I just think some do not understand how objective and repeatable evidence carries more weight in describing the truth of this existance rather then subjective anecdotal experiences. Without that understanding, subjective experiences can be seen as equal or even greater than objective evidence. Yet, I still don't see how this is a choice.
you are spot on , and thats the issue the amount and type of evidence people need to belive in something varies greatly , and our desire will shape what evidence we reguard as valuable in the search for a truth to belive , further your past experience taints what value you put on both the evidence and the sorce of the evidence .....
some people seem to need to belive in something greater that "us" be it god , ghosts , ufo's , lucky clover , ley lines , astrology . . . . . .
these seem to treat evidence differently to the research scientist , evidence has to be personal , not second / third person ..
Edited by ikabod, : No reason given.