richmond, Virginia USA
Joined: 05-06-2003

Message 32 of 40 (40453)
05-16-2003 6:04 PM

well Myabe animals Don't know they are going to Die but they seem to know when others do..... I have observed in My Hamsters them covering the Body of there former Cagemate up. and I have also seen these Animals seem to get Depressed when this Happens. I had one that wouldn't move at all after the "friend" died IT hardly ate or did anyhting at all. a week later I got it a new "Friend" But it didn't seem to care at all it just sat. then it finally died......... also
My Cat comforts me when I am sick so its Smart enough to Know that..... do animals have more feelings then we give them credit for?
[This message has been edited by DC85, 05-16-2003]

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