"To believe in something without evidence would seem irrational, and at the same time to not believe in something with evidence is equally irrational."
The Bible is all the evidence one needs in order to believe there is a God. So read it, learn it, study it. Please don't sit there and say it's wrong without having read it (properly) first! I look at as much evolution stuff as possible, I hope evolutionists do the same with the Bible.
[This message has been edited by Spud, 05-14-2003]
"Evidence from the bible can't be used to verify the bible."
Lets say everything written in the Bible turns out to be true, you still don't think that is enough evidence? I mean if it is true, that would make creation a fact, Jesus, God, Satan, Heaven and Hell, and whatever else. You would be choosing to deny God then wouldn't you?
I'm not trying to throw a hyperthetical question up in the air. I am just trying to work out the way your mind is thinking crashfrog. Sorry for the confusion
------------------ When all else fails, anything remaining, no matter how unlikley, is probable.