And Inquistor has a new name

A Jury does not interpret law. They are simply the fact finders. Only judges interpret the law, and this is done outside the presence of the jury. Their roles do not overlap.
M: Oh really...the jury are the fact finders? sure about that?
That said, a Jury Trial is not a system for interpreting the law as you believe. In fact, it is a well-established methodology for determining evidence for or against a specified theory, and is the most reliable mechanism in place today for ascertaining the truth of an alleged past event or fact (unless you can propose a better mechanism for determining the truth of a past event). That is the entire purpose of the Jury Trial.
M: A better mechanism is the scientific method including proposing a hypothesis, gathering evidence in support, generating evidence by experimentation, doing the same using science of different disciplines and seeing if said hypothesis needs revision or retraction. Data contradicting the hypothesis must be addressed and not merely argued around. Does the hypothesis have predictive value?Hypotheses that are supported by evidence from multiple sources become theories. Those that do not are discarded. All are tentative as is all science. Another key aspect of science, particularly in evaluating supporting evidence, is that it must be reproducible...when not it is fetted out and discarded...look up Hendrik Schn who was recently shown to have fabricated his data in multiple publications..his experiments were never reproducible.
Finally, science is a continuous process where theories are constantly tested and revised as new information comes in...general acceptance of a theory is not the end of the matter. Not so for a jury trial.
A jury trial is entirely unsuitable in addressing the validity of scientific questions.
...or if you are not Inquistor/appletoast/ten-sai/zephan..would you care to take a stab in showing us how a jury trial could "prove" the theory of relativity? How about epigenetics?..or how about an easy one..epistasis?
looking forward to it

[This message has been edited by Mammuthus, 05-07-2003]