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Author | Topic: Bible can predict the future!!! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
booboocruise Inactive Member |
In the 6th century BC (any Bible scholar agrees with this--even the Jewish readers of the Torah and the Talmud) Ezekiel predicted that the Jews' punishment would last for 360 [lunar] years for their sins--it was 536 BC. Anyway, in 536 BC, when the Jews were released from Babylonian captivity, many chose to stay in pagan Babylon. For their disobedience to God, Leviticus says that their punishment would be multiplied by seven. Guess what, if you multiply 360 lunar years by 7, and convert it to modern solar years, and you add it to 536 BC, you get the year 1948 AD--that's the year that God promised to end Jewish punishment--guess what, that's the same years that Israel became a country, and Ezekiel predicted it in ancient times!!!!
Also, Jesus said that his words will never be forgotten. He was a carpenter with NO political power, and he died at the age of 33, and was killed by a country that hated him. For him to claim that he'll never be forgotten was a joke at the time, but it came true: today the Bible is the best-selling book worldwide--there are over 2 BILLION Bibles in print today!!! And Jesus predicted it 2000 years ago. If you know of any more Bible prophecies that have COME TRUE this past century, or recently, post them here. If you want to hear more from me, I'll post more prophecies that have come true in the near future. Be patient, In Christ, Anonymous Christian
Celsus Inactive Member |
Actually, some scholars believe Ezekiel to be a third century fiction, and no reputable scholars believe that the 6th century writing survived without redactional gloss. For example, the book has Ezekiel travelling between Jerusalem and Babylon--what kind of exile was this exactly if the protagonist was free to move between both countries? At best, ch. 1-24 are pre-exilic. Secondly, support your assertion that God was measuring in Lunar years. A lunar year is 354 days long, and to make up for the shortfall, a twelfth month was inserted after Adar (February/March) every 36 lunar months. In other words, the lunar calendar used by the Jews was artificially corrected to account correspond with the solar year, and to so your proposal fails on this count (or would you like to switch to the Essene calender?). Thirdly, it fails on simple mathematics:
Lunar year = 354 daysSolar year = 365.24 days 360 x 7 = 2520 lunar years= 354/365.24 x 2520 solar years = 2442.4488 years - 536 BCE ========== 1906 (+1 since there's no 0 BCE/CE) =1907. Try harder next time. Joel [This message has been edited by Celsus, 04-14-2003]
THEONE  Inactive Member |
You thnk that Jewish punishment was over in year 1948? Why then they had 7 wars waged against them since then? the first one staring a day after Jewish state was proclaimed. and curent terrorist attacks?
I do have to agree, what you said is pretty interesting though...
Quetzal Member (Idle past 6171 days) Posts: 3228 Joined: |
Hi celsus! Welcome to evcforum. Hope you enjoy your stay...
THEONE  Inactive Member |
quote: That is even more interesting, in 1907, I believe, the Czarist secret police (Russia) came out with anti-Jewish propoganda called "The chronicles of Elders of Zion". Which fueled pogroms (organized riots against Jews). Also, fueling anit-Semitism in Germany, France and overall Europe... Some end to punishment I guess.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7876 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
quote:You believe mistakenly. The "protocols", not the "chronicles", were published privately in 1987, and publicly in 1905, and were based on a previous work from 1864.
Dr_Tazimus_maximus Member (Idle past 3516 days) Posts: 402 From: Gaithersburg, MD, USA Joined: |
quote:Damn, you mean that they were published by time travelers Sorry, I just could not resist. My Smartass gene has been working overtime recently. ------------------"Chance favors the prepared mind." L. Pasteur Taz
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7876 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
... d'oh and thrice d'oh! The day before tax day is not a good time to discover I'm transposing numerals
Thanks for pointing it out. I of course meant 1897.
THEONE  Inactive Member |
quote: You are right. Thanks for correcting me.
Mike Holland Member (Idle past 783 days) Posts: 179 From: Sydney, NSW,Auistralia Joined: |
Ho Booboo, what about prophesies that have not come true?
The Jehoha's Witnesses predicted from the Bible that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would return to earth in 1924. They even built a house for them, in California. The church elders moved in in the meantime... Herbert Armstrong (The Plain Truth, The Key to the Bible) predicted that Europe would declare war on the USA in 1975, after a terribkle famine in the USA. So lets have a prediction that we can watch coming true. Mike.
Gzus Inactive Member |
quote: Where'd you learn that? Sunday school?
peanutbean6111 Inactive Member |
Daniel 7 is about 4 beasts. Daniel dreams about them, but he does not understand what they mean. Now, we can. The first beast was a lion with eagle's wings.The second beast was a bear. The third beast was a leopard that has much authority. The fourth beast had ten horns and was very wretched. Throughout the Bible, beasts represent kingdoms and kings. The first beast was a lion with eagle's wings. England has the emblem of a lion, and has had that emblem for many years. Yet it does not have eagle's wings attached to it. In Daniel 7:4, the eagle's wings are seperated from the lion. America's "emblem" is the eagle. America began as an English colony, then, after the American revolution, America seperated from England, as the wings seperated from the lion. The second beast was a bear. Russia is most commonly represented as a bear. In Daniel 7:5, a voice said to the bear "Get up! Devour many people!". Since Joseph Staling came along, many of Russia's people have been "devoured". The third beast was a leopard. Germany is also commonly represented as a leopard. In Daniel 7:6, great authority was given to this beast. In every world war, Germany has been directly involved or the initial cause of the war. I say, this is great authority. The fourth beast has not yet come into power. In Daniel 7:23, it explains what this beast is, "[23]This fourth beast is the fourth world power that will rule the earth. It will be different from all the others. It will devour the whole world, trampling everything in its path. [24] Its ten horns are ten kings that will rule an empire. Then another king will arise, different from the other ten, who will subdue three of them. [25] He will defy the Most High and wear down the holy people of the Most High. He will try to change their sacred festivals and laws, and they will be placed under his control for a time, times, and a half a time." A time, times, and a half a time is about 3 1/2 years. In Christ, GOD LOVES YOU!
lpetrich Inactive Member |
Germany as a leopard? I can understand Germany as a wolf, but a leopard???
nator Member (Idle past 2469 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
That Hagee preacher dude on TV has a little graphic up on the screen during his sermons that reads, "Iraq: The Final War."
Something about the "End Times" and Armageddon, presumably.
Mister Pamboli Member (Idle past 7876 days) Posts: 634 From: Washington, USA Joined: |
I am humbled. I thought my Bulmer-Lytton prophecy http://EvC Forum: Prophecy -->EvC Forum: Prophecy was as fine a piece of exegesis as one could reasonably expect. But yet again my vain musings have been outdone by the insight of a true believer.
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